Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 274 The gathering of true gods is worthy of being the Lord of the Netherworld!

The True God of Space, have you shown off your mental training recently?

True God Wuying looked at True God Lihuo with some curiosity.

This big brother is a little too unreasonable.

I can’t wait to find the True God of Space right away and ask him clearly.

In this way, they thought directly and appeared in the venue instantly as soon as they moved.

See the True God Lihuo

See the Shadowless True God

For a moment, the extremely respectful look appeared in the eyes of the False True God. There should be no disrespect in bowing and kneeling, Qiqi said loudly.

The sound can be said to be like thousands of heavy sound waves, rippling rapidly.

Now they regard these two as their saviors.

Although the true gods of space are all true gods who claim to be invincible in the world.

But everyone also knows the combat power between the true gods. In fact, the gap is not that big. Everyone has their own trump card.

Of course, it is still weaker than those in other domains.

Originally, I still asked him to come out and test it out.

Teach Lin Hua a lesson. The current situation has completely become a space. The true god does not take their opinions into consideration.

I am alone in making the decision.

This means that the True God of Space directly gave this favor to Lin Hua.

From now on, Lin Huaqi will not only take orders from the True God of Space.

This made the two of them very uncomfortable, which would not have mattered normally.

But they all agreed that Lin Hua would be responsible for guarding the safety of the entire Netherworld.

I want to wait until Lin Hua begs for mercy from the True God of Space, and then let Lin Hua take on the big responsibility.

The two of them stared directly into space, the true god's eyes full of inquiry.

The pseudo-true gods next to this expression naturally know the purpose of the two of them.

Now the fire in the hearts of the false and true gods has been lit again.

This time they pinned their hopes on these two true gods.

To be honest, these fake gods don't want Li Dehua as their immediate boss.

If Lin Hua was a kind person, then they would still be willing.

But now it is obvious that Lin Hua is a completely difficult person to get along with. When the time comes, they will all have to live under terrible pressure.

Maybe if Lin Hua is not happy, he will be devoured by them all.

Until now, each of them has been living in the shadow of Killing Wuji Fire.

This is not a joke, this is a real fear, it is true that they don't know what to do.

You are in their hearts, and Lin Hua can devour other false gods.

If Qian True God hands over power to Lin Hua, then no one will be able to arrive on the island.

This last life-saving straw was naturally placed on the remaining two Zhen.

What I want to say is that this Soul Eater is the inheritor of the power of space. He is enough to guarantee the foundation of our Nether Realm for tens of millions of years. Moreover, his power is extremely powerful and he controls the power of space collapse. Perhaps Soul Eater is the power from that space that qualifies you to become the next master of the Netherworld.

The true god of space. Through the method of transmitting sounds into secrets, he directly established a spiritual link with these two people.

Hearing this, the two true gods Lihuo and Wuying couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

They thought that Lin Hua must have cultivated the original power of the five attributes to have such a powerful power.

this moment,

They also wanted to understand why the power of the True God of Space could be dissolved so easily.

This is obvious, that is because it is other people's strength.

And I also understand why the attitude of the True God of Space has changed 180 degrees.

In fact, in all the heavens and worlds, the five origin gods meet people who practice the same sect.

They will never let it go, and basically kill them quickly.

After all, cultivating the true form to that point requires a huge amount of resources.

If there is a younger person competing for the same resources as him, their cultivation will inevitably be reduced.

But this space true god is different.

The power of space is originally a heretical method.

To be honest, few people can master the power of space. The other five elemental gods are at exactly the same level.

It is precisely because of this that practitioners of the power of space have always been very united.

If they do not unite, the resources they need will also be controlled by those who major in the five godheads.

There are very few resources for Tianmen cultivation, but there are also few people if you can't stand it.

So if you want to coach these partial people.

Basically, the relationship between public demand and demand is not that tense. Um.

Moreover, the partial sect requires everyone to communicate, unlike the powerful divine power of the attributeless origin, which is basically integrated into everyone's heart when they are born.

It is easier and faster to practice.

It's just that there are too many practitioners, which causes a problem.

Resources are also gradually reduced.

After understanding this truth, a look of understanding first appeared between the two true gods Li Huo and Wuying, and the beauties.

They naturally understand this truth. Apart from anything else, there are still many Five Elements in the Nether Realm who are true gods in origin. But why they cannot be promoted to true gods is not because their power system has not reached it, but because each of them has failed. On the way to struggle for resources.

Therefore, Lin Hua, as a relatively partial true god in their eyes, is more suitable for managing this void domain.

Because with the resources of the True God of Space, he can still devour such powerful power.

This is simply the inner sanctum of the true God.

, Haha, what a young talent, he is worthy of being the one we are waiting for.

Li Huo and Wuying True God came out to question him, but after hearing the words of Space True God, their faces instantly became gentle and stern.

Okay, the Netherworld in the future will be controlled by this Soul Eater. You have all heard it. There is no needle. In the future era, the aftertaste will be true. Shen Lianhua will be your leader. If you dare not respect the Soul Eater, That’s like disrespecting us.”

Li Huo and Wuying True God said in unison.

What the hell...what the hell?

When the other pseudo-true gods heard this, they all showed expressions of what the hell.

The same goes for Lin Hua. The corner of his mouth twitched to tell the truth, and he felt a little resistant in his heart.

I really want to have a fight. There is no need to engage in all these bells and whistles. The Lord of the Nether Realm doesn't care about these things at all.

Why did you want to unify the false gods before?

Just thinking that I can command them directly,

Block the news then,

Killing the True God is not to protect this Netherworld.

After all, Lin Hua just came out,

I don't have too much favorable impression of this Nether Realm in my heart.

I originally thought that when the two remaining true gods came out, they would definitely find out some stupid things.

When the time comes, it’s okay to just do it yourself. The teacher is famous.

I really didn't expect it to be like this.

If he had known this, Lin Hua would rather let them take action directly.

To be honest, it doesn't matter if Lin Huaguang is alone. He has used Soul-eating Insects. When the time comes, even if all the worlds want to find his footprints, they have to see if they are afraid. This is the ability of synthesis.

But it's different now. After all, there is still a planet of gods behind Lotus.

Naturally, it is impossible to let the person you love be in the hands of the two true gods, Li Huo and Wuying.

So in the Nether Realm, he still needs to be a little bit cautious. A little more low-key.

After all, the true god can control most of the resources in the Nether Realm, including the inventory of the god's planet.

But there is a very contradictory thing. Otherwise, there are soul-eating insects in hand. It is still a bit difficult to feed the soul-eating insects with the power of faith of believers in the divine space.

Is it possible that they discovered the soul-eating insects and that's why they didn't take action?

Lin Hua thought.

It shouldn't be. If they saw it, they would either run away directly, or kill them directly or notify all the heavens and worlds to deal with it.

After this conclusion was rejected, Lin Hua felt strangely thinking about what they were going to do.

Originally, Lin Hua planned to release his own Soul-Eating Insects.

Or directly express that he just wants to devour them.

Later, I thought about it, if this was the case, the whole world would know about these things.

Originally, Yinhua wanted to use the method of dealing with the Western Alliance to kill a group of senior generals, and then deceive the people below.

Now this Netherworld has become its own territory.

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