Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 270 The True God of Space Appears!

In the eyes of the Frost Pseudo-True God, Lin Hua probably just thought of a stopgap measure because he didn't have time to kill these Pseudo-True Gods.

If they were to be truly slaughtered, these people would definitely be killed by Lin Hua and eventually become part of Lin Hua's power.

So they both knelt down openly and begged to survive.

Are we going to surrender too?

The many true gods directly had doubts in their eyes, and some of them didn't know how to deal with it.

You are so unbridled, Soul Eater, do you really think that the Netherworld is your own decision?

The True God of Space couldn't bear it any longer and burst out of the air with a loud roar.

Ah! The true God is here

For a moment, all the pseudo-true gods present who did not kneel down breathed a sigh of relief.

One by one, they looked at the True God of Space pitifully, as if they had been directly insulted by Lin Hua.

Isn't it? It's so simple. They don't dare to say that they don't dare to cry. They don't even dare to fart in front of Lin Hua.

They were afraid that they would be killed suddenly by Lin Hua.

Now that I have seen the True God of Space, it is like meeting my savior.

It's as if there is a feeling of surviving a disaster.

Looking at the figure of the True God of Space, everyone almost cried.

What exactly did they experience this day? The grievance is not a small thing.

Now they are eager to let the True God of Space suppress Lin Hua quickly.

In front of the True God of Space, everyone was submissive and weeping, and everyone was willing to accept it.

After all, he is a true god.

He talks like a fake god. Facing players of the same level as himself, these people are more or less calm.

Now they can only hand over this power to Space, the True God.

There hasn't been much movement from the other two true gods, so there is no need for all three true gods to come out directly.

If the True God of Space is not Lin Hua's opponent, they can still come out to smooth things over.

If the True God of Space can suppress the pressure, then there is no need to take action next.

The True God of Space is naturally very measured.

The two true gods looked at your words with curiosity on their faces, wanting to see what methods this soul-devouring way had.

In terms of defense, the True God of Space is the strongest.

Even though the three true gods heard Lin Hua's shameless words,

The reaction was so huge, in my heart I actually wanted to teach Lin Hua a lesson.

Give him a slap on the wrist casually, don't let Lin Hua be so irritating.

Let him understand that he is not the only one in this world.

So the true god of space appeared.

In essence, Lin Hua still has to be conquered.


Lin Hua smiled disdainfully when he saw the True God of Space appearing.

Lin Hua's Soul-eating Insects, which others didn't know, knew that there were several true gods with high moral standards who had been spying on them.

They were already ready to make a move.

If the True God of Infinite Flame hadn't come out to seek death at the critical moment, Lin Hua would have gone straight to his lair and taken out the three True Gods.

This must be the true god of space.

Lin Hua said it neither humble nor arrogant.

This True God of Space looks very powerful, but Lianhua has a feeling that the True God of the West should be more powerful than the True God of Space.

I don't know if it's my imagination.

Soul Eater, you are going too far. Don't you know that we in the Netherworld cannot kill people casually?

A solemn look appeared in the eyes of the True God of Space, and he said in a deep voice.

Lin Hua's attitude did not occur to the God of Space.

, logically speaking, when you see him, you should have the same reaction as everyone else.

Everyone is respectful,

I don't dare to make any mistakes at all.

, Lin Hua like this is neither humble nor arrogant.

In his eyes, there were only two reasons. The first was that he had never seen him take action.

The second one is not to coward him at all.

The True God of Space took action before he came up. He was inferring Lin Hua's power to determine what Lin Hua's power was.

As the saying goes, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Although the True God of Space asked himself that Lin Hua was not his opponent, there must be an exception in everything.

After hearing the question from the True God of Space, everyone immediately became angry.

Where is the decadent attitude from before? It can be said that a dog fights against the power of others, and he performs it vividly, as if he is a born actor.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn't believe it.

The True God of Space, when he spoke, his voice contained the pressure of a True God, which instantly enveloped Lin Hua.

I think it's the fault of the Space God that we've been together for a long time, and I know it was him who jumped out on his own.

Lin Hua did not move, but raised his hand slightly to eliminate the space. The pressure of the true god, his expression did not waver at all, and he said faintly.


One sentence left the True God of Space not knowing what to do.

What surprised the True God of Space the most was that, facing his coercive control, he didn't receive any healing at all, which made him feel a little embarrassed for a while.

Who is this Soul Devourer? How does he possess such powerful soul power?

Li Huo Zhenshen, the two looked at each other, completely unable to believe their eyes.

is this real? Why does it look a bit fake?

The rest of the pseudo-true gods are naturally unable to feel Wia.

This kind of spiritual attack that only existed in words, Lin Hua resolved so easily.

Now the True God of Space is an extremely evil person.

Don't you know where we are in the Netherworld now? Although there is something wrong with the pseudo-true god of Wuji Flame, you can't kill him directly. He is very likely to become a powerful true god in the future. You can directly kill him now. Kill him. Do you know that this will be a huge loss to us in the Netherworld?

The True God of Space saw that he had no choice but to question him directly.

The voice can be said to contain endless pressure from the true god, and I want to test Lin Hua's details.

Facing Lin Hua, he didn't dare to be careless at all. The divine attack just now was easily resolved.

It originally entered his head easily, but unexpectedly it disappeared in an instant, as if it was swallowed by something.

At this time, the True God of Space realized that the title of Soul Eater was not for nothing.

This speed is too fast.

It's coming to a point where even the True God of Space has no time to withdraw.

At this time, the True God of Space understood in his heart that the power of his soul was not as powerful as Lin Hua's.

After knowing the news, the True God of Space was extremely surprised that he was not a major in the power of the soul, but he was a True God anyway.

Even if he doesn't practice at all, shouldn't he be crushed directly if he encounters a fake god like Lin Hua?

On the contrary, Lin Hua resolved it so easily that the God of Space could not find a way to reason with him.

When the True God of Space struck again this time, he did not directly choose to attack with the divine soul, but chose divine power to suppress it.


Divine pressure is a ranged attack. All the pseudo-true gods Qiqi felt the pressure of the true god's divine power in the space and took a few steps back. Several low-level pseudo-true gods had already knelt down on the spot.

However, these people all looked interested. They all looked at Lin Hua to see how powerful Lin Hua could resist the attack of the true god of this space.

But Lin Hua still didn't feel anything. He stood there, as if he didn't accept the pressure of space and the true god's power.

True God Lihuo was shocked when he saw this scene.

What does it mean? If the True God of Space cannot suppress Lin Hua this time, it will be difficult for him then.

The three true gods must not take action personally, otherwise they will laugh out loud.

Anyway, no matter what, they still felt extremely embarrassed and did not dare to say anything.


The next moment, the True God of Space was completely dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his eyes at all and rubbed them vigorously.

There's no way it won't happen, absolutely not.

Everyone present could see it extremely clearly, and an extremely shocked color appeared in everyone's eyes.

They couldn't believe their eyes at all. They looked at each other for a moment, with a questioning look in their eyes.

What did they see? They actually saw the pressure of the True God in space descending on Lin Hua.

There were no waves at all, it was as if the God of Space had gently brushed over the powerful pressure and disappeared without a trace.

Like a space, the power of the True God hit a big mountain hard, and then there was nothing left.

Immediately disappeared without a trace.

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