Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 269 Recovering the Nine-Yao Divine Fire, the second attack method

The faint light of the flame seemed to be extinguished at any moment.

The power emitted by the flames is not that strong.

The pseudo-true gods around them all looked confused and confused.

Why did the power of the nine flames decrease after they merged into one?

They shouldn't just merge together and explode.

Directly sweeping the entire void domain with terrifying temperature?

Why did such a situation arise?

For a time, none of the pseudo-true gods dared to move.

Look at me, look at me, you don't know what's going on.

A look of astonishment appeared in his eyes.

After everyone's intense eye contact, all eyes turned to Lin Hua.

Mainly because Lin Hua is so powerful. In terms of ability, I always feel that the changes in Jiuyao Shenhuo are due to Lin Hua's mischief.

Well, they saw that Lin Hua's Zerg Village was so powerful.

He immediately panicked, thinking that Lin Hua should be sent by other powerful true gods in the core domain.

I'm afraid Lin Hua will kill him and devour them all together.

After all, they all saw Lin Hua's improvement in strength.

Not a normal person at all.

Oh, not something that normal gods can compare to.

It completely frightened them.

He has been a fake god for so many years, which has frightened them.

Is this justified? No.

If someone feels that this scene is too harmonious and wants to say something fair, then it is estimated that these standing fake gods will directly beat the person who jumps out to death.

Lin Hua's strength is there now.

Looking at the Nine-Yao Divine Fire, no one dared to fight for it.

At this time, there needs to be a first

Crab eaters come up.

There is no doubt that everyone thinks that Lin Hua should be the best person to do this.

Of course this is the most suitable.

After all, in the current situation, if he takes action in advance, there is no chance that Lin Hua will directly target them.

At that time, there was no room for reasoning, and he was immediately killed.

The most irritating thing is that Lin Hua is a relatively low-level pseudo-true god.

It's not okay to bully the subordinates, but it's perfectly okay for the subordinates to overcome the superiors, and it will be respected.

If there is legal protection in this void realm, then no one can do anything to Lin Hua?

Even if they are the three true gods of their own faith, they will be avenged if they have time.

, the premise is also revenge, revenge after one's own death.

So what does Lin Hua do? It makes no sense.

If you don’t even have your own life, you don’t need other things at all, okay?

Naturally, none of them dared to be presumptuous in front of Lin Hua.

And this scene fell in the eyes of Frost's False True God and others.

Everyone was stunned in place.

In fact, no one has ever seen the real Jiuyao Divine Fire.

The previous Jiuyao Divine Fire only existed in the memory of when they inherited the divine throne.

In other words, it's a bit like history.

There are no people who have actually seen the Jiuyao Divine Fire.

After all, there is only one Jiuyao Divine Fire in the Nether Realm.

Moreover, when the nine flames rose up before, everyone looked at a loss and had never seen it before.

Don't know why it appears like this.

I hope you all have no objections to this Nine-Year Divine Fire, right?

I saw Lin Hua walking straight in front of the Nine-Yao Divine Fire, a ripple emanating from his hand, and the power of space collapse came out, and mysterious power rippled out.

In the blink of an eye, everyone saw that Jiu Yao was directly taken into Lin Hua's body.

However, he did not immediately put this kind of fire rock into the divine space.

This is very likely to directly burn the divine space.

Lin Hua used his own power to wrap a protective shield around his Jiuyao Divine Fire.

This is what finally placed it in the divine space.

We can't let Jiuyao Divine Fire destroy the divine space.

But he didn't want to devour it directly, Jiuyao Divine Fire.

In his memory, which is the memory of the God of Creation, Jiuyao Divine Fire is more used as an attack method.

After all, he is the orphan of the Creator God, so he still needs to use it appropriately.

As for the soul-eating insects.

This creature is too limiting to use.

After swallowing it, I went directly to sleep. When I went to sleep, what did I do during this time? Did I get beaten?

Apart from the soul-eating worm, Lin Hua does not yet have the second thing that can challenge him beyond the next level.

Now that we have Jiuyao Shenhuo, this time it can become the bottom-line treasure in ten minutes.


The rest of the pseudo-true gods present were confused. You looked at me and I looked at you.

It's that simple, no gotchas.

This is the problem for everyone. They dare not move. Why are they not really afraid of Lin Hua?

After all, the Nine-Yao Divine Fire is also very important in their memory. If they really can’t take it, why don’t they just run away?

What they are really afraid of is the Nine-Yao Divine Fire.

After thinking about it, what if the Jiuyao Divine Fire broke out directly?

I didn't dare to move for a moment.

Unexpectedly, Lin Hua actually accepted the Jiuyao Divine Fire directly.

Is it really that simple to return to Lin Hua?

I really don’t dare to think that some of the high-level pseudo-true gods present can also do this.

But that requires a powerful spirit, and some various things can be added.

Now everyone watching this scene suddenly understood why the infinite flames had no resistance in front of Lin Hua.

is not that right? This move amazed everyone even more.

Is the soul-eating method so powerful?

For a while, everyone was curious about what Lin Hua's original power was.

But at the same time, Jiu Yaoshen who was watching with his eyes would be put away.

His face was slumped down, and he just lay flat on his back without any effort at all.

I came here for Jiuyao Shenhuo, and ended up making wedding clothes for others.

Moreover, there are so many high-level pseudo-true gods who dare not even take a step if they are frightened by a mid-level pseudo-true god.

Who can I ask to reason with this?

Although they said verbally that we were just here to take a look, in fact they all wanted to come and hold the Jiuyao Divine Fire.

Everyone was a little helpless for a while.

But what else can be said, that’s all.

Now what everyone is thinking about is how to get out of this place as quickly as possible so that they will never meet Lin Hua, a freak in their lives.

To be honest, they are a little afraid of Lin Hua now.

The power of the mid-level pseudo-true god has exceeded all of their imaginations.

This is no longer the ceiling of the combat power of a false true god, this is the combat power of a true god.

Everyone looks at this. Lin Hua, who can be compared with the true god, entered Hanchan one by one and angered him, which was more terrifying than angering the true god.

'Can we go?'

A low-level pseudo-true god said something.



The three Frost and False Gods looked at this scene, their throats all felt dry and they couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

At first, when Lin Hua wanted to forcefully swallow the Jiuyao Divine Fire, they were sweating in their hearts.

I was afraid that Lin Hua would let these people block these strong men at that time.

At that time, the two of them did not dare to disobey Lin Hua's order. After all, the Soul-eating Insect was watching from the side.

And with the strength of these two people, if they want to block so many people, they must really walk over the corpse.

It looked like he had conquered the Jiuyao Divine Fire so easily, without any effort.

Using Time Frost to fake the true god, a look of doubt appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

At this moment, it seemed to them that Lin Hua was not what they saw.

People's strength is possible. It can already be compared with the true God.

It can be seen from Jiuyao Shenhuo's hand that Lin Hua's ability is probably higher than that of many high-level true gods.

Rao has already recognized Lin Hua as his boss.

They will also sigh at the powerful power. How did Lin Hua cultivate? His family is in the Nether Realm. How come his power is so strong?

On the other hand, they couldn't get on the stage at all, and each of them was a little unwilling. They really didn't know what to say.

I could only watch this scene quietly, helpless, and wanted to ask Lin Hua if he could practice.

But these two people didn't have the courage.

And one thing they are very curious about is how Lin Hua will treat these false gods next.

When the three of them went to sneak attack on the False True God of Balrog, they were worried that the True God would find out.

The void turbulence is a trap to prevent tracing.

Just lock the False God of Fire in the space and that's it.

After that, it was directly said that the False God of Fire and Demon encountered an accident. .

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