Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 263 I am the soul-eating pseudo-true god!

At this time, Lin Hua's level had reached level 58.

The sudden promotion instantly alarmed all the pseudo-true gods present.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Lin Hua.

But no,

Everyone's nerves were already highly tense.

After such a short time,

Just standing here eating melon and watching,

Suddenly he was promoted to a higher level,

Moreover, this level of improvement is naturally accompanied by a large amount of fluctuations in the power of the soul.

Even a fool can feel it.

The three true gods of frost,

I was in awe for a moment,

At this moment, they could no longer describe the shock in their hearts with words.


We were only a few days apart from Lin Hua.

Not even a day.

That is to say, meeting from the False God of Fire,

Arrive at the place where Jiuyao Shenhuo is just now,

In less than a day,

This is how many levels it has been upgraded to.

What level is this?

The two Frost Gods said they had never seen each other before.

This is simply a casual upgrade.


Jealousy envy hate ah!

All false gods,

They were all looking at Lin Hua. Before, they all noticed that Lin Hua was an unfamiliar face.

I didn’t say much,

After all, there are some people,

It’s normal not to like coming out.

Not every false true god is as jumping as the True God of Infinite Flame.

But when Lin Hua upgraded,

It seems like everything has changed.

Why did a mid-level pseudo-true god suddenly appear?

Let’s not mention this for now.

The key is that my brother got promoted suddenly on his own.

And they jump directly together.

A bunch of fake gods who can't advance to the next level in a year,

I don’t know how many mythical beasts have passed by in my heart.

I haven't seen this person before. Not only does he have a distinguished name, but he also came from that god's planet.

The True God of Wuji Flame's eyes narrowed and he spoke attentively.

At this time he discovered,

Lin Hua's power is a bit unfathomable.

If it weren't for the sudden promotion of spiritual power,

He couldn't even feel Lin Hua's breath.

He is obviously a mid-level pseudo-true god.

But it seems like a true god,

breath power,

All controlled to an excellent level.

Standing there like a primary pseudo-true god.

I was deceived!

This was his first reaction,


He didn't pay attention at all before.

After all, in his eyes, the high-level false gods are his real enemies.

If the rest of the people dare to resist,

Just get injured and that's it.

But now Lin Hua, the person who complained about the speed of promotion, pops up.

I need to study it carefully.

There must be something fishy!

Which god's planet am I from?

Lin Hua felt slightly embarrassed when he heard this question.

For a moment, my mind went blank.

These false gods are all named after the planets where they were born.

But what about myself.

Due to the special characteristics of his former god’s planet,

I have no contact with the outside world at all.

There is no ban at all.

In fact, in the Nether Realm and even in the entire heavens and worlds,

Once a false god emerges from a god's planet,

There will be bans.

What a false god.

Something truly divine.

Most are in the name of their own strength.

Lin Hua doesn’t know this rule.

After all, there is no guidance from anyone at this point.

It’s just a matter of crossing the river by feeling the stones.

Of course, the system did not tell itself such a thing.

I was a little dazed for a while.

I am the pseudo-true god of soul-eating gods, from the planet of soul-eating gods.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said.

Originally, Lin Hua wanted to call himself the True God of the Zerg.

But there is not a false true god of all insects,

If you are choosing this name,

How to be so cool?

But if it were replaced by something like a master,

That's too crazy,

Come back and be slapped to death by others,

Who can reason with this?

If you call it something like swallowing and collapse,

I always feel like something is wrong,

The final decision was made to call it Soul Eater.

Low-key yet domineering.

And he also plans to carry forward the Soul-Eating Insect,

In the future, this name will definitely echo throughout the world.

Let everyone be frightened when they hear it.

Now is the first step.

Soul-eating pseudo-true god?

I saw a look of doubt appearing in the eyes of the pseudo-true god of endless flames.

Obviously, I don't understand what kind of planet this is.

Never heard of it before,

Plus these people now

Everyone is highly nervous,

At the same time, the false gods beside them,

A look of curiosity appeared in their eyes one by one.

There was a look of doubt mixed in it,

Obviously they have never heard of this god planet.

This? Which line of defense is it on?

Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God thought for a long time before he realized,

I have never heard of it myself.

I couldn't help but glance at the person next to me.

It seems that he wants to ask in which direction the soul-eating god's planet is.


Uh? This...

I only see a bunch of false gods, you look at me, I look at you,

With a look of bewilderment,

It seems that he also wants to ask where the soul-eating god's planet is.

May I ask the Soul-Eating Pseudo-True God, what kind of original power are you cultivating?

Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God asked curiously.

Logically speaking, generally everyone will name it after the original power.

But after all, many times,

Many people's strengths are repetitive.

In order to show one's own uniqueness,

Some people will also name them after their favorite attack methods.

As a human being, people would not ask this matter casually.

But now Wuji Flame Pseudo-True God feels that Lin Hua may be the instigator of this incident.

After all, Lin Hua's spiritual power level has improved so quickly now.

If this is not the reason,

If Lin Hua's ability is snatched away,

Then I feel sorry for myself.

So he asked this just because he wanted to anger Lin Hua.

This is the same as when Cui Xining, the teaching director, asked about the location of the divine space.

This is completely exposing one's own strength to the other party.

And no matter how Lin Hua replies,

The True God of Infinite Flame has a way to kill Lin Hua directly.

Although the three true gods in the Nether Realm do not allow them to kill each other one by one.

But if the low-level and mid-level pseudo-true gods are given a label that is disrespectful to the high-level pseudo-true gods.

Doesn’t that mean you can play however you want?

So the Pseudo-True God of Infinite Flame wanted to use this reason to kill Lin Hua and gain his abilities.

After killing Lin Hua like this,

It is impossible for the true God to come and put sin on one's own head.

Why not do it?

at the same time,

The Frost Pseudo God and the two others also looked startled.

They know the rules of the Netherworld,

I also know that the Pseudo-True God of Wuji Flame has done many such things.

Everyone is preparing secretly,

This battle is about to start early.

He is already ready to fight the Pseudo-True God of Infinite Flame!

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