Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 262 The transformation of the soul-eating insect!

Once condensed into nine-color fire,

Then the war will be inevitable!

This way they won't have a chance to pick up the slack.

Just waiting to die.

Nowadays, picking up leaks is still a matter of luck.

So no one moved.

Now all high-level pseudo-true gods are unanimously exposed to the outside world,

So that they can't act rashly,

But later,

Then you can't tell.

It makes sense that one must have a big fist during the journey of cultivation.

As long as you become stronger in cultivation, you are right.

When your strength increases, no one will care what method you used to get it.

You all just be quiet! Otherwise I wouldn't mind killing you all!

A family of flames rose up in the eyes of the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God,

His eyes were filled with murderous intent,

He is bound to get this nine-color flame.

Although there are orders from the three true gods,

Don't let them kill each other,

But I hurt someone,

After resting for tens of thousands of years,

Still no problem.


The other high-level pseudo-true gods all have piercing eyes,

Looking coldly at the low-level and mid-level pseudo-true gods around them,

Although there are no words,

But the look said it all.

In fact, they really wanted to clear the place.

But except for the True God of Infinite Flame, no one acted rashly.

They are not stupid either, they know that there may be a conspiracy behind Jiuyao Shenhuo.

It's just that they don't know,

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have spread the news that there are so many false gods.

Most people choose to be just in case,


In the eyes of high-level pseudo-true gods,

These low-level pseudo-true gods and mid-level pseudo-true gods are all here to watch the fun.

It has no effect at all.

Just in case,

Everyone still chooses to wait.

A real fight,

Can these high-level pseudo-true gods easily obtain the Nine-Yao Divine Fire?

That is definitely impossible!

Even if you get it by luck, you may not be able to keep it.


They did not dare to offend the public.

If you directly choose to clear the place collectively,

It is possible that all false gods,

They will all unite to deal with them.

I don't think I can beat him.

Even if they fight, whether they can protect the Jiuyao Divine Fire is still a variable.

Everyone stayed in place quietly at this time,

No one made any small moves,

Each eye turns,

He seems to be thinking about something.

On the other side,

Lin Hua watched this scene quietly,

Now under the notification of the system,

We already know the origin of Jiuyao Divine Fire.

how to say.

The original power of Jiuyao Divine Fire belongs to the Netherworld.

And the original godhead of fire attribute obtained before,

It can be regarded as the origin of the divine planet.

It is also a clone of Jiuyao Divine Fire.

And the most powerful thing is not the increase in power brought to the master after being refined by Jiuyao Divine Fire.

It was the terrifying killing power of the Nine-Yao Divine Fire.

Lin Huayou has just been promoted to the pseudo-true god.

Although the strength improvement is crazy.

However, he still has not mastered the original power of the domain level.

strictly speaking,

The Soul-Eating Insect is considered a kind.

The devouring power of the Zerg,

Space collapses, etc.

These methods have been developed to the extreme,

It can be considered a kind of one.

It’s just that the origin of the Five Elements is the mainstream.

It also has the most resources.

It is rumored that the God of Creation has cultivated all five elements to the extreme.

Other abilities have even evolved.

As for other cultivation,

There are relatively few resources,

The conditions are also quite harsh.

For example, the False True God of All Insects currently in Abathur's hands,

He is the god who proved his way through the Zerg race,

It's just much worse than Lin Hua, the Zerg in God's Domain.

Lin Hua did not choose to take the path of the Zerg God at the beginning.

Simply because there is a better path to take.

Lin Hua looked at the scene in front of him and was not very anxious.

The Soul-Eating Insect is still sleeping.

Although you can wake up in about an hour after eating and drinking enough last time,

But this time, it seemed that I had eaten a little too much.

Still resting now,

Maybe some transformation is going to happen?

The larvae woke up one by one,

There are still no adults,

The other Zerg races have woken up,

Now they are busy reproducing,

Forcibly letting them out at this time,

That would be damaging the foundation of the Zerg race.

It is also damaging Lin Hua's foundation.


The three true gods have not yet appeared;

This is the fourth true god who is very likely to appear in the Nether Realm.

These true gods must also be observing something secretly.

The situation is unclear,

Just wait for a while!

When the Nine-Yao Divine Fire is completely gone,

fused together,

It’s not too late to take action!

Originally, Lin Hua planned to catch them all in one fell swoop.

But now I have changed my mind,

There is no need to expose the soul-eating worm prematurely.

This is one of my trump cards,

And being exposed means a trump card in the fight against all the worlds.

Unless absolutely necessary,

Cannot be used.

At the very least, these high-level pseudo-true gods here,

It's not that easy to deal with.

As long as there is a little bit of breath leaking,

The result can be imagined.

Lin Hua just came out,

It's better to be cautious in everything,

This is no better than the planet of gods.

Now I am considered a loner.

Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Hua doesn't know his own strength now.

What is your level in front of these people?

Although the Balrog Pseudo-True God is considered a high-level Pseudo-True God, it is obvious that

Starting from the moment when the Infinite Flame Pseudo-True God takes action.

The False True God of Fire Demon is no match at all!

We still need to collect some information on them.

Waiting here,

In Lin Hua's divine space.

The Soul-Eating Insect has begun to undergo transformation.

The previous Soul-Eating Insects were at most a demigod stage.

And after they devoured the False God of Fire,

The adults have also changed.

A little bit of light began to gather on his body.

It has already begun to evolve and transform towards the god level.

over time,

I saw that a gray substance that looked like a silkworm chrysalis had been constructed outside them.

Then black matter settled in the crack,

turned into pieces,

It fell immediately.

The soul-eating insects struggled to climb out of the black silkworm chrysalises one by one.

The black matter was immediately swallowed up.

Each one looks like,

Almost the same as before,

However, the current power is not the same as before.

Gradually, the soul-eating insect stretched out its head from the cocoon.

It has suddenly reached the god level.

The former demigod-level soul-eating insect,

More than three thousand,

Enough to devour the False God of Fire.

Now Lin Hua estimates that there are more than a hundred god-level soul-eating insects.

It is enough to swallow a high-level pseudo-true god.

And with the transformation of the Soul-Eating Insect,

The time flow rate ratio in the divine space has reached a terrifying level of one to two hundred and five.

Fortunately, only Lin Hua himself knew about the horrific acts in his divine domain.

Otherwise, the beings above the true gods in the core domain,

I also want to study Lin Hua carefully.

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