Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 234 The Origin of the True God, Devouring the True God

My people, you have finally followed your footsteps and found your way here.

A huge voice appeared next to my ears,

The sound was so deafening that Lin Hua was shaken for a moment.


Lin Hua looked at the huge figure in front of him.

The sound came from just there.

This huge figure is hundreds of meters tall.

The whole body was shrouded in a huge layer of smoke.

I can't see his whole face clearly.

It can only be barely judged from its appearance that it is a humanoid creature.

System, check the opponent's identity and strength.

Lin Hua thought.

Ding: Data is being checked.

[God level]: True God

【Priesthood】: True God of the West

[Psionic Level]: 60 (Damaged Seal)

[Believer]: Sacred series species, demon series species...

Looking at the data given by the system,

Lin Hua couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, the huge figure in front of me is the true God.

Moreover, he is also the true god of the Western Holy See.

It can be said that all the gods in the entire Western Alliance are his followers.

But why was he sealed?

Release me! I will make you a true god!

Just as Lin Hua was thinking, a loud voice appeared in his ears again.

Release the True God of the West?

Lin Hua chuckled and said,

Unless Lin Hua falls ill, he will release a true god with only level 60.

Not to mention the good and bad, if it is released, the other party can strangle himself to death with one hand.

Moreover, Lin Huakai is not a believer in the true God of the West.

Judging from his current state, it seems that he has been sealed by some force.

The one who can seal the true god must be another true god.

System, can I ask if this thing has been sealed?

For safety reasons,

Lin Hua confirmed with the system again.

Ding: The True God of the West is sealed by the True God of the East and cannot move. However, the power of the seal is gradually weakening, and it is expected to be broken out within ten years.

The system's answer is still so cold.

Will this guy break the seal?

Lin Hua was shocked.

What about the true god who sealed him?

Ding: The Eastern True God has fallen in the True God War a million years ago.

Before the True God of the East fell, he exhausted his divine power to seal the True God of the West. The power of the seal could not be maintained and was weakening day by day.

Lin Hua: ...

Has the True God of the East... fallen?

Lin Hua was speechless after hearing the system's answer.

And judging by the tone of the system, it seems that the sealed Western True God will escape from the trap soon.

By then, there is no doubt that this divine planet will become a dependent of the true God of the West.

For the dependents of former enemies - Eastern gods.

The outcome can be imagined.

Although Lin Hua traveled to the planet of gods.

But after so many years of enjoying so many generous benefits from the Eastern Alliance,

Protect your home and country! It is our duty to do so!

System, please tell me carefully what is going on with True God.

Lin Hua forced himself to calm down and asked.

Ding: Everything in the universe is divided into...

After systematic explanation, Lin Hua probably understood,

The operating logic of this universe,

The universe is a huge world that is boundless and has no size.

In the endless universe, there are endless planes and countless species.

The weak worship the strong and become believers of the strong,

Then, God exists.

The god planet where Lin Hua is located lists the god-level creatures in the universe.

However, it is not just a group of gods that possess god-level power.

In the universe, there are many species that stand side by side with the gods.

For example, the clan of extraterrestrial demons wandering in the void have almost the same spiritual level as the gods.

According to the strength of the psychic level,

Planes and species are divided into ordinary, god-level and true gods.

Ordinary planes are the common lower planes, middle planes, and upper planes.

These planes exist the most in the universe,

Almost too many to count.

The species living in these planes will not be higher than demigods.

Beyond demigods, the normal planes cannot withstand the psychic power of this species.

If a god forcibly enters the ordinary plane, then this ordinary plane will continue to collapse and shatter.

Moreover, the speed of collapse is much greater than the speed of the plane's own repair.

Over time, this plane will be finished.

However, there are limits to the power of species.

For example, the dwarves will die when they reach the fifth or sixth level.

For example, for the giant dragon clan, reaching the level of demigod is the limit.

Is there no other way to improve it?

Yes, that is belief in becoming a god.

Recruit believers, absorb the power of faith, condense your godhood, and achieve the priesthood.

The gods gain power by absorbing the power of faith from species in the ordinary plane.

The power of the gods is directly linked to the power of believers and the divine realm.

The more believers there are, the more divine realms they control and become more powerful.

This is also the reason why Lin Hua can kill the upper god when he is the middle god.

Because there are too many Zerg races, there are also too many divine realms under their control.

Therefore, the intensity of divine power and spiritual energy are simply not comparable to that of ordinary gods.

In addition to becoming a god through faith, there is another way to become a god yourself.

But this condition is even more stringent. Generally speaking, only species above the level of divine beasts are qualified to become gods.

Such as green dragon, white tiger, phoenix and so on.

There is no need for faith, you can directly break through the shackles of the demigods by relying only on yourself.

It sounds ridiculous, but actually I still don’t believe in becoming a sacred cow.

Rather than becoming a god-level creature yourself, it is better to let a god-level creature directly become your believer.

As for those above the divine level, there is the supreme true god.

However, higher gods will not directly become true gods;

There will be a process of gradually swallowing and expanding in the middle,

And this process is called pseudo-true God.

More powerful than the upper gods, but weaker than the Zhigao True God.

The spiritual power level of Zhigao True God is one hundred.

Those below one hundred levels are all false gods.

Before they become true gods, the pseudo-true gods in the universe will continue to fight and rob their enemies of their followers who are true gods.

Like a dark forest, all who know the hunter are also the prey.

I see!

After listening to the systematic explanation, Lin Hua finally had an intuitive understanding of the universe.

Then, if nothing unexpected happens,

Millions of years ago, the planet of gods did not originally exist.

Until one day, the True God of the East and the True God of the West discovered each other in the endless void universe.

To be precise, they are two false gods.

In order to rob the enemy of high-quality believers and enhance one's own divine power, that is, spiritual power,

An unusually protracted war broke out.

Judging from what we know so far.

The True God of the East was defeated by the True God of the West.

But as a price, the True God of the West was suppressed and sealed in the special space of this Tower of Ascension.

And cut off any breath.

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