Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 233 The True God’s Treasure is Uncovered!

The divine support was disconnected, and the cracks on the tower of ascension slowly closed.

The colorful rune seals closed again, making it airtight.

Western Alliance, you scum!

The commander was furious and released all his divine power.

The red archbishop of the Western Alliance also unleashed all his divine power, tit for tat.

The atmosphere at the scene became tense instantly, and a fight could break out at any time.

If a fight breaks out here, the entire planet of gods will be in great turmoil.

After the bloody battle, it is very likely that one of the alliances will be destroyed.

So both sides are very cautious this time.

what's happening outside,

Lin Hua naturally didn't know.

At this moment, his body had turned into a stream of light and submerged into the golden energy ball in the inner space of the Tower of Ascension.

What a terrifying pressure!

The closer Lin Hua gets to the outer wall of the golden energy ball, the more oppressive power he can feel.

Even with his twenty-sixth level of psychic power, it was very difficult to resist this oppression.

Very, very strenuous.

The power of flying and teleportation that broke the rules was completely lost.

Under the powerful pressure of the True God Plane, Lin Hua completely turned into an ordinary person.

But this has made Lin Hua very satisfied, at least he can survive in the plane of true god.

If it were replaced by an ordinary high-level upper plane, it would only be a 19th level psychic level.

I'm afraid that if I just get close to the true god's plane, I will be crushed to pieces by its powerful rules.

Soon, Lin Hua came to the outer wall of the golden energy ball.

Without any obstruction, Lin Hua's body naturally blended into it.

His eyes were suddenly covered by a vast expanse of white, and he couldn't see anything.

This is the plane of the true God!

Lin Hua's heart froze and he looked around.

Powerful forces of oppression came from all directions.

Divine power is greatly restricted here and can only exert a small effect.

Behind is a thin transparent space wall,

Lin Hua came in from here, and he could go out at any time through here.

Finally in!

In any case, the immortals and demons lock the surrounding environment.

However, just when Lin Hua was planning to walk around looking for clues.

A huge canine creature suddenly gathered in front of him.


This huge dog-shaped creature has long hair and no internal organs on its abdomen. It looks extremely terrifying.

System, quickly judge its strength!

Lin Hua spoke decisively.

This is the true god plane where even the upper gods cannot survive.

Lin Hua didn't think that the strange creature in front of him would be that simple.

Ding: Data analysis is in progress.

[Chaos]: Believers of the Eastern True God.

[Stage]: God level.

[Psychic Level]: twenty-two

what the hell?

This monster that looks like this is actually a serious god-level creature.

There are a full twenty-two psychic levels.

In other words, it is stronger than the most powerful high-level god on the planet of gods.

Lin Hua was so frightened that he almost ran away on the spot.

But then I thought about it, I have level 26 psychic power, why should I run?

In fact, Lin Hua is indeed more powerful.

It's just that the appearance of this monster looks quite intimidating.

A believer in the True God of the East?

Looking at the property list on the system,

Lin Hua fell into deep thought for a while.

This Chaos himself has seen it before. It is one of more than one hundred mythical beast-level creatures unique to the Eastern Alliance.

Could it be said that the Eastern Alliance was originally created by the true god of the East?

Even the entire planet was created by the True God of the East.

The Tower of Ascension existed long before the gods.

A mysterious building that exists for sealing purposes.

True God Plane and True God Fragments.

This series of clues are connected together, and Lin Hua probably understands the cause and effect of the matter.

But whether it is what I guessed requires further exploration.


At this moment, the chaotic beast in front of him pounced forward.

Like Lin Hua, Chaos's strength has also been greatly suppressed in the plane of true god.

Although it has a psychic level of twenty-two, under the pressure of powerful rules, the power it can exert is very limited.

Rookie vs. Rookie! bring it on!


Lin Hua reached out his hand without hesitation,

An invisible force gathered instantly, and a black hole seemed to appear where Chaos stood.

The space quickly collapsed,

This is Lin Hua's theocratic function - the power of annihilation.

It can put the space into a state of forced collapse and annihilation.

Any creature within it will be torn apart and devoured by the power of annihilation.

The chaos in front of me suddenly twisted like a whirlpool,

This is the effect caused by space distortion and annihilation. If the effect of the power of annihilation is placed in an ordinary divine domain,

It can directly cause annihilation and collapse of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, but in this true god's plane, it can only cause annihilation and collapse of a few cubic meters.

But this was enough, the space where chaos was located was quickly annihilated and collapsed.

Together with his body, they were directly annihilated in the void.

What a powerful power of annihilation!

Lin Hua took a long breath.

Fortunately, my own psychic level is higher than that of my opponent.

But in the final analysis, the priesthood of domination is more powerful.

The power of annihilation, without reason, is directly erased.

There are probably many powerful creatures in this plane, so it's better to be careful.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua couldn't help but be a little cautious.

After some observation, Lin Hua discovered that,

This small plane also has sizes,

The further you go to the middle, the greater the pressure in the plane.

Lin Hua moved to the middle cautiously,

As you move toward the middle, some topography gradually appears in this plane.

Some mountain ranges and grassland terrain appear scattered. They do not appear completely, but appear in pieces like game modeling.

It's like someone created it.

Lin Hua's luck is quite good.

After walking for a long time, I didn't encounter another god-level creature.

Soon, Lin Hua came to a broken valley, and an unparalleled terrifying pressure came from it.

At this point, the space began to twist and break, cracking like a mirror.

This is the way the plane cannot withstand its powerful ability and continues to collapse.

Isn't it a power that even a true god-level plane can't withstand...

Lin Hua couldn't help but feel shocked when he looked at the broken and continuously restored connections around the planes.

The powerful source of energy was in the valley ahead. Looking across the valley, Lin Hua saw that the annihilated space was completely shattered.

Everything around him was shattered like a mirror.

Ahead, a huge humanoid body was trapped deep in a cage.

This is……

Lin Hua was shocked. All the pressure in this plane came from this huge body.

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