Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 205 Fallen Angel VS Queen of Blades

Ahem, this is already good!

Lin Hua immediately spoke.

Emotional nerves are not needed.

In other words, the Queen of Blades' memory has been completely formatted.

The memory of the human period is completely gone.

In this case, Lin Hua would be relieved.

Abathur, you have done a good job, continue to provide more efficient plans for the Zerg.

Lin Hua rewarded Abathur without hesitation.

Thank you to the Zerg God for being willing to do your bidding!

During the conversation between Lin Hua and Abathur.

The Queen of Blades has fleetingly arrived in front of the fallen angel Lucifer.

Two huge forces collided together,

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the space was distorted.

All the invincible objects around him that could be destroyed were shattered into powder by this powerful force.

Ninth-level species?

How can this be?

The other side of the divine realm.

The arrogant Cardinal Archbishop's extremely shocked voice came over.

He would never have thought that there would be a ninth-level species in Lin Hua's divine domain.

Is Lin Huacai just a high-level mid-level god with such terrifying strength?

You're dead today!

The red archbishop sneered twice, murderous intent rising in his heart.

It would be great if Lin Hua became a high-ranking god.

Doesn’t it mean that the entire planet of gods has no rivals!

Thinking of this, he ordered the fallen angel Lucifer to start a crazy attack,

Fallen angels are different from angels.

The strength of the angel family lies in their sacred spells and essence power.

The strength of fallen angels lies in their physical strength, and their ability to fight in close combat is extremely strong.

It is equivalent to a full-time mage becoming a warrior.

Lin Hua can also feel this.

The fallen angel Lucifer vigorously fanned the wings of the fallen angels behind him,

Holding a dark holy sword several meters long, the muscles all over his body bulged like hills.

Full of explosive power.

But unfortunately,

The Queen of Blades is also a melee combat unit.

Real men should engage in hand-to-hand combat.

The only thing divine authority can do is, the blood of darkness!

The voice of the red archbishop sounded again,

Above the sky, a drop of blood exuding dark power dripped,

It accurately sank into the head of the fallen angel Lucifer.

The next moment, Lucifer's aura began to rise steadily as if he had exploded.

Huge devil horns grew out of his head,

The body shape has also expanded by a full circle compared to the previous one.

Is it to strengthen the divine power of buffs...

Lin Hua narrowed his eyes slightly and paid close attention to every move on the battlefield.

Queen of Blades, tear the enemy in front of you into pieces!

Lin Hua descended to the divine realm with a majestic voice.

As ordered, I will replace the Zerg and tear apart all the enemies in front of me.

The Queen of Blades bowed her body, and then her entire body rushed out like a sharp sword.

The sharp claws on his hands went straight to the forehead of the fallen angel Lucifer.

Hmph! You dare to take the initiative to attack. How arrogant.

The red archbishop snorted coldly and spoke in an extremely arrogant tone.

If my guess is correct, your ninth-level species should have just completed its advancement!

After the red archbishop had just completed the connection to the divine realm, he specially used his spiritual mind to briefly scan Lin Hua's divine realm.

At that time, the red archbishop was not aware of the existence of ninth-level species at all.

It was only after the fallen angel Lucifer entered the Linhua Divine Realm that this ninth-level species suddenly appeared.

Either they have just completed the advanced stage,

Otherwise it is extremely concealed.

Your new ninth-level species has no advantage over my fallen angels.

After thinking about all this, the red archbishop's tone became even more arrogant.

He didn't think the Queen of Blades, who had just been promoted to a ninth-level unit, would have to fight against his fallen angel, who was close to a demigod.

I'm afraid I'll be instantly killed!

However, the arrogant cardinal soon discovered that he was wrong.

And it's completely wrong.

On the battlefield, the Queen of Blades was extremely fast, and her sharp claws quickly turned into an afterimage.

Grabbing the fallen angel's head,

However, the opponent was not a vegetarian either. He quickly placed the giant sword several meters long in front of him.

The fierce collision between the claws and the giant sword erupted with a violent metallic buzzing sound.

Terrible power surges around,

In a battle of this level, low-level species would be affected and die tragically on the spot if they stood aside.


The next moment, the Queen of Blades' body twisted in a weird posture,

The bone spurs behind him quickly shot out to penetrate the enemy's body.

The Fallen Angel's hands were restrained by the Queen of Blades' claws, making him unable to mount an effective defense.

Moreover, the surrounding rules of heaven and earth have been disrupted by the Queen of Blades' aura, making it impossible to teleport away.

In desperation, he could only rely on his armor and physical strength to resist a bone spur attack.


Just for a moment,

The bone spurs behind the Queen of Blades easily pierced the Holy Armor and flesh and blood outside the Fallen Angel's body.

A large amount of burning fallen blood flows out of its body,

These fallen blood are very corrosive,

But it doesn't work at all against Zerg and Queen of Blades.

How can this be?

The horrified voice of the red archbishop sounded from behind.

Just one attack broke Lucifer's defense.

This can no longer be described as strong, it is simply abnormal.

A species that has just reached the ninth level is simple;

It usually breaks the defense of a nearly half-length species.

He was also seriously injured.

What the hell is this concept?

Is this reasonable?


Theocratic functions, space ! Master!

The red archbishop shouted loudly again.

A terrifying divine power descended, forcing the power to break through the rules and teleport the fallen angel Lucifer to even kilometers away.


Lin Hua hummed lightly,

It is actually another theocratic function.

As expected of a high-level god, he has many tricks.

Lucifer was hit by the Queen of Blades' bone spurs, and a large amount of corrupted blood gushed out from the wound.

What a terrifyingly powerful body. You are really a ninth-level species.

After temporarily escaping danger,

asked the cardinal in a tone of utter shock.

You think you're safe if you escape the Queen of Blades' attack range.

Lin Hua did not answer the red archbishop's doubts.

He just spoke calmly.


The red archbishop responded disdainfully,

In his opinion, super close combat ability means the loss of long-range combat capability.

Psychic explosion!

The Queen of Blades stretched out her right hand and pointed it in the direction of Lucifer,

Then the palms of his hands suddenly clenched.

All the energy in the nearby heaven and earth gathered instantly after receiving the powerful spiritual pull of the Queen of Blades.

Compressed into a singularity.

Then, it exploded!


Only a huge explosion was heard.

The location where the fallen angel Lucifer was standing exploded instantly,

Psychic explosion, killing instantly with one hit.

Abathur, what did you discover in the battle just now?

Lin Hua asked,

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