Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 204 The Queen of Blades is coming! Invincible God!

How about bringing back the Jealous Insect God?

Lin Hua frowned and thought.

I am afraid that only ninth-level Zerg units can defeat this fallen angel.

Just when Lin Hua was hesitating,

A huge beam of light suddenly rose into the sky,

The terrifying psychic power echoed throughout the entire divine realm.

This force is so powerful,

So much so that the dark power of the fallen angel Lucifer was eclipsed in front of it.

Immediately afterwards, a humanoid creature rose into the sky from the insect hole.

The terrifying power shattered the clouds,

Disrupting psychic energy for millions of kilometers around.

In the insect lair, Abathur raised his head and stared blankly at the Queen of Blades in the sky with a pair of compound eyes.

The gene chain is reorganized from the grassroots organization. It is stronger than humans and Zerg. The genes are mixed and orderly, and they are completely different in nature.

The new structure is too powerful and cannot be understood. Continue research!

This powerful force,

It's the Queen of Blades!

After multiple mutations in the cocoon, she finally came to this world!

The psychic storm caused by her appearance instantly shattered the rules of heaven and earth for hundreds of kilometers.

The dark aura emitted by the fallen angel was directly shattered.


Lin Hua did not expect that the Queen of Blades would be born in this world.

But this is also a good thing. In this case, there is no need to urgently recall the jealous insect god to deal with the red archbishop.

System, quick! Check the properties panel!

Ding: Open the Queen of Blades attribute panel.

Queen of Blades: Level Nine

Hero mission introduction: The ultimate perfect creature that combines pure spiritual energy and pure body, possesses terrifying spiritual power and a powerful physical body.

Skills: Psychic Explosion, Aura Shattering, Fortitude

Evolution: The existing gene sequence of the Zerg will not be inherited for the time being, and the subsequent evolution will be taken care of by the Cerebrate.

Is this a combination of pure spiritual energy and pure physicality?

Look at the introduction on the panel.

Lin Hua murmured.

Pure psychic energy should refer to the powerful psychic talent provided by human Mao Jingjing

The pure body refers to the body of the Chuanqing tribe, a terrifying body that is constantly evolving and strengthening.

The combination of the two makes for an almost perfect unit like the Queen of Blades.

However, the Queen of Blades is a special ultimate unit of the Zerg.

Therefore, it does not inherit the existing genes of the Zerg.

But with Abathur around, it will continue to mutate the Queen of Blades into stronger ones.

Next, the Queen of Blades comes with three initial skills.

[Psychic Explosion]: The Queen of Blades possesses extremely strong psychic power.

Able to create psychic explosions anywhere within a hundred kilometers of itself,

Effectively kill the enemy.

A single point explosion at any place?

The range is actually a hundred kilometers in radius!

And it does not require any medium propagation and accumulation time.

Very powerful damage skills.

I just don’t know how powerful it is, I can try it later.

[Aura Crushing]: The Queen of Blades has extremely powerful aura oppression.

Her existence is the greatest terror,

Her powerful aura ability can disrupt the laws between heaven and earth.

Attacks that ignore the power of rules,

And oppressed with a bloodline aura that can crush other species.

Disturbing the laws of heaven and earth?

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment.

The power of the laws of heaven and earth is the most powerful attack method and power in the ordinary plane.

For example, the power of thunder and lightning, the power of fire, and the power of the earth are all included in this list.

The power to disrupt or control rules can only be done by gods.

For example, Lin Hua can control the power of the basic elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth at will.

In the God's Domain, at least a ninth-level or semi-god-level species is required to do this.

Even if it is done, it is only using the power of some rules to defend or attack.

How could the Queen of Blades directly use her powerful aura to disrupt the power of rules in the nearby space?

Not only that,

The Queen of Blades' aura can also cause devastating damage to the bloodline auras of other species.

This is how the dark aura surrounding the fallen angel Lucifer was shattered.

Finally, the Queen of Blades can also be immune to rules-level attacks.

The theocratic functions controlled by the gods can be regarded as the power of rules, but they are useless to the Queen of Blades.

In other words, if you want to cause damage to the Queen of Blades, you can only break through the defense with powerful force.

The power of rules is useless in front of her.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua turned his attention to the Queen of Blades' last skill.

[Fortitude]: The Queen of Blades incorporates the most powerful physical evolution of the Zerg race, and is covered in rigidity that is indestructible. In addition, she also possesses the ability to never tire or rest.

Never get tired?

It would be okay to say that the defense power is amazing.

This idea of ​​never getting tired is a bit too much.

It is equivalent to that as long as the Queen of Blades does not die, she can keep fighting.

Summarize it in one word! Invincible!

It is indeed the ultimate unit of the Zerg, and this panel of skills looks outrageous.

The Jealous Bug God and the Queen of Blades are both ultimate units for the Zerg.

But the Jealous Insect God is only an auxiliary ninth-level unit.

The Queen of Blades is a solid ninth-level combat unit.

Just the jealousy of the Insect God swept over everyone at the same level,

Then the strength of the Queen of Blades made Lin Hua look forward to it more and more.

above the sky,

A human female creature floats in the air.

His whole body is covered with the Zerg's old-fashioned features, and there is a pair of huge bone wings behind him.

On the bone wings, eight huge bone spurs protrude from them.

The function of these bone wings is not for flying, but for close combat.

Don't underestimate these bone spurs, their sharpness can easily destroy everything in the God's Domain.

Even far better than the single-molecule giant blade of the mammoth.

I am the Zerg!

She stood high in the sky, exuding astonishing oppressive power all over her body.

Queen of Blades, I am the God of the Zerg. Defeat the enemy in front of you.

Lin Hua established a relationship with the Queen of Blades.

You are...the God of the Zerg...the master of all things!

A trace of doubt flashed in the Queen of Blades' eyes,

But it soon passed.

As you command, I will replace the Zerg and tear apart all the enemies in front of me!

After saying that, the Queen of Blades' body turned into a stream of light and quickly rushed towards the fallen angel Lucifer not far away.

Her power is so powerful. Along the way, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the clouds are broken.

The power of the rules of natural enemies around them has been disrupted.

Abathur, does he have no memory?

Lin Hua used the spiritual network to contact Abathur and asked,

Does this Queen of Blades still retain Mao Jingjing’s memory?

Abace's magnetic bass came quickly.

Memory is not important. Brain tissue is the key.

I have reprogrammed the neural structure of its brain tissue, stimulated neurons, removed betrayal, and enhanced loyalty.

If necessary, you can also add emotional nerves!

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