Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 182 New operations, combined skills? ? ?

These unruly beast-level creatures obviously think too much.

Lin Hua simply disdained their surrender.

Stupid! You are the stupidest god I have ever seen.

The three mythical beast-level creatures were completely angered.

Yinglong sprayed out a large amount of mist from his mouth,

The corrosive intensity of these mists makes it impossible for even creep tumors to survive.

The nine-tailed demon fox and tan snake also started to make trouble,

Destroy all kinds of landform resources everywhere.

If it were replaced by other gods,

With these three mythical beast-level species causing trouble in the divine domain, I'm afraid it will be a headache for some time.

But for Lin Hua,

The resistance of these three mythical beast-level creatures is a joke.

What's more, it's a sixth-level creature.

Zerg! Devour the genes!

Lin Hua issued his order.

Lin Hua still looked down upon sixth-order mythical beast-level creatures.

Just send out hundreds of springtails to take care of these three mythical beast-level creatures.

It is worth mentioning that,

A springtail was actually drained of blood while hunting these three mythical beast-level creatures.

The system issued a reminder of minor injuries from springtails.

After careful inspection, I discovered that some springtails were contaminated with Yinglong's mist.

This very peculiar acidic substance can corrode and penetrate everything.

It can penetrate even the rigid rigidity of springtails.

And this mist seems to be different from others,

It's not a physical attack, nor is it the power of rules,

It's not even a special attack method.

Ding: The Zerg devoured Yinglong's genetic sequence - Mist Dragon Roar.

Ding: The Zerg swallowed the nine-tailed demon fox's gene - the nine-tailed spiritual fire.

Ding: The Zerg swallowed the gene of the tango snake - the dirty water sac.

As the three mythical beasts were eaten clean,

The system beep sounded again.

Lilia, fuse these genes into the Zerg's body and share them with the Zerg in Zagara.

Lin Hua passed the genetic mutation plan to Lilia through the spiritual network.

Lilia received the order and merged it into the entire Zerg race.

By the way, the mutation plan was also shared with Zagara in another divine domain through the unique Zerg network.

Not only Zagara;

As long as there is a place in this world, there is an insect queen.

All can share this gene mutation through the spiritual network.

In other words, the Zerg in the extraterrestrial plane whose devouring progress is only 1% or 2%,

You can also enjoy the mutation program of this gene.

Ten minutes later,

The Zerg completely integrated these three mutated genes and were greatly strengthened.

Lin Hua opened the properties panel and checked them one by one.

[Dirty Water Sac]: It comes from the dirty water storage capsule in the body of the snake. It is a strange and extremely corrosive liquid. Once contaminated, it is difficult to protect yourself unless you break your arm. This gene can act on cockroaches and explosive bugs. Replaces the original corrosive acid.

More corrosive?

Lin Hua murmured.

According to legend, the dirty water stored in the snake's dirty water sac,

It is an extremely corrosive liquid.

Once it touches a living thing, it will die quickly.

Once it touches the ground, it will quickly break apart.

The grain will not grow!

But was there something wrong just now?

It was clearly the damage caused by Yinglong to Springtail just now.

Why do corrosive skills belong to the snake?

This gene can act on cockroaches and explosive bugs,

Can make the liquid bombs splashed by cockroaches and explosive bugs more corrosive.

Even if it is a substantial enhancement.

For so long,

The lava acid ejected by the cockroach relies on the power of lightning and fire contained in it to cause damage.

Exploding bugs also rely on the instantaneous explosion damage to output.

In this way, the acid skill, which has always had no sense of existence, can finally play a role.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua looked at the next gene.

[Nine-tailed Spiritual Fire]: Inherits the innate ability of the nine-tailed demon fox. When it is injured, it can escape from the death state by separating nine flames and escape immediately. This gene can be used on all units of the Zerg clan.

[Note]: The effect of the Nine-Tailed Spiritual Fire is a locked skill, which can be used nine times in total.

Does it look like another resurrection skill?

At first glance, this nine-tailed spiritual fire seems to be somewhat similar to the Nirvana of the Phoenix.

But it's something completely different,

First of all, Nirvana is something that can be used unlimited times.

The Nine-Tailed Spiritual Fire can only be used nine times in a lifetime.

It seems that Nirvana may be more powerful,

But you can’t just look at the number of uses.

Nirvana Horror needs to preserve at least half of the complete body,

And once the transformed soul is destroyed, there will be no chance of rebirth.

The nine-tailed spiritual fire is not needed and can directly avoid the damage caused by fatal attacks.

Compared to resurrection.

The Nine-Tailed Spiritual Fire is more like a 100% evasion skill.

But it can only be used nine times.

Of course, it's not completely invincible.

Some special attack methods should still be able to break the effect of the Nine-Tailed Spiritual Fire.

For example, with Qiongqi's skills, people will directly silence you.

I won't even give you a chance to use the resurrection skill.

However, as a mythical beast-level creature, it does not have such powerful skills.

Then there is no need for Lin Hua to conquer.

In any case, nine chances of being invincible are still very powerful.

This is equivalent to nine extra lives for each Zerg unit.

It can still be effective at some critical times.

[Mist Dragon Roar]: Inherited from the innate ability of the mythical beast-level creature Yinglong, it can spit out smoke to confuse the enemy. The smoke molecules can carry special abilities into the enemy's skin. Attacks that penetrate the skin have this talent in the mist. Creatures can gain the ability to fly. This gene can be used for springtails, bombers, and cockroaches.


Seeing the last gene, Lin Hua finally understood what happened.

It turns out that the ability to penetrate the skin just now was a combo skill!

The most powerful thing is that it can actually give the Zerg ground units the ability to fly.

But unfortunately, it can only allow small units such as springtails, explosive bugs, and cockroaches to fly.

This is quite normal.

If even mammoths could fly...

The scene was so beautiful that Lin Hua couldn’t even imagine it.

Lin Hua ordered Springtail to use this gene's ability.

I saw a springtail standing on the cliff, exerting all its strength, and suddenly kicked off its limbs.

Jumped dozens of meters above the ground.

However, behind, there was no rapid fall as expected.

The springtail actually collapsed and flew rapidly in the sky.


Lin Hua couldn't help but ask.

He observed it for a while and discovered some characteristics.

First of all, the continuous effect of Mist Dragon Roar is not very long.

It only takes a few minutes.

Secondly, the speed and altitude are not up to standard compared to real flying units.

It's very effective as a sudden surprise attack.

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