Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 181 Divine beast-level creature? Just an appetizer!

Is there any difference between this kind of person and a traitor?

Do you want to save it for backstabbing the Eastern Alliance in the future?

Thinking of this, Lin Hua couldn't help but burst out with all his mighty divine power.


Just when Lin Hua was about to take action,

A sharp voice came from behind.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful pressure from a superior god roared in.

A middle-aged man with a calm face came from behind.

Before Bai Xiao could speak, he gave him a big mouth.

This sudden moment,

Give Lin Hua a hard time.

What do you mean?

What is this for?

The divine power that had just been accumulated immediately dissipated.

After the middle-aged man cleaned up Bai Xiao,

He looked at Lin Hua with apologetic eyes.

Hello, I am the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce. I'm sorry that Bai Xiaoduo was offended just now.

He spoke slowly, and his identity turned out to be the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

He is also the president of the largest chamber of commerce in the entire Eastern Alliance.

Compared to Bai Xiao,

He seemed much smarter.

I carefully felt the pressure exuded by the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

He is a mid-level high-ranking god.

Forget it, it's okay!

As the saying goes, don’t hit someone with a smiling face.

A middle-level high-ranking god is so polite.

Lin Hua should give him some face.

Father, he...

Bai Xiao still seemed to be saying something,

As a result, another big mouth slapped him.

I'll take care of you later, now get back here.

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce spoke in a tone that left no room for doubt.

How could Bai Xiao dare to make a mistake when facing his father?

He left obediently.

I don't understand things, I've caused you trouble. All the species you want to buy are free, just consider it as an apology.

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce turned around.

Continue to speak in an apologetic tone.

Free whoring?


Lin Hua shook his head,

I'll just give you the original price.

After saying that, Lin Hua palmed his hands, and three divine beings flashing with divine brilliance appeared in his palms.

According to the market price, one divine beast is worth one godhead.


The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce narrowed his eyes.


He planned to give these species to Lin Hua as an apology.

It would also bring the distance between the two parties closer.

But as soon as the godhead appears.

Even the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce was shocked.

Because this thing can be said to be hard currency.

That's right, according to the market price,

It is indeed a godhead and a beast-level creature.

But in fact the value of the godhead may be even higher.

After all, there are still many mythical beast-level creatures on the market.

But as for gods, there are relatively few.

Three godheads return three mythical beast-level creatures.

Lin Hua definitely lost money.

Is this...appropriate?

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce was actually stunned for a moment.

He wanted to use these mythical beast-level species to win over Lin Hua.

But he covets these gods very much.

These are three divine heads!

With two more pieces, you can create a high-level god.

very suitable……

Lin Hua smiled slightly,

Answered for him.

Then, he handed the godhead to the receptionist on the side,

He took four seal cards and walked out with Li Yingying.

For a while, there was still some confusion about the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

Only then did he realize that the distinguished guest was leaving.

By the way, Lin Hua, I have a small request. I wonder if you can satisfy it.

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce suddenly spoke.


Lin Hua stopped when he heard this.

He looked at Bai Xiao's father with some confusion.

I heard that the... bugs in your divine domain are very strange. Can you sell some to me?

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce said.

But he also said casually,

There was no hope that Lin Hua would really give it to him.

After all, generally no one would sell their divine species.

What's more, a strange mutated species like Lin Hua,

However, what I didn’t expect was that,

Lin Hua actually nodded.

You want it? Okay!

With a thought, Lin Hua sealed thousands of insect queens, springtails, cockroaches, mammoths and other mixed Zerg units into a sealing card.

Then he casually dumped it to the president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce.

Did you really give it to me?

The president of the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce’s hands trembled with excitement.

I took this seal card with Zerg on it.

Thank you so much, thank you so much!

He bowed deeply to Lin Hua,

expressed his gratitude.

But when he raised his head,

Lin Hua had already left the place with Li Yingying.

On the way back,

In the floating car,

Li Yingying's expression was a little confused.

Lin Hua, why did you give your species to them?

Aren't you afraid that their cultivation will surpass yours?

Li Yingying was puzzled.

Lin Hua couldn't help laughing.

Don't worry, since I dare to give it to them, I have my own plans.

Once the Zerg identifies a god,

You will not change your beliefs easily.

Even if the Bai Family Chamber of Commerce gets those bugs, they will be of no use.

It would be fine if they just kept it behind the counter.

If they dare to cultivate it themselves,


Thinking of this, Lin Hua couldn't help but sneered twice.

They will know what it means for thousands of insects to destroy their divine domain.

Okay, just be sure, I'll listen to you.

When Li Yingying heard what Lin Hua said,

The stone in my heart has finally fallen to the ground.

She knew that Lin Hua would never do anything he was unsure of.

The float vehicle soon arrived at the villa area.

After getting off the car,

Li Yingying and Lin Hua said goodbye.

She just got a water elf seal card,

Can’t wait to raise them as believers.

Lin Hua also wanted to quickly obtain these mythical beast-level genes he had just purchased.

Return to the villa and walk into the living room,

Sitting on the sofa.

Lin Hua sank his mind into his own divine realm,

Then he took out the three-chapter seal card he just purchased and chose to use it.

Three cards landed in the divine realm,

The power of the seal was lifted by Lin Hua's divine power.

Several dazzling white lights flashed.

Three mythical beasts of different sizes appeared on the ground.

They are Yinglong, Nine-tailed Demon Fox, and Soaring Snake.

Yinglong is considered a dragon, and Lin Hua has seen the original yellow dragon before.

Ying Long feels more domineering.

The nine-tailed demon fox looks extremely charming.

His eyes are so radiant and penetrating,

It looks even more breathtaking.

Soaring Snake is even simpler.

The ancestor of Yamata no Orochi,

But since those traitors betrayed the Eastern Alliance,

Yamata no Orochi, who belonged to the Eastern Alliance, was also taken away.

Looking at these huge guys,

The strong aura emanating from all around,

Divine beast-level creatures are truly unique;

But every mythical beast-level creature has a drawback.

That is, he is very unruly in character.

Have you been sleeping for so long? My seal has finally been released.

Who are you who dares to come and ask me to surrender?

Who dares to tame me, little man!

These mythical beast-level species have released their own powerful pressure.

With a look of disregard for everything,

Sure enough, mythical beast-level creatures are very difficult to tame.

Tame? No, no, no...

Lin Hua sneered.

Actually, I just treat you as an appetizer.

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