Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 159 Evolution is invincible!

No matter what it is, if it exists, just mutate it a little and see if it's all over.

Lilia, mutate ten living Nydus Worms!

Lin Hua passed the genetic sample to Lilia.

This... is another powerful mutation plan!

Lilia was once again impressed by Lin Hua's greatness.

Climb into the Zerg lair and inject the genes and evolutionary points of the Nydus Worm into the eggs.

Ding: It only takes one million evolution points to mutate a Nydus Worm.

The system prompt sounds.

If there are ten of them, that's 10 million evolution points.

Fortunately, the big gift package rewards 10 billion evolution points.

Don't worry about not having enough.

After a while of waiting.

The tunnel worm finally emerged from its huge cocoon.

It was huge, several times the size of a mammoth.

It looks a bit like a giant caterpillar.

The whole body is covered with thick leather armor, and the huge mouthparts grow at the front.

Circle after circle of sharp teeth rotated in the mouth.

[Dunnel Worms]: Tunnel Worms evolved from insect tunnels, which are underground structures covered by fungi. Nydus Worms live in a nest-like structure called a worm network. Before leaving the ground, Nydus Worms can move freely from the worm tunnel network to any place covered by creep, digging a tunnel underground on the way. This giant creature can stretch itself to incredible lengths, forming tunnels out of its own flesh and blood.

This construction unit is pretty awesome!

Lin Hua did not expect that the tunnel worms were actually classified in the construction unit.

[Dunnel Worm]: Construction unit.

[Skills]: Chemical sensors, stretchable tissue, carpet glands, fixed spines, rock-breaking fangs.

[Gene]: The genes of all Zerg ground units.

As a building unit, there is no hierarchy.

But it still has access to the common genetic sequences of ground units.

For example, Xuanwu Shell and various bloodline powers.

However, these genetic sequences are not important, and the Nydus Worm is not a combat unit.

[Gravel Fangs]: The huge sharp teeth that cover the mouth of the tunnel worm are its main digging tools. Each fang is connected to a set of strong muscles to grind rocks and anything in the mouth at supersonic speeds.

[Chemical Sensor]: The Nydus Worm is a special type of Zerg structure that has no brainer. It has a set of simple organs that respond to the Nydus Worm's movement and chemical stimulation.

[Telescopic Organization]: In order to transport the Zerg army to the battlefield or anywhere on the surface, the Nydus Worms can expand and contract their organization upon request, reaching a state of infinite extension.

[Clep Glands]: The surface of the tunnel worm is covered with glands that can produce carpet. The mucus secreted by these glands can corrode debris and other debris produced by digging.

These four powerful skills come together.

This creates the Nydus Worm's unparalleled and powerful mobility.

With this thing, Lin Hua can teleport the Zerg army to any place.

What a good thing!

Lin Hua couldn't help but speak.

The Zerg's Yin abilities are being strengthened.

The problem is that not all skill points are added to sneak attack this time.

This time, tunnel worms can also be used to capture powerful fortresses. Even infected worms need a medium to spread inside.

And if the other party has preventive measures, the effect of infecting the insect will not be that good.

Nydus Worms perfectly solve this problem.

Do you like playing defense?

The Zerg army teleports directly to your hometown.

However, what concerned Lin Hua the most was the last skill of the Nydus Worm.

[Fixed Giant Spines]: After the Nydus Worm breaks out of the ground, it will extend giant spines from its body to stabilize its body, and is used to stabilize its own weight when the insect swarm penetrates the Nydus Worm's body.

[Note]: The divine realm that is fixed by the tunnel worm cannot be cut.

If you just look at the fixed giant thorn, it seems ordinary.

This is equivalent to a skill that prevents the opponent from escaping.

After receiving a fatal blow, or when a high-end species is killed.

The gods usually choose to immediately cut off the connection with the divine realm to protect their own divine realm.

But the giant thorns attached to the tunnel worms prevent the gods from cutting the divine realm.

This is equivalent to blocking the enemy's escape route.

If you can have the Nydus Worm when fighting the Red Archbishop.

Then the Cardinal Archbishop should not even think about leaving the scene.

Good stuff!

Look at the Nydus Worm panel.

Lin Hua couldn't help but speak.

This thing is not only an artifact for transporting troops, but it also has the incredible ability to block the opponent's escape.

If you encounter an enemy in the future,

You can secretly let the Nydus Worms penetrate deep into the enemy's divine domain from underground to lock them in place.

When the enemy wants to escape, he will find that he can no longer cut off the connection between the divine realms.

Ding: The greater the number of tunnel worms, the more difficult it will be for the opponent to cut off the link to the divine domain!

A system prompt appears.

Lilia, expand the number of Nydus Worms to a thousand.

Lin Hua asked Lilia to mutate some Nydus Worms.

The system naturally means to tell you clearly that you have to spend money.

Although a thousand Nydus Worms are the evolutionary point of a billion,

But it’s easy to use and really easy to use.

Soon, a thousand tunnel worms emerged from their cocoons. As an underground structure, the tunnel worms burrowed into the ground as soon as they emerged from their cocoons.

After doing all this, Lin Hua opened his properties panel.

[Host]: Lin Hua

[Priest]: God of Zerg

[Theocratic Function]: The power of the five elements

[Divine Domain Size]: 50 million square kilometers

[God level]: High-level mid-level god (has met the requirements to advance to upper-level god, and can currently be promoted to god level - five-element god)

[Divine Species]: Zerg

[God Realm]: Lilia God Realm, Zagara God Realm (devourment progress 75%)

[Site resources]: 1,000 Zerg nests, 10 incubation pools, 300 cockroach greenhouses, 300 alien dragon towers...

[Military resources]: 50 million springtails, 10 million cockroaches, 5 million alien dragons, 1 million mammoths, 50,000 explosive bugs, and 10 million insect eggs.

[Divine Power Points]: 140

[Divine Time]: Adjust 1:100 with the main world at will.

[System Backpack]: Evolution points 9.1 billion, Scorching Sun Longbow.

Looking at his attribute table, Lin Hua fell into deep thought.

The first is the number of Zerg. After the battle with the Red Archbishop, Lin Hua quickly replenished the Zerg to the level before the battle began.

After hatching a thousand Nydus Worms.

There are still 9.1 billion evolutionary points left.

Lin Hua planned to store the remaining evolution points first. Anyway, the current number of Zerg is completely enough.

The belief in God generated by the Zerg every day was directly converted into divine power points by Lin Hua and integrated into the original godhead.

Generally speaking, one hundred thousand divine power points can almost saturate the original godhead.

But Lin Hua's original godhead is like a bottomless pit.

It can continuously absorb divine power from afar without being saturated.

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