Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 158 A big gift package, tunnel worms!

This is a huge whale-like creature with tentacles all over its body.

The quantity is tens of millions of tons, maybe more.

As a powerful ninth-level species, Leviathan's original power has been integrated with the divine realm.

Therefore, only one Jealous Insect God can exist in a divine domain.

And if the Jealous Insect God dies, the original power will cause damage.

However, this little shortcoming is completely insufficient in the face of its power.

Lin Hua opened the detailed panel of the Jealous Insect God and checked its three own skills.

[Void Leap]: The Jealousy Insect God has a powerful anti-gravity organ in his body, allowing him to easily float in the air. With his powerful force, he can tear open the void and travel through it.

Void jump?

Lin Hua ordered the Jealous Insect God to use this skill.

The space of the Jealous Insect God was suddenly distorted, and the next second, its huge body appeared millions of kilometers away.

Is it equivalent to teleportation?

Lin Hua frowned.

If the jealous insect god's void jumping skill is combined with the genetic sequence of the extraterrestrial demon.

So can the Jealous Insect God be able to carry the Zerg army to roam in space?

In theory it is possible!

Lin Hua planned to take a look at all the skills to test this conjecture.

[Internal Incubation]: The Envy Insect God can store a large number of units in its huge body. The Zerg combat units and eggs can be stored in the Insect God's body, and can be hatched directly without going through the Zerg Queen.

Seeing this skill,

Lin Hua probably understood the position of the Jealous Insect God within the Zerg clan.

Although it is a ninth-level unit of the Zerg tribe,

But it is still not an attacking unit, but a functional auxiliary unit.

And his support is very powerful.

According to Lin Hua's estimation, a jealous insect god can carry millions of springtails and cockroaches.

But if it is a mammoth, it will be less.

This positions it more like a mobile transport vehicle.

[Jet Bag]: The body surface of the Jealous Insect God is densely covered with pinholes, which are wrapped with jet bags one after another, which can shoot out the Zerg army.

See the third skill introduction,

Lin Hua called him good guy, isn't this a classic airdrop unit?

The three skills of the Jealous Insect God all mean that it is an out-and-out auxiliary unit.

But that’s not to say,

The Jealousy Insect God is not very powerful in combat. It has thousands of spiked tentacles on its body, which are sharp and fast.

Can attack all attackable enemy units.

The huge mouth in front of it also contains this powerful energy contraction organ.

It can gather huge psychic power into its mouth and then spray it out.

This attack method is similar to Leviathan's attack method.

After all, the Jealousy Insect God was originally a product of the fusion of Leviathan and Zerg genes.

On the contrary, the combat power of the Jealous Insect God is not much weaker than that of ninth-level species.

Try to see if the Jealous Insect God can jump in the void!

Lin Hua took a moment to make this decision.

If the insect god is jealous, he can come and go freely in the void like an extraterrestrial demon.

Then Lin Hua can ask the Jealous Insect God to bring the Insect Queen,

Sow the seeds of destruction to countless planes outside the void.

Logically speaking, as long as there is enough time,

A first-level Zerg Queen can destroy an upper plane.

Unless the native species in that plane have the same hatred and hatred to deal with the Zerg together,

But this is obviously not possible.

But there are still dangers.

When he first obtained the genes of the extraterrestrial devil, Lin Hua once experimented with releasing springtails into the void.

As a result, the springtails were able to survive, but they were unable to move autonomously in the void.

It can only drift aimlessly with the turbulent flow of the void.

The whereabouts of the springtail are still unknown.

What if this jealous insect god also ends up like this?

Isn’t it a loss of blood?

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

You have to give it a try to find out.

Lin Hua felt cruel and ordered the Jealous Insect God to open the dimensional wall and escape into the void.

As soon as he entered the void, the violent void turbulence around him kept impacting.

With such an intensity of energy impact, only gods can barely survive in this void turbulence.

However, the Zerg fusion has the genes of the alien demons and is not afraid of the impact of the void turbulence.

The only thing that needs to be worried about is whether the Zerg can stabilize its body in the turbulence of the void.

Don't be carried away by the turbulence of the void.

The results are naturally very shocking.

The Jealous Insect God remained as motionless as a mountain in the turbulent flow of the void, showing no signs of being affected by the turbulent flow of the void.

Fuck! That's awesome!

Lin Hua couldn't help blurting out.

In this way, his plan can be realized.

Send a large number of insect queens who are jealous of the insect god carriers to the void.

When you encounter a suitable powerful plane, put the Zerg Queen into it.

In this way, the number of Zerg will increase exponentially.

And Lin Hua's power of faith will be harvested at an unimaginable speed.

As each plane is corroded by the carpet,

Transformed into Lin Hua's divine realm,

Lin Hua's original godhead will also become more and more powerful.

The journey of the Zerg!

It’s an endless plane!

After the initial excitement, Lin Hua quickly calmed down.

Before the government reaches the endless plane, two things still need to be dealt with.

One is the divine domain of Zagara,

There are still three ninth-level creatures inside that have not been hunted.

Previously, because the Zerg race was not strong enough,

Now that there is the Jealous Insect God, the level of the Insects has been improved as a whole.

This time it doesn't seem to be so difficult for hunters to get rid of those ninth-level creatures.

Another thing is that when the Zerg air unit is promoted to level seven, the system rewards an advanced gift pack.

My previous attention had been on the jealous insect god;

Haven't had time to check out the gift package yet.

The Jealous Insect God is a special unit of the Zerg tribe.

Therefore, it does not affect the rewards of the spree.

Click on the system panel, and there is indeed an advanced gift package in the backpack column.

Open the advanced gift package.

Lin Hua said without hesitation.

Ding: Open the system gift package.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for getting a Zerg Queen seal card (seventh level).

Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a high-level Zerg building - living tunnel worm.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining 10 billion evolution points,

A Zerg Queen of the same level and a large number of evolution points are fixed.

Living Nydus Worm?

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment.

Moreover, this thing is actually a Zerg building.

This was the first time Lin Hua heard about this thing.

There are still many Insect Networks in Lin Hua's divine domain.

It’s just the so-called insect network,

In fact, it is an all-inclusive channel composed of carpet and mucus dug out by the Zerg at the location.

What the hell is this living tunnel worm?

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