Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 144 The Genius of Versailles Literature

After fusing the genes of a powerful ninth-level species.

The ranks of all units in the Zerg army have finally been raised to level six.

[Plane One]: Devouring progress is 57%.

[Number of Zerg Queens]: Zerg Queen Zagara (seventh level), one hundred and twenty sixth-level Zerg Queens, fifth level...

[Number of Zergs]: 20 million springtails, 5 million cockroaches, mutalisks...

After annihilating a ninth-level species,

The devouring progress suddenly increased by 7%, which was very fast.

Lin Hua could feel that the ability to control the No. 1 plane left behind a sister of his.

The ability to control the source of power is also increasing.

Lin Hua directly integrated it into his original godhead.

In this way, there are only three ninth-level species left on the first plane.

Lin Hua looked at the panel in front of him and fell into deep thought.

[Corrupted Black Dragon]: A ninth-level species, a black dragon corrupted by the ancient god. It is the product of the ultimate black dragon form of the giant dragon family. It is the terminator of destiny and is good at table-turning group attacks.

[Night Elf Queen]: A ninth-level species, a clan of elves corrupted by ancient evil gods.

[The available gene sequences in his body are being detected—screams of pain, power of shadow. 】

Watching the introduction of the remaining ninth-level species.

Lin Hua couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

The current Zerg army still cannot compete with the real ninth-level species.

Being able to hunt down the dreamer can only be said to be very lucky.

First of all, the Dreamer is a remnant of the ancient god, but his breath strength has reached level nine, and his combat effectiveness is not strong.

Moreover, the dreamer is a building-like creature that is fixed in place.

They can only be attacked as living targets.

Even in this case, the Dreamer's attack on the Zerg is still an instant kill.

Not to mention serious ninth-level creatures.

It seems that all the powerful species in this superior plane have been demonized by the ancient evil gods.

Lin Hua looked at the panel attributes of this ninth-level species and couldn't help but speak.

After being corrupted by the Old God, he appears to have become stronger.

The Corrupted Black Dragon sensed that springtails were invading its territory, and sprayed a large area of ​​the springtails to death with a burst of Corrosive Dragon Flame.

Ding: The springtails were attacked by the corrupted black dragon, suffered fatal injuries, and died irreversibly - the number was 2,000.

Being vomited by the corrupted dragon's flames, the basalt special defense on the springtail's body will be broken instantly.

There is not even a corpse left, so even if you want to reach Nirvana and be resurrected, you can't.

At the same time, a large number of alien dragons also approached the territory of the Dark Elf Queen.

Queen Dark Jiang Ling let out a violent scream when she saw the alien dragon hovering in the sky.

The screams were so harsh and aggressive.

So much so that the alien dragons lost their balance one after another and fell from the sky.

The system death beep sounded again.

I'm sorry, it's okay then!

After the tentative attack, Lin Hua gave up his plan to forcibly hunt these ninth-level species.

With the current overall sixth-level level of the Zerg, it is still relatively difficult to hunt down ninth-level species.

At least until the overall level reaches the seventh level, it is possible to hunt down these ninth-level species through numerical superiority.

Being able to obtain the genes of the dream beast, Lin Hua's gain this time was not in vain.

Zagara, next, you have to focus on hunting the eighth-level species in the plane.

The next time I come, I hope to see your results.

Lin Hua gave the order in a majestic voice.

As you command, God of the Zerg!

Zagara responded respectfully.

My Zerg will kill all the weak species here.

Then, Lin Hua cut off the connection between the Zerg realm and Plane One.

The task of exterminating those earth-level species was handed over to Zagara.

When Lin Hua comes to plane one next time, he will only have to deal with ninth-level species.

Now that plane one has become my divine domain, let's give it a different name!

Lin Hua looked at the words Plane No. 1 on the attribute panel, always feeling a little awkward.

What's a good name?

This family, who had difficulty naming, began to hesitate.

By the way, let's command the divine domain in the name of the queen!

Lin Hua had a flash of inspiration and changed the words [Plane No. 1] to [Zagara Divine Realm].

It is easier to remember this way.

There will definitely be more than just this plane in the future, and the numbers will be easier to identify.

Outside, Chen Chenchen and a group of military staff had been waiting for a long time.

Lin Hua, what's going on in that upper plane?

Chen Chenchen stepped forward and asked as soon as he saw Lin Hua.

That upper plane is my second divine realm.

Lin Hua opened his mouth to explain.

The second divine realm.

Chen Chen Chen Meng is trapped.

Lin Hua actually created a second divine realm.

The Second Divine Realm is meaningless!

Chen Chenchen was afraid that Lin Hua would go astray.

In fact, someone has already proposed the concept of the second divine realm.

But it was quickly rejected.

First of all, the resources required by the two divine realms are very huge.

It is very laborious to develop and cultivate one, let alone two.

Secondly, the original divine personality of the gods cannot withstand the original power of the two divine realms.

Normally, the upper limit of the storage limit of a god's original godhead is the original power of a god's domain.

If the original power of the two planes is forcibly fused, the original godhead will collapse because it cannot withstand the huge power.

This means death to the gods.

If you want to become a high-level god, you can only integrate the original power of one god's domain.

completely fine.

Regarding Chen Chenchen's worries, Lin Hua waved his hand indifferently.

His original godhead can completely withstand the original power of the two divine realms.

Even more is not impossible.

That is to say, you have condensed the original godhead.

Chen Chenchen was stunned for a moment and said in disbelief.

However, Chen Chen Mingming had just handed over the water attribute godhead to Lin Hua.

Don't bring someone so fast!

Well... I'm lucky...

Hearing Chen Chenchen's words, Lin Hua couldn't help coughing twice.

Isn't everyone like this?


Chen Chenchen didn't know what to say. Lin Hua was too Versailles.

Generally speaking, even if you collect the five basic elemental godheads, you want to fuse and condense the source godheads and be promoted to a higher god.

Even the genius among geniuses takes at least a few years.

Are you telling me now that it only took a little while?

Is it the invincible Versailles as soon as you open your mouth?

Okay, I'm convinced, nothing is impossible for you!

Chen Chenchen sighed helplessly.

It’s so irritating that people are so different from each other!

Chen Chenchen has been a high-level intermediate god for decades, but it is only today that he has just condensed the prototype of the original godhead.

However, Lin Hua successfully condensed it in an instant.

And the intensity is so terrifying that it can even fuse the original power of multiple divine realms.

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