Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 143 The Correct Usage of Mutated Insects

Don't even think about infecting parasites. Neuroparasites are basically immune to ancient creatures.

Exploding bugs don't work either. Before they reach the dreamer's body, they will be punctured by its spiked tentacles.

Unless the explosive bugs can directly attack the dreamer's body.

Brood Lord!

Lin Hua had a flash of inspiration and almost forgot about the Brood Lord he had just unlocked.

Brood Lord, attack Dreamer from a distance.

These giant flying bugs float slowly in the sky.

High-level combat units have a common problem, and that is - poor mobility.

But fortunately, the Dreamer is a fixed unit. Even if the Brood Lord is slower, the opponent is still a target.

Soon, the Brood Lord flew within the attack range.

It opened the jet sacs of its wings, and the prepared explosive bugs were squeezed into the jet sacs and waited.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

As the muscles of the explosive sac contracted, the explosive bugs were thrown out like cannonballs.

It hit the dreamer's rotting body hard.

The dreamer was unable to defend against attacks from the air.

It's just bullying that you don't have anti-air capabilities.

It's a targeted attack.

Are you angry?

With the bombing bug's mushy attack.

The dreamer's flesh and blood began to collapse, and a large amount of purple-red liquid flowed from its rotting body.

After continuously bombarding hundreds of thousands of explosive bugs.

This ninth-level dreamer with the broken body of the ancient god finally lost his last breath of life.

On the ground, red-purple blood and green explosive acid were mixed together, looking very sticky and disgusting.

Zerg, devour its corpse.

Lin Hua ordered the army of springtails to swarm forward and began to feast on the body of the ancient evil god.

Within a moment, all the flesh and blood had been devoured by the Zerg army.

Even the spiked tentacles buried deep in the ground were not spared.

Ding: Congratulations to the host for acquiring the Zerg's new mutant species - the aberrant worm gene.

Ding: Congratulations to the host's Zerg army for devouring the Dream Beast and acquiring a new mutant gene - telescopic spikes.

The system beeps sounded one after another.

Lilia, Zagara, merged the genes of the Spike and the Abnormal Bug into the Zerg.

Lin Hua didn't even put it in his system backpack.

After obtaining the two mutated genes, they were directly shared with the two queens through the spiritual network.

As you command, God of the Zerg!

Zagara returned to his insect lair and injected the genetic sequence into the insect eggs.

[Direct Spike]: It comes from the ninth-level species Dream Beast. It is a powerful muscle structure that can act on the body of infected insects, allowing the nerve poison needle to attack quickly.

Lin Hua has actually experienced this skill just now.

The spikes that dive into the ground of the Dream Beast can be quickly shot out from under the ground without losing any power.

This gene can act on the body of the infected insect and strengthen the nerve poison of the infected insect.

The infected bugs can directly launch nerve poison needles to attack even if they are underground, without returning to the surface.

This is very scary.

For a weapon like this that can kill with one hit, it would be invincible if it could be more concealed.

It's perfect for sneak attacks.

If the opponent does not have a unit dedicated to reconnaissance, it will be difficult to prevent nerve poison needles suddenly shot out from under the ground.

Zagara, mutated ten mutant bugs!

Lin Hua is quite curious about the new unit.

After all, everything must be fresh.

As you command, God of the Zerg.

Zagara returned to the insect lair and injected mutated genes and evolutionary points into the insect eggs.

Ding: The mutant bug needs one million evolution points!

The system beep sounded again.

Damn it, are you sure this thing wasn't an open robbery?

Lin Hua was stunned for a moment.

It only takes 100,000 evolution points to mutate a mammoth.

You get what you pay for, and there must be something special about the so many evolutionary points that mutated bugs need.

Fortunately, when dealing with the dream beast,

The Zerg army hunted some native creatures in Plane One to obtain some evolution points.

Otherwise, there won’t even be enough evolution points to corrupt the mutated insects.

After a while, the mutated bug broke out of its shell and followed the insect tunnel network to the ground.

Is this...a bug?

Lin Hua was stunned when he saw the appearance of the mutated bug.

These mutant bugs are said to be bugs, but they are more like a ball of flesh that is constantly changing.

To be precise, it's almost like plasticine.

The only difference is that the plasticine still looks very cute.

The mutant bug is a bloody mass of flesh.

It looks like a branch of Dreammon.

No wonder it was a mutated gene obtained from the Dream Beast.

System, what the hell is this?

Lin Hua observed for a long time but couldn't figure out why.

I have no choice but to let the system come out to answer questions.

[Mutated Insect]: A species with extremely advanced muscle morphology and genetic evolution, capable of changing its own shape and appearance at will.

[Note]: This unit itself does not have any combat effectiveness. It needs to be genetically fused with Zerg to gain attack capabilities.

Change your form and appearance at will?

Lin Hua murmured.

Mutated insect, imitating Queen Lilia.

Lin Hua issued an order to the mutated bug.

On the ground, the bodies of ten mutated insects suddenly began to shake violently.

The bloody, white flesh is constantly twisting, mutating, and multiplying.

It looks very disgusting.

With continuous proliferation, the mutant bugs that were originally only the size of a puppy soon grew to the size of a Zerg Queen.

Immediately afterwards, these mutated bugs began to copy Lilia's appearance, growing old bones and tail needles...

About a minute later, ten fake Lilia appeared on the ground.

And the smells are exactly the same.


Lin Hua couldn't help but blurt out, and then came up with a bold idea.

The mutated insect mutated into this!

Lin Hua used his divine power to project the virtual image of his divine body into the plane.

After the mutated insect glanced at Lin Hua's body, his body underwent drastic changes again.

About a minute later,

Ten expressionless Lin Hua appeared out of thin air.


Lin Hua was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

Unexpectedly, mutant bugs can transform into the appearance of any species.

Not only the appearance, but even the smell is exactly the same.

Of course, it is limited to the breath in the plane.

There is currently no way to imitate the magical aura mutant bug.

Even if he turns into Lin Hua, he can't imitate Lin Hua's mighty divine power.

Even so, it is already very strong.

Taken individually, mutant bugs are almost useless in head-on combat against bugs.

But at some point in the future, it may not be useless.

Ten of them are completely enough.

As a strategic species, aberrants do not need to mutate so much.

Ding: After integrating the genes of the ninth-level dream beast, the springtail unit has been upgraded to a sixth-level species.

Ding: After integrating the genes of the ninth-level dream beast, the cockroach unit has been upgraded to a sixth-level species.

Ding: After integrating the genes of the ninth-level dream beast, the explosive insect unit has been upgraded to a sixth-level species.

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