Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 131 The last hope Lin Hua!

What a terrifying power!

Is this a top-notch artifact?

Damn it, there's no way I can win!

In the Eastern Alliance, all the participating gods from the Capital University of Gods exclaimed in surprise.

His eyes were full of fear.

I feel a bit wary.

Only Lin Hua remained unmoved and began to analyze.

The power of artifacts is certainly powerful, but it also depends on who is using it.

The highest participating god in the Western League is the high-level mid-level god.

Even if you use top-level artifacts, their power has limits.

It can kill all springtails in seconds at most.

For a mammoth, this attack would not be fatal.

Even if it is fatal, with the skill of Phoenix's Nirvana, the Zerg army can be resurrected quickly.

Moreover, if the artifact is in a lower plane, it will cost a huge amount of divine power points.

The main thing is that every time you attack, you need a certain time interval to attack again.

Generally speaking, there is a certain threat to the Zerg, but it is not very serious.

I surrender! I surrender!

At this moment, the participating gods of the Eastern Alliance were so frightened that they hurriedly chose to surrender.

He was afraid that if he continued to fight, his seventh-level divine beast-level prisoner cow would die here.

In the face of personal interests,

The empire's reputation is a hammer.

Sure enough, after hearing the word surrender, all the representatives of the Western Alliance burst into laughter.

Surrender? Is this your genius boy from the Eastern Alliance?

Haha... This time, thanks to actual combat, the world has seen clearly the hypocrisy and cowardice of your Eastern Alliance.

Listening to the extremely harsh sound,

Many officials from the Eastern Alliance also frowned.

But if you can't beat it, you can't beat it.

In this world, strength speaks for itself. Without strength, nothing can be done.

Even if you are slapped in the face by others, you can only endure it. .

This guy! He actually surrendered! He really doesn't have the backbone of the Eastern Alliance!

Chen Chenchen was on the viewing stand, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

In this situation, it would be ten thousand times better to let all species die on the spot than to surrender.

Trash, no backbone at all!

Even Sun Yu couldn't help but yell and scold him.

In the face of the Eastern Alliance's face and personal interests, some people choose personal interests.

Lin Hua sat quietly aside without saying a word.

Forget it, let him come down! Let's move on to the next battle!

Finally, it was Mr. Zhao who spoke.

He said in a tired tone.

It's too strong, I can't beat it at all!

The defeated and surrendered deity from the Capital Deity University walked down from the fighting platform and said to several teammates next to him.

A pessimistic atmosphere instantly permeated all the participating gods of the Eastern League.

His artifact is too powerful, we have no chance at all!

Although I also have an artifact issued by the empire in my hand, the opponent is a heritage-level artifact.

Forget it, just admit defeat if you want to fight. If you lose face, then lose face. Anyway, there is already a precedent.

These guys actually planned to give up after fooling around for a few times before the fight started.

No one wants to lose their own personal interests.

For a moment, no one dared to stand up.

Lin Hua watched all this silently, it was so sad.

Is this the level of the new generation of Eastern League students?

No wonder the National Games of the Eastern League are like this.

At this time, a warrior is naturally needed to help the building collapse.

Why hasn't anyone come on stage yet?

Are you afraid of being beaten?

Don't keep us waiting, you're a bunch of weaklings! The Sick Man of the East!

Among the representatives of the Western Alliance.

Several blond and blue-eyed Western gods said sinisterly.

There is no way, even though we can't beat him, we still have to fight the rest of the battle.

Surrendering on the spot would be humiliating enough.

If Lian Da still lacks the courage, then there will be no need for the Eastern Alliance to exist.

The result was as expected,

If the people's hearts are scattered, it will naturally be difficult to lead the team.

The morale of the military has been shaken, and there is indeed a gap in strength.

Although the remaining eight genius gods species all have mythical beast-level creatures, there are still several gods who possess artifacts.

But still did not escape the bad luck of losing one after another.

Soon, the Western League, which had one player above them, defeated nine players from the Eastern League in succession.


You're not asking for a string of ten, are you? I've never seen anything like this in all my years of life!

The gods of the Western Alliance were laughing wildly, having forgotten that they were in the territory of the Eastern Alliance.

The other party is my grandson, a defecting ethnic group. As an outbound personnel,

Double humiliation is the most deadly.

On the other hand, the Eastern League kept wailing. Nine of its own players had been wiped out, while none of the opponents had lost.

No matter how strong the remaining one is, he can't pass ten at once!

What's more, the first person has a magical weapon in his hand, what should he do!

But seeing Lin Hua appear next, everyone had a glimmer of hope.

Lin Hua! That’s someone who’s always breaking the rules!

Please invite the last participant from the Eastern League to come on!

The staff of the Eastern Alliance announced in a heavy tone.

This is already the last hope for the Eastern League.

It's this guy!

Among the Western Alliance delegation, a blond and blue-eyed Western god suddenly stood up.

It was the high-ranking god White who was scared to death by Lin Hua.

It's this guy, Archbishop, it's this guy who destroyed our plane expedition team!

Is he the one who destroyed the entire expedition team of our empire?

When the red archbishop heard White's report, his eyes suddenly narrowed.

That's right, it's him. I recognize him even when he turns into ashes!

White said excitedly.

He would never forget the humiliation of being suppressed by a mid-level god.

A mid-level mid-level god? Did he destroy our entire expedition team? How interesting!

The archbishop looked at Lin Hua with great interest.

My grandson, destroy this guy.

On this side, Lin Hua has already stepped onto the fighting stage.

An exquisite combat cabin is in front of you.

Opposite is the battle bay of the Western Alliance Empire.

My grandson inside stood there looking at Lin Hua with contempt.

Off stage,

It is the expectant gaze of countless Eastern Alliance gods.

All hope lies in Lin Hua.


Lin Hua took a long breath.

I'm really looking forward to it. What genes can I get from you?

My grandson frowned and spoke in a threatening tone.

I recognize you. You destroyed an entire expedition team of our Western Alliance, and also killed one of my brother's vampire dukes.

Arrogant guy, I will let you know how powerful the artifact is!


hehe! This man who considers thieves as his father has the nerve to talk about brothers here?

Are you really embarrassed?

Lin Hua looked at my grandson with disdain.

Now please both parties enter the combat cabin!

The Eastern Alliance personnel announced.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the gods from the Eastern Empire focused their attention on Lin Hua.

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