Gods of all people: Evolution starts from Zerg

Chapter 130 The inherited artifact of the middle god, dangerous!

Whether it is a simulated battle or an actual battle, it actually has no impact on Lin Hua.

If you want to talk about what Lin Hua likes, it is of course actual combat.

What? Are you scared?

This sentence completely ignited the anger of the Eastern gods.

Oh shit! This is too deceiving!

Since you, the Western Alliance, have no objection, then we naturally have no reason to refuse.

Mr. Zhao pondered for a moment and told the Eastern Alliance's decision.

If you are afraid at this time, you will embarrass the entire Eastern Alliance.

Even if you lose, you must lose without fear.

very good!

The Western bishop nodded with satisfaction.

My grandson blind monk, you go first!

He spoke.

Looking at the first person to appear, all the Eastern gods couldn't help but have disgusting expressions on their faces.

It's entirely because this person does not originally belong to the Western Alliance but to the Eastern Alliance.

Back then, they were just a small country in the Eastern Alliance.

In a divine battle, the John family, the John who was defeated by Lin Hua,

Convinced them that the country surrendered directly to the Western Alliance.

In fact, surrendering means surrendering, but the most annoying thing is that their backhand is a sneak attack.

Many gods of the Eastern Alliance were lost at the hands of their own people.

At this point, the hatred between the Eastern Alliance and the Western Alliance completely kicked off.

The tiny place in the middle that defected was extremely despised by the Eastern Alliance.

My grandson, the blind monk, is also a member of that tiny place.

They have the blood of the Eastern Alliance, but they are colluding with the blond and blue-eyed people of the Western Alliance.

It's so hateful.

Using the gods of the East to beat the gods of the East, hahaha... How ridiculous!

A Western Alliance envoy laughed.

The voice was loud and there was no attempt to cover it up.

The faces of the Eastern Alliance personnel present instantly darkened when they heard these words.

Mr. Zhao has also experienced thousands of years of rebellion. This person from the Eastern Alliance camp actually went to work as a lackey for the Western Alliance.

This made Mr. Zhao really angry.

To this day, the Eastern Alliance's defections are a disgrace.

“I didn’t expect the Western Alliance to be so vicious!”

Sun Yu sat on the viewing platform, his eyes filled with anger.

These damn traitors, the Western Alliance must have done this on purpose.

Chen Chenchen also cursed loudly.

This is the arrangement the Western Alliance wants to use to humiliate the Eastern Alliance.

Damn it, I need to educate this traitor.

One of the contestants from the Eastern League team cursed angrily and then stepped onto the fighting stage.

All people from both sides entered the venue.

Well... after receiving short notice, the rules of the competition were changed from simulated combat to actual combat.

Please note that in actual combat species death is irreversible.

The staff of the Eastern League re-changed the rules in accordance with the above meaning.

My grandson blind monk and the contestants from the Eastern League entered the battle cabin at the same time.

The machine started to rotate continuously,

At the same time, battle scenes also started playing on the big screen.

The number of species armies on both sides is around one to two million.

The impact of low-end combat teams on the battle situation is not great, and it mainly depends on high-level creatures.


A huge monster with eight heads appeared on the simulated battlefield.

It is the Yamata-no-Orochi, a mythical creature unique to my grandson’s clan.

This is the level of Yamata no Orochi, which is actually seven levels high.

He is indeed the most outstanding god among the new generation of both empires.

The strength is really terrifying!

The gods of the Eastern Alliance are not to be outdone.

A huge yellow dragon was teleported to the simulated battlefield.

This is a prisoner cow, and naturally it is also a mythical beast-level creature.

Lin Hua looked at their mythical beast-level creatures and couldn't help but nodded.

This class can be said to be a fight between gods.

Both sides have mythical beast-level creatures, so they don't think so of low-end combat power.

The so-called Qi Niu is naturally the eldest among the nine sons of the dragon.

It's a pity that Prisoner Niu's combat effectiveness is not as strong as Qinglong.

With the transmission of species completed.

The two sides began to engage in fierce fighting.

An army of millions of species collided with each other and began to fight and kill.

The scene still looks very spectacular.

However, it is the battle between this mythical beast-level creature that ultimately determines the outcome of the battle.

A high-level species is enough to instantly kill all low-level creatures on the scene.

Prison Niu and Yamata no Orochi were fighting together.

The prisoner cow's physical strength is very strong. During this battle, it constantly attacked the Yamata no Orochi with its claws.

Yamata no Orochi naturally showed no weakness and resisted in the same way.

Although Qiu Niu is a descendant of Qinglong, his fighting style is somewhat like that of White Tiger.

However, the acid on the Yamata no Orochi can restrain species that are close to it.

Both sides are at level seven.

Without the gap in rank, Qi Niu may not be an opponent in a protracted battle.

Theocratic function! Divine power is strengthened!

Maybe it’s because I understand this,

This genius god from the Capital City University of Gods uses in addition to his theocratic functions.

I saw a huge divine light in the sky entering the prisoner's body.

His aura instantly increased sharply.

Is it similar to White Tiger's attack?

Lin Hua looked at the scene in the sky and couldn't help but say.

No wonder these people from the Capital God University are so proud, they seem to have some strength.

But compared with Lin Hua, it is still far behind.

What this naturally means is that the strengthened Qiu Niu and Yamata no Orochi combined may not be as good as Lin Hua.

After being strengthened by theocratic functions, Prisoner Niu's combat effectiveness has made a qualitative leap.

Haha~ Is that it?

My grandson, the blind monk, let out a disdainful tone.

Sacred weapon! Pheasant Sword!

In the sky on the simulated battlefield, a long sword emitting divine light suddenly appeared.

Is it a divine weapon?

This guy, just the middle god, has a divine weapon.

Who is this guy?

A burst of exclamations broke out in the Eastern Alliance camp.

The number of artifacts is not small.

But awesome and powerful artifacts are very rare.

The Grass Pheasant Sword is the most powerful among the artifacts.

It was different from the mass-produced Seraph Holy Sword that Lin Hua encountered before.

The Pheasant Sword is an inherited artifact.

The Eastern Alliance actually has a lot of expressions like this, such as the Xingtian Sword, the Dragon-Slaying Sword, etc.

But they are all in the hands of the top management.

It's not like a mid-level god can use such an inherited artifact.

It is said that an artifact of this level will consume thousands of points of divine power just to restore it in the divine realm.

The power is also worth the money.

This artifact was given to me by my retarded grandson, the mentally retarded patriarch of our clan. If you lose to this diseased artifact, you won't be at a loss.

The body projection of my grandson, the blind monk, appeared on the simulated battlefield, holding a pheasant sword in his hand, with disdain in his eyes.

He swung his sword vigorously, and the terrifying sword wave instantly destroyed the lives of millions of low-level species.

Even the seventh-level mythical beast species Prisoner Ox suffered heavy losses.

Thanks to the fact that the user of the artifact is only a high-level mid-level god.

If this attack was used by a high-ranking god, it would be able to kill a seventh-level divine beast-level creature instantly.

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