Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 79 Leaving Sun And Moon Territory

Of course, taking advantage of the period when this super-large beast tide is about to end, Caesar can still do something beneficial to the development of the Sun and Moon Territory, such as taking his troops to hunt those monsters that have not returned yet.

And Caesar also thought so. After all the extreme cold baboons returned to the extreme cold mountains, Caesar left the necessary legions to garrison the Sun and Moon Territory.

Then he and Shafulina, Sevier, Yiyou and others, with the guard knight troops and a group of guard members, as well as the giant lizard heavy cavalry corps and the dire wolf light cavalry corps of the Sun and Moon Territory, left the Sun and Moon Territory and headed straight for the front and middle areas of the northern wilderness. Prepare to intercept the returning monsters on the way.

In addition, Caesar also plans to go to Kolondil to bring back the more than 2,000 members of the Chamber of Commerce who are still in Kolondil and are preparing to move to the Sun and Moon Territory with Ada and 200 guard members who are staying in Kolondil.

Leaving the Sun and Moon Territory, entering the deep area of ​​the Northern Wilderness where the Sun and Moon Territory is located, there are already some traces of magic beasts in the deep area of ​​the Northern Wilderness at this time.

However, I don’t know if it’s because the giant lizard heavy cavalry corps and the dire wolf light cavalry corps led by Caesar this time have too many people in total.

As a result, these magic beasts that first returned to the deep area of ​​the Northern Wilderness avoided Caesar and his party from a distance when they saw Caesar and his party of thousands of people.

And for these magic beasts that avoided his party, Caesar did not specially arrange his troops to chase them.

Because the magic beasts that have returned to the deep area of ​​the Northern Wilderness where the Sun and Moon Territory is located are not only weak in strength, but also very rare in number. Instead of arranging his troops to chase and kill these magic beasts, Caesar might as well stop those magic beasts that are about to return according to the original plan.

As the group came to the edge of the deep Northern Wilderness, near the swamp forest, the number of magic beasts is also increasing.

Caesar knew that this is the migration of magic beasts back.

Given the vastness of the Northern Wilds, in order to be able to hunt more returning monsters to gain system points, Caesar separated from the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps after they arrived at the edge of the deep area of ​​the Northern Wilds.

Only with Safrina, Sevier, Yiyou and others, and the Guards Knights and the Guards, they directly killed the returning monsters and rushed all the way to Korendir.

Bypassing the swamp forest area, Caesar and his party continued to kill the monsters returning to the depths of the Northern Wilds while moving forward in the direction of Korendir.

Soon, Caesar and his party came to the territory that Caesar passed by last time when he went to Korendir to authenticate the territory.

Compared with the settlement that Caesar saw last time, which was only composed of some wooden fences, the territory that Caesar saw at this time had built walls and built the prototype of the city, and the walls were equipped with a lot of city defense equipment and soldiers guarding.

However, the situation in this territory is not good, just like the last time Caesar encountered it.

The last time Caesar passed through this territory, it was threatened by a pack of wild dogs.

This time, the threat to this territory is even stronger than the last pack of wild dogs.

Perhaps it was because the city built by this territory blocked the way back for the monsters in the deep wilderness of the northern border, which directly angered the black magic bull tribe that was about to return to the deep wilderness of the northern border.

And the black magic bull is not comparable to the half-magic beasts like the wild dog. The black magic bull is a second-level magic beast that can reach the second level when it grows up.

Moreover, among the second-level magic beasts, the black magic bull is also a very troublesome existence. Under normal circumstances, there is no second-level magic beast that dares to provoke the black magic bull.

There is no other reason, because no one knows whether this second-level black magic bull will mutate when provoking the second-level black magic bull, and directly mutate into the third-level, and the muscle magic bull with extremely strong combat power among the same level.

Of course, the muscle magic bull is not so easy to mutate. Often, there will be a mutated muscle magic bull among more than a hundred black magic bulls.

And this time, the black magic bull tribe provoked by this unlucky territory is a relatively ordinary black magic bull tribe, and there is no mutated muscle magic bull.

Although the number of this black magic bull group has increased a bit, with a scale of more than a thousand heads, and there are also many black magic bulls with strength reaching the third or fourth level. In addition, there is also a fifth-level black magic student as the leader. But for this territory that has already built a city, it is nothing. Because, compared with the last time Caesar encountered it, this territory has not only built a city, but also increased its strength. Last time, when Caesar encountered it, this territory only had a cavalry team of 100 people, a 500-man ordinary soldier unit, and a great knight-level existence. This time, there are more than 500 archers on the city wall alone to defend against the attacks of the black magic bull group, and these more than 500 archers are all soldiers with extraordinary power. Although the strength of these more than 500 archers is only at the level of reserve knights, it is already quite impressive. 【013606116 Feilu161031091]

Because, apart from his own Sun and Moon Territory, the last time Caesar saw a large-scale professional archer force was when he was in Korendir.

In addition to these more than 500 archers with extraordinary powers, there are more than 500 guards on the city wall (Zhao) who also have extraordinary powers.

And six great knights.

Moreover, the above are just what Caesar saw. As for whether this territory has hidden power in secret, Caesar does not know.

It is precisely because of this that Caesar feels that this black magic bull tribe is nothing to this territory.

And the fact is, just as Caesar thought, the black magic bull tribe that attacked this territory did not have any advantage when attacking the city wall of this territory.

Although the archers and guards of this territory are not as strong as the black bulls in the black bull tribe, they can still hold back the black bulls in the black bull tribe with the help of the city walls.

What really makes this territory have the upper hand is the existence of the six great knights.

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