Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 78: The Extremely Cold Baboons Retreat To The Extremely Cold Mountains

So, don't be curious about the extremely cold baboons behind you who are only concerned with eating the bodies of the extremely cold baboons shot to death by arrows, and not attacking the Sun and Moon Territory.

These extremely cold baboons are just too hungry.

Of course, the archers and crossbowmen standing on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory don't want these extremely cold baboons to waste their spoils.

Although the bodies of these extremely cold baboons are of no use to them, they can be used to provide meat for the hundreds of thousands of orcs in Shicheng, so that those hundreds of thousands of orcs can work harder!

Immediately, the archers and crossbowmen standing on the walls of the Sun and Moon Territory launched an attack on the extremely cold baboons that broke into their attack range.

Soon, a group of freshly baked extremely cold baboon hedgehogs appeared next to the extremely cold baboons that were shot into hedgehogs before.

However, the attacks of the archers and crossbowmen still failed to suppress the extremely cold baboon tribe. The extremely cold baboons still broke into the attack range of the archers and crossbowmen and ate the corpses of their own kind.

In order to prevent their spoils from being destroyed by the extremely cold baboons, the archers and crossbowmen could only attack the extremely cold baboons with arrows continuously.

Perhaps because they realized that they could not eat in peace unless they dealt with the archers and crossbowmen on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the extremely cold baboons that broke into the attack range of the archers and crossbowmen did not eat the corpses of their kind on the ground, but rushed towards the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory.

The extremely cold baboon tribe in the back, after seeing the example, also rushed directly towards the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory.

Seeing the group of extremely cold baboons rushing towards the southern wall, the archers and crossbowmen standing on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory shot arrows directly without any hesitation [to attack the tens of extremely cold baboons rushing towards them.

Perhaps because of hunger, these extremely cold baboons rushing towards the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory were more ferocious than when they came out of the extremely cold mountains before.

So much so that the Sun and Moon Territory, which Caesar had specially recruited a lot of soldiers to fight against the returning extremely cold baboons, had a harder time resisting a group of extremely cold baboons.

Not long after, an extremely cold baboon climbed up the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, braving the rain of arrows from archers and crossbowmen.

Although, this extremely cold baboon that climbed up the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory was soon killed by the guards on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory.

But this extremely cold baboon that climbed up the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory seemed to have set a precedent. After that, there were a steady stream of extremely cold baboons that "climbed up the southern wall of the Youyong Territory.

Fortunately, Caesar arranged more guards on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory. As long as there were extremely cold baboons climbing up the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the guards on the southern wall would kill them.

Therefore, the extremely cold baboons could not occupy the wall at all.

However, as more and more extremely cold baboons joined the offensive and defensive battle against the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the situation became increasingly unfavorable for the guards, archers, and crossbowmen on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory.

So, in order to repel these extremely cold baboons attacking the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, Caesar dispatched the fire magician unit at the bottom of the box.

Led by the extraordinary hero, the Fire Witch Elena, the Fire Mage Corps climbed the southern wall of H.

Without the slightest hesitation, the Fire Mage Corps chanted a spell under the leadership of Elena.

Soon, above the sky outside the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, that is, above the group of extremely cold baboons attacking the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, fireballs fell like a meteor shower towards the extremely cold baboons below.

The fireballs fell very fast, and even if the extremely cold baboons attacking the southern wall had noticed the fireballs above, they had no time to dodge.

Although, even if the speed of these extremely cold baboons could match the speed of the falling fireballs, they could not avoid the magic of the Fire Mage Corps.

After all, the magic used by Elena to lead the Fire Mage Corps this time was a range of advanced fire magic meteor showers.

Not long after the meteor shower fell, more than half of the extremely cold baboons that were attacking the southern city wall of the Sun and Moon Territory were lost.

Although these losses of extremely cold baboons were nothing compared to the huge number of the extremely cold baboon tribe, there were even a large number of extremely cold baboons behind them.

But the high-level magic meteor shower cast by Elena, who led the fire magician troops, still frightened the extremely cold baboons in the rear who did not participate in the siege.

However, after seeing Elena lead the fire magician troops to withdraw from the southern city wall, their desire for food still made them overcome their fear.

So, not long after Elena led the fire magician troops to withdraw from the city, a new round of attacks from the extremely cold baboon tribe followed.

Facing the extremely cold baboons that attacked again, the guards, archers, and crossbowmen standing on the southern city wall of the Sun and Moon Territory naturally responded actively.

However, I don’t know if it’s because they are afraid of the meteor shower released by Elena’s fire magician troops, this wave of attacks by the extreme cold baboons is much worse than the previous round of attacks by the extreme cold baboons.

There is no need for Elena to lead the fire magician troops to attack again. The archers, crossbowmen, and guards standing on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory can defend it.

After that, the extreme cold baboon tribe outside the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory fought with the troops on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory for a long time.

After finding that they could not do anything to the troops on the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, the extreme cold baboons that were attacking the southern wall of the Sun and Moon Territory, after leaving behind a large number of extreme cold baboon corpses,

began to evacuate to both sides of the Sun and Moon Territory.

In this regard, Caesar had no choice but to let Elena, with her fire magician troops, kill some extreme cold baboons with magic, and then let the extreme cold baboons leave from both sides.

Watching the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan evacuating from both sides of the Sun and Moon Territory and heading towards the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, Caesar did nothing except arranging the Giant Lizard Heavy Cavalry Corps and the Dire Wolf Light Cavalry Corps to pursue them.

As the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan withdrew from the Northern Wilderness, the Everwinter Plains and other areas to the outermost area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, this super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan is coming to an end.

Next, we only need to wait for the migrating monsters to return to their original territory, and this super-large beast tide caused by the Extreme Cold Baboon Clan will be completely over. .

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