Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 54: Caesar And His Party Were Stopped Outside The City

"No, if it weren't for your help, although my troops could defeat the wild dog tribe, they would also suffer heavy losses, so I still have to thank you." After hearing Caesar's words, the senior magician shook her head and said.

Then, looking at the sky approaching dusk, she said to Caesar again: "It's getting late now. If you don't mind, you can take your troops to rest in my territory for a night."

"No, I'm in a hurry." After hearing the words of the senior magician, Caesar shook his head and said.

Then, he took Shaflina, Severin and others and rushed towards the direction of Korendir.

Watching Caesar and his party going away, the middle-aged man with the strength of a great knight came to the side of the senior magician lady and said to her: "Miss, you are too reckless. If you anger them, our territory can't stop them." "Oster, you are too timid. If they want, with their strength, it is easy for them to destroy our territory." After hearing the words of the middle-aged man, the senior magician lady said. On the other side, after leaving the territory of the senior magician lady, Caesar and his party continued to rush towards Korendir. Perhaps because there are more lords expanding the wilderness in the first half of the northern wilderness, Caesar passed by more and more territories along the way. Correspondingly, the number of magic beasts is getting smaller and smaller. In addition, Caesar also encountered many robbers on the way to Korendir. Some robbers are very weak, with only a dozen people, and the leading robber leader is only the strength of a reserve knight. To be honest, Caesar couldn't imagine how such a powerful robber could survive in the Northern Wilds.

You know, although there are few monsters in the first half of the Northern Wilds, there are still some. If such a powerful robber encounters a slightly stronger monster, it is likely that he will be wiped out.

In addition to the relatively powerful monsters, the lords who dare to come to the Northern Wilds to expand the wilderness are also very powerful.

Although not every lord who comes to the Northern Wilds to expand the wilderness has a strong army like Caesar and the senior magician lady, those who can come to the Northern Wilds to expand the wilderness will at least have the strength of a primary knight around them.

Therefore, for a robber team of more than a dozen people, led by only a reserve knight, Caesar couldn't imagine how they survived in the Northern Wilds.

In fact, Caesar didn't know that it was not only the lords who came to the Northern Wilds to expand the wilderness, but also those merchants who went to the various territories in the first half of the Northern Wilds from Korendir or from the territories that had already expanded the wilderness.

These robbers, who only have a dozen people, target ordinary people or weak merchants.

Of course, among the robbers in the northern wilderness, there are not only these weak robber teams with only a dozen people, but also those with stronger strength.

For example, Caesar encountered an extremely powerful robber team on his way to Korendir.

Of course, the strong strength here is compared with those weak robber teams.

Because, in the Orlan plane, except for those large robbers supported by the nobles, there are high-level knights in the rest of the robbers. There are basically no robbers with high-level knights.

After all, in the declining Orlan plane, the existence of high-level knights is not low.

And the extremely powerful robber team that Caesar encountered is a robber team with hundreds of people, including many reserve knights and primary knights, and their leader is a mid-level knight.

At that time, the robbers were attacking a territory, and the territory was almost broken by the robbers because of its weak strength.

As for why it was almost, it was naturally because Caesar took action.

If Caesar did not take action, the weaker territory would probably become a ruin like the many ruins Caesar saw in the wilderness of the northern border.

After killing the powerful robbers, Caesar and his party traveled for a few more days and then arrived at their destination, Kolondiel.

However, just when Caesar was about to lead his team into Kolondiel, he encountered a problem.

That is, perhaps because Caesar and his party were relatively strong, Kolondiel's city defense team refused Caesar and his party to enter Kolondiel.

In order to prevent Caesar and his party from entering Kolondiel, Kolondiel's city defense team even closed the city gate facing the north.

The closure of the city gate directly caused a commotion among the civilians inside and outside Kolondiel.

Perhaps the noise of the civilians alarmed the attention of the city guard of Korendil. The city guard walked out of the city gate tower and asked the captain of the city guard team on the city wall: "What's going on? Who gave you the courage to close the city gate? Hurry up and open the city gate." "Sir, look outside?" Hearing the question of the city guard, the captain of the city guard team pointed outside the city and said to the city guard. "What's there to see outside?" Hearing the words of the captain of the city guard team, the city guard replied casually, but still looked outside the city, and naturally noticed Caesar and his party outside the city. However, the city guard was much more knowledgeable than the captain of the city guard team. After seeing that there were several people in Caesar's party whose strength he couldn't see through, he immediately broke out in a cold sweat. As the city guard facing the northern wilderness of Korendil, his strength is not weak, and he has the strength of the peak of the great knight. And who else can make him unable to see through the strength, except for the existence of the extraordinary realm? This means that among the group of people outside the city gate (referring to Caesar and others), there are several extraordinary beings.

And how could they stop a team with several extraordinary beings?

Even the group outside the city would have no problem taking down Korendiel.

After all, there was only one extraordinary being in Korendiel.

Immediately, the city guard scolded the captain of the city guard team: "You pig, why don't you open the city gate quickly and let the adults outside in."

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