Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 53: Others' Expansion Of Territory

Not long after Caesar and his party traveled in the first half of the northern wilderness, they encountered a territory that was in the stage of expansion.

This territory, which was in the stage of expansion, was not as powerful as Caesar's Sun and Moon Territory, but it was not weak either. There was a strong man with the strength of a great knight and a high-level magician.

In addition, there was a cavalry unit of about a hundred people in this territory, all of which were formal knights with the strength of reserve knights and primary knights, and they were led by an intermediate knight.

In addition to this cavalry team of about a hundred people led by an intermediate knight, there was also an army of about five hundred people in this territory.

However, the strength of this army of about five hundred people was far from comparable to that of the cavalry unit of about a hundred people.

Because, in this army of about five hundred people, except for an intermediate knight who was responsible for leading the army, there were very few soldiers with extraordinary powers, only a dozen, and these ten soldiers with extraordinary powers were only reserve knights.

In addition to these soldiers, there are many people in this territory.

However, Caesar does not know how many people there are. After all, they are not like these soldiers who are pulled out to deal with the wild dog tribe outside this territory.

Wild dogs are half-magic beasts. Their strength is about the same as that of the polar baboons. They are usually carried out in groups.

This wild dog tribe outside this territory that is in the stage of expansion is not small in scale, with thousands of wild dogs.

However, although the scale of this wild dog tribe is not small, its strength is not strong. There are only a few wild dogs of the first and second levels in the entire tribe.

Therefore, in terms of strength, this wild dog tribe is not as good as this territory that is in the stage of expansion. Even if the cavalry unit of a hundred people in this territory that is in the stage of expansion is given some time, the cavalry unit of a hundred people can destroy this wild dog tribe.

Unfortunately, at this stage, this territory, which is in the stage of expansion, is in a stalemate with the wild dog tribe.

There is no way, who said that although the strength of this wild dog tribe is not very strong, the scale is not small?

Once this territory, which is in the stage of expansion, goes to war with the wild dog tribe, although this territory, which is in the stage of expansion, will definitely win in the end, the casualties of this territory, which is in the stage of expansion, will not be small.

After all, don't forget that there are a large number of residents and ordinary soldiers in this territory, which is in the stage of expansion.

Fortunately, the arrival of Caesar and his party resolved the stalemate between this territory, which is in the stage of expansion, and the wild dog tribe.

After seeing Caesar and his party of more than 600 people, the wild dog tribe, which was originally afraid of the strength of the territory, which was in the stage of expansion, and did not dare to take the initiative to attack, ran away directly.

"Ada, Aer, deal with them." Seeing the wild dogs running away directly, Caesar immediately opened his mouth and ordered Ada and Aer.

"Yes!" After hearing Caesar's order, Ada and Aer responded, and then led the guard team to kill the wild dog tribe. As the guard team carefully trained by Caesar, their speed was naturally not slow, and it didn't take long for them to catch up with the wild dog tribe.

After that, it was natural to slaughter the wild dog tribe.

After all, the weakest member of the guard team was much stronger than the strongest second-level wild dog in the wild dog tribe.

Therefore, it didn't take long for the entire wild dog tribe to be slaughtered by Ada and Aer under Caesar's command and the guard team.

Seeing the guard team slaughtering the wild dog tribe with thousands of wild dogs in a short time, everyone in the territory, which was in the stage of expansion, looked at Caesar and his party with vigilance.

There was no way, there was no order in the northern wilderness.

The enemies of the lords who expanded in the northern wilderness were not only the monsters in the northern wilderness, but also the lords who were also expanding in the northern wilderness, and the robbers who were rampant in the northern wilderness.

The reason why Caesar chose to expand his territory in the northern wilderness near the extremely cold mountains was not only to obtain system points conveniently, but also to guard against those lords who were expanding in the northern wilderness.

Of course, Caesar was very brave at that time. He dared to lead a large group of light cavalry and directly broke into the second half of the northern wilderness where there were many monsters.

Fortunately, Caesar was very lucky at that time. Before establishing the Sun and Moon Territory, he did not encounter any powerful monsters.

After Caesar established the territory and recruited the extraordinary hero Shafulina with the hero recruitment order given by the super auxiliary system, the northern wilderness was no longer threatened.

Therefore, Caesar did not feel strange that the people in this territory that was expanding looked at him with vigilance.

Moreover, it was none of his business whether the people in this territory that was in the stage of expanding were vigilant or not. Anyway, he was not here to help this territory. If he had not found the figure of the wild dog tribe when passing by this territory, he would not even come to this territory.

After letting Ada and Aer simply clean up and find some valuable spoils in the wild dog tribe, Caesar was ready to leave.

"Wait a minute!" However, just as Caesar was about to leave with his group, a voice suddenly came from the territory that was in the stage of expansion, calling Caesar and his group. Hearing the voice, Caesar stopped his steps and wanted to see what was going on in this territory that was in the stage of expansion. Then, the senior magician in the magic robe walked out of the crowd in the territory that was in the stage of expansion and came to Caesar and others. "What's the matter?" Looking at the senior magician who came to him, Caesar asked. Hearing Caesar's question, the senior magician lifted the hat of the magic robe, revealing the beautiful face under the hat and the long silver hair. Then, the senior magician lady thanked Caesar: "Sir, thank you for saving my territory." "You're welcome. Without me, your troops can also deal with this wild dog tribe." Hearing the senior magician lady's thanks, Caesar said.

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