Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 42: Great Expansion Of Territory

After returning to the territory from the Extreme Cold Mountains, Caesar immediately injected the system points he had gained in the Extreme Cold Mountains into the Lord's Heart.

During this period, Caesar and others killed a lot of monsters in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, and Ah Da led a group of soldiers to hunt monsters in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Therefore, during this period, Caesar gained a lot of system points. Even if Caesar spent some system points during this period, the remaining system points directly expanded Caesar's territory to 5,001 square kilometers.

As Caesar expanded the area of ​​his territory to 5,001 square kilometers, the reward of expanding 1,000 square kilometers given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff also arrived.

However, compared with the reward of expanding 1,000 square kilometers given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, what is more exciting is the Lord's Gift Pack given to Caesar by the Super Auxiliary System.

There is nothing much to say about the reward given by the Hundred Days Expansion Buff. It is three primary soldier symbols (large) that can recruit three primary elite troops. Caesar used them as soon as he got them.

After Caesar used the three primary soldier symbols (large), three elite warrior brigades appeared in Caesar's territory.

In this regard, Caesar did not hesitate at all and directly handed over these three elite warrior brigades to Leska, an extraordinary late-stage hero who is good at training and commanding infantry.

Then, Caesar excitedly opened the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system.

And the lord gift package is worthy of being a product of the super auxiliary system, and it is worthy of the law that the system's products must be exquisite. As soon as it was opened, it gave Caesar many good things.

Among them, the functional building · primary barracks is what Caesar cares about most.

Although the primary barracks is only one level higher than the low-level barracks that Caesar has now, the role of the primary barracks is far beyond the low-level barracks.

Unlike the low-level barracks that can only spend gold coins or system points to recruit blank low-level soldiers, the primary barracks can not only spend gold coins or system points to recruit primary soldiers with the strength of primary knights to high-level knights, but also spend gold coins or system points to convert low-level soldiers into more powerful primary soldiers.

In addition, when recruiting primary soldiers or converting low-level soldiers into primary soldiers, the primary barracks can also spend more gold coins and system points to directly recruit or convert the corresponding soldiers, saving training time.

The only thing that is the same as the low-level barracks is that no matter the primary soldiers recruited by the primary barracks or the primary soldiers converted by the primary barracks, they are not equipped with corresponding equipment, and Caesar needs to equip these recruited or converted primary soldiers.

Fortunately, these are not difficult for Caesar.

With the four small metal veins opened in the last Super Auxiliary System Lord Gift Pack, now as long as Caesar's territory is equipped with a special blacksmith and a blacksmith shop, he can forge equipment.

Even without a blacksmith, Caesar can spend system points to buy equipment from the Super Auxiliary System Mall.

Therefore, after seeing this primary barracks that can directly recruit primary knights, intermediate knights, and senior knights, Caesar immediately placed it in the territory.

After the primary barracks were placed, Caesar turned his attention to the other items in the opened Lord Gift Pack.

Although the primary barracks is a functional building that plays a great role in Caesar's territory, other items in the Lord's Gift Pack are also very useful to Caesar's territory.

For example, the primary horse farm in the Lord's Gift Pack has the function of accelerating the growth of mounts, accelerating the reproduction speed, and making it easy to cultivate mounts.

After Caesar's territory has this primary horse farm, it can use it to cultivate the mounts of the territory and train more cavalry.

And the cavalry in Caesar's territory finally don't have to spend a lot of effort to capture adult mounts.

Of course, after the primary horse farm in the territory develops, the cavalry in Caesar's territory still needs to capture mounts.

After all, no matter how useful the primary horse farm is, it needs mounts in it to operate.

There are three functional buildings in the Lord's Gift Pack given by Caesar from the Super Auxiliary System. In addition to the primary barracks and primary horse farm mentioned above, there is also a functional building called the primary public security station.

This functional building called the Primary Security Office allows Caesar to spend gold coins or system points to recruit security officers with strengths ranging from reserve knights to senior knights to maintain the security of the territory.

Functionally, the function of the Primary Security Office is similar to that of the Primary Barracks.

Unfortunately, this functional building called the Primary Security Office is of no use to Caesar for the time being.

Because the current population in Caesar's territory is 100% loyal to Caesar's troops and the people who have received the Hundred Days Expansion Buff.

In the absence of foreign population, there will be no problem with the security in Caesar's territory.

Of course, after Caesar opens his territory, absorbs people, and opens up business, the Primary Security Office will play its due role.

Although the Primary Security Office is of no use for the time being, Caesar still found a place in the territory to settle it.

After installing the three functional buildings in the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system, Caesar checked the other items in the lord gift package.

First of all, of course, there are hero recruitment orders in the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system.

And this time, there are ten hero recruitment orders in the lord gift package given by the super auxiliary system.

After using all ten hero recruitment orders, Caesar also has ten more heroes in the extraordinary realm.

Among them, there are three warrior-type heroes like Leska. Because their strength is only the initial stage of the extraordinary realm, Caesar directly arranged them under Leska.

At the same time, these three warrior-type heroes in the early stage of the extraordinary realm are also the three weakest among the ten extraordinary heroes recruited by Caesar this time.

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