Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 41 Leaving The Extremely Cold Mountains And Returning To The Territory

Since the ice stone beast is not very valuable, it does not even have a magic core after being killed, and the stones that make up its body are of some value at most. Therefore, when Caesar waited for Saflina and Savier to vent their anger, he stopped Saflina and Savier.

And it is precisely because the ice stone beast itself has no value that it can occupy such a large area close to the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

After all, facing the ice stone beast that is not too weak, has a large number, and has no benefit in fighting, as long as the monsters near the rocky area are not stupid, they will basically not attack the ice stone beast.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the ice stone beast does not invade the territory of the surrounding monsters.

Without paying too much attention to the entanglement of the ice stone beast in the rocky area, Caesar directly took Saflina, Savier and others across the rocky area and came to the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

After arriving at the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, Caesar and his party had not explored for long when they encountered the overlord of the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, the long-haired giant elephant.

The long-haired giant elephant lives in the extreme cold area and can become a powerful third-level magic beast when it grows up.

What's more unfortunate is that Caesar and his party encountered a large herd of long-haired giant elephants, with a total of thousands of long-haired giant elephants.

Moreover, in this herd of thousands of long-haired giant elephants, there are also several long-haired giant elephants of the extraordinary realm.

Although Caesar and his party are not weaker than this large herd of long-haired giant elephants, Caesar has no intention of causing trouble for the long-haired giant elephants.

Of course, this is not because Caesar is afraid of this large herd of long-haired elephants, but because he is afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

After all, the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains they set foot on is the territory occupied by the long-haired giant elephants. Who knows how many long-haired giant elephants of the extraordinary realm there are in the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by this herd of long-haired giant elephants.

Fortunately, the long-haired elephant tribe is also a relatively gentle monster race. When Caesar and his party did not take the initiative to provoke them, they also ignored Caesar and his party.

Of course, this is also because this large long-haired elephant tribe felt the momentum of Caesar and his party and knew that Caesar and his party were not easy to provoke.

Otherwise, no matter how gentle the long-haired elephants are, they will not allow some weaklings to stay in the area occupied by their tribe for a long time.

Skipping the large long-haired elephant tribe, Caesar took Shafulina, Savier and others to explore the core area occupied by the long-haired elephants.

It must be said that the core area is the core area. Although the resources it has may not be as rich as the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, the rarity of the resources is far more rare than the resources in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

For example, the hundred-year-old snow lotus that Caesar obtained from the snow ape tribe in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, Caesar and others only explored the core area for a period of time and found several.

In addition, Caesar also found a lot of precious materials such as Snow Spirit Fruit, Ice Heart Grass, and Snow Soul Stone in the core area occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephant Clan, which were not inferior to the hundred-year-old snow lotus.

However, although Caesar and others found a lot of rare materials in the core area of ​​the extremely cold mountain range occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephant Clan, Caesar did not intend to stay in the core area of ​​the extremely cold mountain range for long.

After all, Caesar's purpose of coming to the Extreme Cold Mountains this time was to test his strength and explore the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Now that Caesar has finished testing his strength, the rest is to explore the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Therefore, how could Caesar be willing to stay longer in the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephants.

Of course, although Caesar did not plan to stay longer in the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephants, he did not plan to continue exploring the Extreme Cold Mountains.

After all, Caesar and his party have been out for several days, and it is time to return to the territory.

So, Caesar and his party explored the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephants for a while, and then directly left the core area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains occupied by the Long-haired Giant Elephants and returned along the original route.

Re-cross the rocky area occupied by the ice and stone beasts, and the blizzard area occupied by the snow beasts.

However, I don't know if it was because Caesar and his party were in the blizzard area that they were affected by the blizzard in the blizzard area.

After coming out of the blizzard area, Caesar and his party were not in the snowfield area guarded by the raging rabbit, but in an area inside the extreme cold mountains that Caesar had never set foot on.

The environment of this area inside the extreme cold mountains is also very different from the several areas inside the extreme cold mountains that Caesar had passed through before.

The areas inside the extreme cold mountains that Caesar had passed through before were more or less covered with ice and snow, but only the area inside the extreme cold mountains that Caesar had just set foot on was not covered with ice and snow, not to mention covered with ice and snow, there was not even a trace of ice and snow.

In addition, the temperature of this area inside the extreme cold mountains is not only higher than the temperature of the outer areas of the extreme cold mountains, but it is even comparable to the summer temperature of the city where Caesar used to live (around 20 degrees Celsius).

And this suitable temperature not only makes the trees in this area inside the extreme cold mountains extremely lush, but also the resources are extremely rich.

The rich resources and lush forest environment also make many Warcraft races living in this area.

Caesar and his party had only set foot in the inner area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains for a short time when they encountered dozens of magic beasts of different species.

Moreover, the strength of these magic beasts was not weak. They basically had the strength of second-level magic beasts, and even some of the more powerful magic beasts had the strength of third-level.

By the way, the magic beasts with third-level strength here are not the kind of magic beasts that are only second-level when they are adults and grow to third-level later, but third-level magic beasts that have third-level strength when they are adults.

To be honest, it was only because the number of third-level magic beasts that Caesar encountered was not large that it was not difficult for Caesar to think that this inner area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains was the core area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains?

Although there were many resources in this area with rich resources and lush forest environment, Caesar did not intend to stay any longer, and directly passed through the inner area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains and came to the outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains.

After arriving at the outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains, Caesar and his party found the right direction, passed through the outer area of ​​the Extremely Cold Mountains directly, and rushed back to the territory.

As for when Caesar and others went to the inner area of ​​the Arctic Mountains, the large group led by Ada, who was separated from Caesar and his party, had already returned to the territory when Caesar and his party were exploring the inner area and core area of ​​the Arctic Mountains.

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