Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 36: Fifth-Rank Snow Ape King

After destroying the snow ape tribe, Caesar did not immediately track down the snow apes that were deliberately released, but cleaned up the battlefield with Shafulina, Savier and others.

After all, as a second-level magic beast, the value of the snow ape's corpse is still not low.

In addition, Caesar also wanted to see the treasures of the snow ape tribe.

Speaking of the treasures of the snow ape tribe, we have to talk about the characteristics of the snow ape tribe. In addition to being very united, the snow ape tribe also likes to collect some special items and hoard food.

Perhaps this group of snow apes destroyed by Caesar did not expect that they would be destroyed, so the place where the items were hidden was not very difficult to find.

It didn't take Caesar and his party very long to find the treasures of this group of snow apes that they destroyed.

However, I don't know if it's because the snow ape tribe destroyed by Caesar and others had just split from a large snow ape tribe, so this group of snow apes didn't have many treasures.

And most of the collections are cold iron fruits.

In addition, there are some strange things that are unknown.

After putting the treasures of the snow ape tribe into the space ring, and then letting Sever use the summoning space to collect the bodies of the snow apes, Caesar and others took action again.

Although it took a lot of time to clean up the battlefield and search for the treasures of the snow ape tribe, Caesar and others quickly found the traces of the snow apes that were deliberately released before.

After finding the traces of the escaped snow apes, Caesar and his party followed the escaped snow apes and let the escaped snow apes take them to find the large snow ape tribe that Caesar and others guessed.

And on the way to the guessed large snow ape tribe following the escaped snow apes, Caesar and his party encountered many snow ape tribes.

The size of the snow ape tribes encountered on the road was similar to that of the snow ape tribes destroyed by Caesar and others before. Of course, there were also a few snow ape tribes that were larger than the one destroyed by Caesar and others, but they were limited.

For the snow ape tribes encountered on the road, Caesar and his party naturally destroyed them without saying a word, and then took away their bodies and treasures.

However, this time, when destroying these snow ape tribes, Caesar and his party did not deliberately let go of the snow apes in the snow ape tribe.

And time was constantly passing while Caesar and his party were tracking the escaped snow apes to the big snow ape tribe and destroying the snow ape tribes along the way.

Soon, time came to the evening.

Fortunately, Caesar and his party had already prepared to stay in the Extreme Cold Mountains when they came to the Extreme Cold Mountains this time, so they did not need to worry about being too late and not being able to return to the territory.

On the other side, the snow apes that Caesar and others had deliberately let go finally arrived at the Great Snow Ape Tribe that Caesar and others had guessed.

This Great Snow Ape Tribe was quite powerful, with more than 800 snow apes, including three Snow Ape Kings with the fifth-order strength, dozens of fourth-order snow apes, and hundreds of third-order snow apes.

Fortunately, Caesar and his party were stronger than the snow apes.

After the snow apes that Caesar and others had deliberately let go arrived at this powerful Great Snow Ape Tribe, they immediately started yelling at the snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Tribe.

Then, the snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Tribe also roared and some of them even beat their chests while roaring.

Obviously, the snow apes in this Great Snow Ape Tribe knew what happened to the Snow Ape Tribe and were angry?

Then, the snow apes in the entire Great Snow Ape Tribe continued to gather, and then, led by the snow apes that Caesar and others had deliberately let go, they rushed towards the direction of the Snow Ape Tribe.

Obviously, this was to avenge the snow ape tribe that was destroyed by Caesar and his party.

Seeing this, Caesar and his party did not hesitate at all and appeared directly in front of the Great Snow Ape Tribe.

Looking at Caesar and his party who suddenly appeared in front of the Great Snow Ape Tribe, the snow apes that Caesar and his party had deliberately let go before immediately roared.

Then, the snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Tribe glared at Caesar and his party, and only waited for the order of the three-headed snow ape king to attack Caesar and his party.

In this regard, Caesar naturally would not wait for the snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Clan to launch an attack before counterattacking.

Caesar directly selected a fifth-level snow ape king in the Great Snow Ape Clan and immediately launched an attack on it.

As for the two snow ape kings and other snow apes around this fifth-level snow ape king, Caesar was not worried. He believed that Shafulina, Savier and others would handle it.

And things happened just as Caesar thought. When Caesar took action against the fifth-level snow ape king, Shafulina, Savier and others also faced the remaining two fifth-level snow ape kings and other snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Clan.

Although the number of snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Clan was much larger than that of Caesar's side, when fighting. It was Caesar's side that firmly suppressed the Great Snow Ape Clan.

Even, under the deliberate involvement of Shafulina, Savier and others, the other snow apes in the Great Snow Ape Clan had already left the battlefield near Caesar and the Snow Ape King.


The fifth-level snow ape king who dodged Caesar's attack looked at Caesar in front of him and roared angrily, then rushed straight towards Caesar and smashed down with both fists.

Facing the double-fisted hammer from the fifth-level snow ape king, Caesar, who wanted to test his own strength, did not choose to dodge, but raised the greatsword in his hand, ready to resist the fist of the fifth-level snow ape king.


As the fists of the fifth-level snow ape king collided with the greatsword in Caesar's hand, a roar suddenly came.


Although the momentum of the collision between the fists of the fifth-level snow ape king and the greatsword in Caesar's hand was amazing, Caesar, who used the greatsword to take the blow of the fifth-level snow ape king, felt something was wrong.

Because the force from the fists of the fifth-level snow ape king was too small, so small that Caesar could counterattack as long as he exerted force.

And Caesar did the same, pushing hard and directly pushing the snow ape king back a few steps.

"Am I that strong?" Caesar couldn't help feeling curious as he saw the Snow Ape King being pushed back a few steps just by his strong push.

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