Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 35: Snow Ape In The Inner Part Of The Extremely Cold Mountains

The inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains not only has a much lower temperature than the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, but also has a completely different environment from the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

If the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains is a green area covered by forests, then the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains is a white area covered by ice and snow all year round, and there is no trace of green in the entire area.

Of course, don't think that the resources in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains are less than those in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains just because the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains is covered by ice and snow all year round.

In fact, the resources in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains are indeed less than those in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

However, although the resources in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains are less than those in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, the resources in the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains are far more than those in the outer area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains.

Apart from other things, the cold iron tree that Caesar, Safrina, Savier and others saw when they entered the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains is a relatively rare resource.

The Iron Tree is a magical plant that can only live in ice and snow areas and grows by absorbing ice and snow energy.

The Iron Tree has three main functions. The first function is that after absorbing ice and snow energy and growing to a certain extent, it can produce Iron Fruits that contain a lot of ice and snow energy.

And this kind of Iron Fruit that contains a lot of ice and snow energy can be used to improve the strength of ice and snow monsters or those who specialize in ice and snow magic and fighting spirit, although the improvement is not much.

Of course, if the Iron Fruit is refined into an alchemy potion by an alchemist, the value will be greater.

The only problem is that the Iron Fruit is not so easy to find. Even if the monsters who live in ice and snow areas all year round, it takes a lot of time to find the Iron Fruit on a Iron Tree.

This is because the cold iron fruit growing on the cold iron tree is often covered by the surrounding ice and snow. In addition, the cold iron fruit is bred by the cold iron tree absorbing the energy of ice and snow, and the energy fluctuations it emits are no different from ice and snow. Therefore, if you don’t take the initiative to spend time searching, the cold iron fruit is difficult to find.

Of course, searching for cold iron fruit is very simple for Caesar. As long as Caesar spends system points to buy props specifically used to search for cold iron fruit from the system mall of the super auxiliary system, it will be fine.

However, because Caesar wanted to buy a better search prop, he didn’t buy it because he didn’t have enough system points for the time being.

Not long after entering the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains, a magic beast stared at Caesar and his party.

This is an ape-like magic beast with white hair that blends into the surrounding environment. Caesar, who bought the introduction of magic beasts in the North and the surrounding areas of the North from the city of Korendiel, recognized this ape-like magic beast as a second-level magic beast, the snow ape, as soon as he saw it.

Snow apes are second-level monsters that live in ice and snow areas and feed on the iron fruit grown on the iron trees that are unique to ice and snow areas. It can be said that wherever there are iron trees, there are basically traces of snow apes.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that snow apes are a kind of monster that moves in groups and is very united. There will never be a fight between different groups of polar baboons like there is in the Arctic.

Of course, although snow apes are monsters that move in groups and are very united, they have a characteristic.

That is, the number of snow apes in a snow ape group is not too many. Even in the largest snow ape group, the number of snow apes will not exceed one thousand.

Whenever the number of snow apes in a snow ape group exceeds one thousand (such as the birth of newborns, the joining of foreign snow apes), the snow ape group with a number of more than one thousand snow apes will split into two groups.

However, don't think that the snow ape group is weak because the number of snow apes in the snow ape group does not exceed one thousand.

In fact, the strength of each snow ape group is not only not weak, but also quite strong.

Because, in any snow ape group, there must be a snow ape with the strength of the fourth level sitting in it.

And if it is some older snow ape groups, there are even snow apes with the strength of the fifth level sitting in it, and there are many snow apes with the strength of the fourth level.

After discovering that the magic beast that was eyeing him was a snow ape, Caesar did not hesitate at all and directly launched an attack on the snow ape.

However, Caesar did not attack with all his strength, but only injured the snow ape.

Of course, this is not because Caesar has a change of heart and cannot bear to kill the snow ape.

What a joke, Caesar, who slaughtered millions of extreme cold baboons, would not be able to bear to kill the snow ape because of his conscience. The reason why Caesar killed the snow ape was purely because Caesar wanted to use this snow ape to attract the snow ape tribe behind it.

The snow ape tribe is extremely united. After discovering that a tribe member was injured, they will definitely come to seek revenge.

And the snow ape that was injured by Caesar, as expected, ran away directly after being injured by Caesar. I think it was going back to the snow ape tribe to seek revenge.

However, Caesar didn't have the mind to wait for the arrival of the snow ape tribe in the same place. He followed the snow ape directly with Shafulina, Savier and others.

Since the weakest among Caesar's group who entered the inner area of ​​the Extreme Cold Mountains this time were all at the level of great knights, Caesar and his group would naturally not be discovered by the snow ape with only second-level strength when they followed the snow ape.

Following the snow ape injured by Caesar, Caesar and his group found the tribe of the snow ape injured by Caesar in a short time.

The tribe of the snow ape injured by Caesar was not strong. It was probably because it had just split from some large snow ape tribes. There were only more than 100 snow apes (just to mention, the number of snow apes in the snow ape tribe was at least 100). There was only one fourth-level snow ape in charge.

There were quite a few third-level snow apes, more than 20 in total, but unfortunately, for Caesar and his party, there was no difference between the third and second levels.

After discovering the snow ape tribe, Caesar did not say a word and attacked the snow ape tribe together with Shafulina, Savier and others.

Of course, because it was speculated that this snow ape tribe had just split from a large snow ape tribe, Caesar and his party did not use their full strength.

After all, Caesar still had to rely on the snow apes in this snow ape tribe to find the location of the speculated large snow ape tribe.

However, even if Caesar and his party did not use their full strength, the snow ape tribe attacked by Caesar and his party was not Caesar's opponent.

It didn't take long before the entire snow ape tribe was wiped out by Caesar and his crew, except for one or two snow apes that were deliberately released by Caesar and his crew.

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