Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 2: The Power Of The Newbie Gift Pack

After sighing, Caesar immediately checked the information of the items in the novice gift pack.

The top talent Gluttony can greatly improve the digestion and absorption capacity of the owner.

Needless to say, this ability is the best for Caesar. After all, the so-called cultivation talent is simply the efficiency of the creature's absorption of external energy.

The higher the efficiency of absorbing external energy, the higher the cultivation talent, and the lower the efficiency of absorbing external energy, the lower the cultivation talent.

Just like the same resource, Elsa Griffin, who has a high cultivation talent, can use 30% or even 50% of the resource (digestion capacity × absorption capacity), while Caesar, who has a low cultivation talent, can use 1% of the resource.

But as long as Caesar integrates the gluttony talent, Caesar's utilization rate of resources can reach more than 90%.

Therefore, after seeing the introduction of the top talent Gluttony, Caesar couldn't wait to integrate the top talent Gluttony.

Fortunately, Caesar did not lose his mind. He was concerned that he was in the wilderness and did not know if there would be any anomalies when the talents were merged, so he did not rush to merge the talents, but turned his attention to other items in the novice gift pack.

Breathing Method·Scorching Sun, the top breathing method, can temper the practitioner's physique by absorbing the solar energy in the sun, and the cultivated scorching sun fighting spirit has extremely terrifying destructive power.

"What? This scorching sun breathing method is actually the top breathing method!" Seeing the introduction of Breathing Method·Scorching Sun, Caesar could not help but get excited.

It is no wonder that Caesar was so excited. You know, in the current Orlan plane, let alone the top breathing method, there is no advanced breathing method that is one level lower than the top breathing method.

Like the three human kingdoms on the Orlan plane continent today, which have legendary strongmen sitting in the seat, the breathing methods they have are only incomplete advanced breathing methods.

It can even be said that the entire Orlan plane does not have a complete advanced breathing method and advanced meditation method.

Otherwise, the strongest person in the Orlan plane today would not be just a legendary existence.

After all, the Orlan plane is in decline, but it is still possible to support one or two epic beings.

As for the Wild Wolf Breathing Method that Caesar is practicing now, it is just a low-level breathing method, and it can only be practiced to the level of a high-level knight.

After being excited, Caesar continued to check the Meditation Method·Phantom Moon. However, perhaps after seeing the top breathing method of the Fiery Sun Breathing Method, he had already guessed about the Phantom Moon Meditation Method. When he saw that the Phantom Moon Meditation Method was also a top meditation method, although he was also a little excited, it was not as big as the Fiery Sun Breathing Method.

After reading the introduction of the Meditation Method·Phantom Moon, Caesar continued to check the remaining items in the novice gift package.

The Lord's Heart, a rare treasure from a certain world, has been modified and optimized by the super auxiliary system, and now has the ability to quickly build territory buildings by consuming construction materials.

In addition, the host can expand a larger territory area by consuming system points. (Note: When expanding the territory, you will be hated by the local residents outside, which will lead to attacks from the local residents)

Although Caesar had already been excited by the top talents he had checked before, Gluttony, Breathing Method, Blazing Sun, and Meditation Method, Phantom Moon, Caesar still felt very excited after seeing the introduction of the Lord's Heart.

After all, becoming a lord is Caesar's dream in the Orlan plane.

During the nearly twenty years of living in the Orlan plane, even if Caesar is stupid, he has understood the essence of the Orlan plane.

Although on the surface, the Orlan plane is a world where the strong are respected, in fact, the essence of the Orlan plane is aristocracy, no, it should be said that the lord is supreme.

Let's take the Griffin family where Caesar is from as an example!

Like Caesar's eldest sister, Elu Griffin, the deputy governor of Dok City, has a high status, right? But all this was given to her by the lord of Dok City. Therefore, as long as the lord of Dok City takes back the power, Elu can only step down.

In addition, like the protagonist's third sister Ain Griffin, she created a large chamber of commerce at a young age. Isn't it awesome? But as long as the lord of Dok City makes a move, it can be easily destroyed.

As for the second sister Aisha Griffin, the fifth sister Eve Griffin and the sixth sister Irene Griffin, don't look at their outstanding cultivation talents, but without resources, what's the use of outstanding cultivation talents.

For example, Caesar's second sister, Elsa Griffin, is a 21-year-old senior knight. She has outstanding cultivation talent, but now she can only be trapped in the stage of senior knight and can't make any breakthroughs.

Because there is no more advanced breathing method, the low-level breathing method of Wild Wolf Breathing can only break through to the advanced knight stage at most.

It is precisely because of the insight into the nature of the Oran plane that Caesar is eager to become a lord.

Skipping the Lord's Heart, Caesar continued to check the remaining items in the novice gift pack.

Low-level soldier symbol (large), after use, can summon a large group of low-level soldiers.

In the Oran plane, twelve people form a small team, including ten team members, a deputy captain, and a small captain. Five teams form a squadron, with a deputy squadron captain and a squadron captain. Two squadrons form a small team, with a deputy captain and a captain.

Since the introduction of the low-level soldier symbol (large) is about summoning a large group of low-level soldiers, Caesar didn't care and skipped it directly to check the information of the expansion order.

Caesar is familiar with the Expansion Order. After all, it is the only way to become a lord in the Orlan plane.

The Expansion Order in the Novice Gift Pack is the same as what Caesar knows. It is used to expand the wasteland and become a lord.

After checking the information of the Expansion Order in the Novice Gift Pack, Caesar began to check the information of the last item.

After checking the specific information of the Hundred Days Expansion Buff, Caesar couldn't help but take a breath.

Because the Hundred Days Expansion Buff has brought too much to Caesar.

As we all know, there are two main difficulties in expanding the wasteland, and these two difficulties are the army and population.

Without the army, you can't expand and guard the territory, and without the population, you are a shitty lord.

The Hundred Days Expansion Buff can directly help Caesar solve these two problems. As long as Caesar can increase the area of ​​the territory, the Hundred Days Expansion Buff can reward Caesar with the army and population he needs.

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