Gods: Beginning With Becoming A Lord

Chapter 1 Super Assistance System

"Ding, the super auxiliary system is successfully bound. According to the host's wishes, a novice gift package is now issued."

Listening to the voice in his mind, the blond young man in black in the wilderness couldn't help but burst into tears.

Caesar Griffin was originally an ordinary college graduate on Earth who was about to become a social animal, but he woke up unexpectedly and found himself traveling to a different world.

However, you said you traveled through time, but in the end, you traveled through time as a baby.

Of course, if it was just a baby, he could accept it, but he traveled through not only a baby, but also an abandoned baby.

Fortunately, he was adopted by a couple of downtrodden nobles.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it was because the parents of the travelers had a bad ending. When he was ten years old, his adoptive father went out to do business and was attacked by monsters and died.

And his adoptive mother also died less than a year after his adoptive father died because of missing him.

So, the whole downtrodden noble family was left with only him, his three sisters and two younger sisters.

Without the protection of his adoptive parents, his life with his three sisters and two younger sisters became more and more difficult.

Fortunately, I don't know if it was the death of the adoptive parents. It stimulated the three older sisters and two younger sisters, and the three older sisters and two younger sisters showed amazing talents one after another.

The eldest sister, Elu Griffin, is only five years older than Caesar. She has super management skills. At the age of sixteen, she became a manager of the city where Caesar lived, and now she has become the deputy governor of the city.

The second sister, Aisha Griffin, and the third sister, Ain Griffin, are twin sisters. They are three years older than Caesar and have outstanding cultivation talents and business talents respectively.

Now at the age of twenty-one, the second sister has become a senior knight (the knight's strength is divided from low to high into preparatory knights, primary knights, intermediate knights, senior knights, great knights, extraordinary great knights, legendary great knights, epic great knights, legendary great knights, and demigod knights).

Don't look down on senior knights just because they are only at the fourth level. In fact, senior knights are already quite strong in the Oran plane where Caesar lives now.

After all, in the Orlan plane today, epics, legends, and demigods have long disappeared. Legends are the strongest in the entire Orlan plane. Moreover, there are only a handful of legends in the entire Orlan plane, and there are only seven legends on the surface.

Therefore, it is enough to see how outstanding the cultivation talent of Elsa Griffin, who became a senior knight at the age of 21.

Compared with the second sister Elsa Griffin, the third sister Ain Griffin's business talent is equally amazing. With the support of the eldest sister Elu Griffin and the second sister Elsa Griffin, she established her own chamber of commerce at a young age.

Now at the age of 21, the chamber of commerce under her command has become one of the three top chambers of commerce in Dok City, controlling more than 100,000 gold coins (the currency system of the Orlan plane is divided into three types: gold, silver and copper, one gold coin is equal to one hundred silver coins and one thousand copper coins, and one copper coin can buy a black bread).

The fifth sister, Eve Griffin, is the same age as Caesar. She was born five months after Caesar's adoptive parents picked him up. She has an outstanding talent for magic practice. Now, at only eighteen years old, she is already an intermediate magician (magicians are divided into magician apprentices, primary magicians, intermediate magicians, senior magicians, great magicians, extraordinary magicians, legendary magicians, epic magicians, legendary magicians, and demigod magicians).

The sixth sister, Irene Griffin, is two years younger than Caesar. Like Eve, she also has an outstanding talent for magic practice. Now, at only sixteen years old, she is already a primary magician, and it is not far from breaking through to an intermediate magician.

As for Caesar himself, I won't say much. Compared with his three sisters and two younger sisters, he is a complete waste. Until now, he is still just a reserve knight.

To be honest, after seeing the outstanding management talent of the eldest sister Elu Griffin and the outstanding cultivation talent and business talent of the second and third sisters, Caesar did not doubt that he had the fate of the protagonist.

After all, time travel, the death of both parents, the elder sister's outstanding talent, the younger sister and the house, and the cultivation waste are all standard features of the protagonist.

Unfortunately, until Caesar turned 18 and became an adult, nothing changed.

Until now, Caesar has given up the delusion that he has the fate of the protagonist. He has been out for training for a month, and suddenly a system binding came. It would be strange if Caesar didn't feel wronged.

After feeling wronged, he was naturally excited. As an old bookworm in his previous life, how could Caesar not know the great power of the system.

Immediately, he asked the super auxiliary system: "System, what functions do you have?"

"As a super auxiliary system, this system does not have any specific functions. As long as it can assist the host, this system can generate it by itself. At present, the host attribute panel and system mall have been generated."

"System, open my personal attribute panel." Hearing the system's answer, Caesar immediately gave an order.

Suddenly, a blue attribute panel appeared in front of Caesar.

[Name: Caesar Griffin

Age: 18

Strength: Reserve Knight

Breathing Method: Wild Wolf Breathing Method

Skills: Wild Wolf Assault

Items: Novice Gift Pack]

After reading his simple attribute panel, Caesar then opened the system mall of the Super Assistance System.

In the system mall of the Super Assistance System, everything from godhood and artifacts to weapons and food is available. Even if there is nothing, as long as Caesar wants it, the system can generate it. The main feature is service.

Unfortunately, Caesar has just bound the Super Assistance System, and he does not have the points required for the system mall.

So, Caesar can only focus on the novice gift pack given when the Super Assistance System is bound.

"System, open the novice gift pack."

"Ding, the novice gift pack has been opened. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the top talent Gluttony, Breathing Method Fiery Sun, Meditation Method Psychedelic Moon, Lord's Heart, Low-level Soldier Talisman (Large), Expansion Order, Hundred-day Expansion Buff."

"It is worthy of being a must-have for the rise of the traverser. This novice gift pack is given. If you don't rise, you will be sorry for yourself." Looking at the things obtained after opening the novice gift pack, even if Caesar did not read the specific information of the items, he could feel the preciousness of the items in the novice gift pack.

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