Although the elite heavy cavalry brigade is a cavalry like the light cavalry, there is a big difference between the two. The former is heavy cavalry, while the latter is light cavalry.

Caesar attaches great importance to the elite heavy cavalry brigade. After all, when it comes to charging into battle, heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor is more suitable than light cavalry wearing light armor. Caesar will definitely face a lot of wars in the future, so it is particularly important to have a heavy cavalry unit.

However, it is also much more troublesome to form a heavy cavalry unit than to form a light cavalry unit.

This can be seen from the difference between the price of heavy cavalry equipment and light cavalry equipment at the same stage in the super auxiliary system mall.

Because heavy cavalry need to arm their mounts, basically each set of heavy cavalry equipment is much more expensive than light cavalry equipment.

Of course, if the heavy cavalry unit formed by Caesar is only a low-level heavy cavalry unit, then the cost will not be much more than that of light cavalry. Each set of heavy cavalry equipment will only cost one more system point than light cavalry equipment.

This is because, at the low-level stage, the equipment prices between different arms are basically the same. Except for the heavy cavalry, which needs to spend three system points for a set of equipment because of the need for armed mounts, other arms only need two system points for a set of equipment.

Only when it comes to the primary stage of arms, when a group of arms need to wear elite equipment, the equipment prices between different arms will be different.

At this time, the elite equipment required for a set of heavy cavalry is much more expensive than that required for a set of light cavalry.

Of course, equipment is not the problem of forming a heavy cavalry unit. The real difficulty of forming a heavy cavalry unit lies in the mounts of the heavy cavalry.

Although this world has many more magical beasts with extraordinary powers than the world where Caesar originally lived, there are still not many that can be used as cavalry mounts, and even fewer that can be used as heavy cavalry mounts.

After all, powerful monsters are not only difficult to capture, but also very rare, and cannot form a scale. As for weak monsters, although they are easy to capture and there are many of them, they are very easy to form a scale, but they also have their own defects, either slow speed or poor load-bearing capacity and endurance.

Although heavy cavalry does not pursue speed like light cavalry, it is definitely not good to be too slow. As for poor load-bearing capacity and endurance, it is basically impossible to become a mount for heavy cavalry.

You must know that because of the extraordinary power in this world, a set of ordinary heavy cavalry equipment (including mount equipment) basically weighs more than 200 kilograms, and if it is elite heavy cavalry equipment, 300 kilograms is just the starting point.

Of course, the above are all nonsense. For the mount of heavy cavalry, Caesar has already chosen the target, that is, the second-level monster giant lizard demon living in the swamp forest.

The giant lizard demon is a second-level monster living in swamps and puddles. Although it is not an amphibious monster, it can survive in water and land at the same time. While having super load-bearing capacity and endurance, it also has a fast speed.

Of course, the most important thing is that the giant lizard demon has a trace of dragon blood in its body. If it is cultivated properly, it can be advanced to a third- or fourth-level Warcraft Dark Giant Lizard or even a fifth-level sub-dragon Warcraft Dark Dragon Lizard.

Although Caesar does not have a method to cultivate a giant lizard demon into a dark giant lizard or even a dark dragon lizard, the system mall of the super auxiliary system clearly has such a cultivation method.

However, because the price was too expensive, it required 100,000 system points, so Caesar did not buy it.

Of course, Caesar cannot buy it now, but it does not mean that Caesar cannot buy it in the future.

Therefore, this giant lizard monster that can be continuously upgraded can be said to be the best mount for Caesar's heavy cavalry.

The only problem now is that this giant lizard monster lives in the swamp forest, and how to capture the giant lizard monster is a difficult problem.

Of course, Caesar does not have to worry about how to capture the giant lizard monster, because when recruiting Dulus, Caesar was ready to hand over the formation of the heavy cavalry to Dulus, and Dulus was also the commander of the heavy cavalry.

Therefore, how to capture the giant lizard monster is Dulus's business.

Needless to say, among the five heroes under Caesar, only the phantom archer Cage is an archer. Who else can the bad elite archer battalion be handed over to Cage?

While handing over the elite archer battalion to Cage, Caesar also handed over the crossbow unit he had previously formed to Cage.

The Elite Heavy Shield Battalion is an upgraded version of the Heavy Shield Battalion. Caesar directly gave it to Barros, the leader of the Heavy Shield Battalion.

The Elite Warrior Battalion, Caesar had previously obtained one with the Primary Soldier Token (Big). At that time, there was no suitable hero to lead it, so it was given to Shafulina to lead.

Although there is still no suitable hero now, since Shafulina does not want to lead the Elite Warrior Battalion, this Elite Warrior Battalion, together with the Elite Battalion previously led by Shafulina, will be led by Caesar and regarded as Caesar's personal guard.

At the same time, unless Caesar can open an Elite Warrior Team from the Soldier Token in the future, the Elite Warrior Battalion will not recruit additional personnel.

The Primary Magician Battalion, if the magic maid team under Caesar is not counted, then this will be the first magic troop under Caesar.

Strangely enough, the low-level soldiers recruited by the low-level barracks can be trained and transformed into various soldiers, but they cannot be trained and transformed into mage soldiers.

It's like there is no low-level mage soldier.

To be honest, Caesar was not wrong. There is no army formed by magician apprentices in the entire Orlan plane and even in the big world where the Orlan plane is located.

Of course, this is not because magician apprentices are scarce and cannot be formed, but because the troops formed by magician apprentices are not very useful.

Although magicians have a noble status in the Orlan plane, this does not include magician apprentices.

Because, in the stage of magician apprentices, magicians not only know few magics, but also have scarce magic power. More importantly, magician apprentices cannot beat a fully armed reserve knight (please refer to the first-level magic beast wind wolf and light armored cavalry).

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