There are not many shortcomings of the direct construction function of the territory, and even if Caesar does not have any great pursuits, these shortcomings can be overcome with patience.

But if Caesar really has no pursuits, how can he have the intention to become a lord.

Anyway, relying on the golden finger of super assistance, no matter what direction Caesar chooses to develop, he will basically succeed.

Therefore, for Caesar who has some pursuits, the shortcomings of the direct construction function of the territory are a bit big.

There are two main shortcomings of the direct construction function of the territory. One is that you must rely on the building blueprint to use building materials to build territory buildings, and Caesar can only use system points to buy building blueprints from the super auxiliary system mall.

Second, the territory buildings built by the direct construction function of the territory are relatively rigid. The building blueprint is what the territory building is like. If the territory building is destroyed, it cannot be repaired, and you can only buy the building blueprint again to build it.

Therefore, it is particularly important to have a construction team that can directly use building materials to build territory buildings, as well as repair and modify territory buildings.

After checking the information of the high-level construction recruitment order, Caesar immediately used three high-level construction recruitment orders.

Then, three construction teams dressed in ancient workers appeared in front of Caesar.

The construction team is not large, just like the military team, there are twelve people, one captain and one deputy captain, and three construction teams have thirty-six people.

The only thing that Caesar did not expect was the strength of the three construction teams.

Before recruiting three construction teams, Caesar thought that the high-level in the high-level construction recruitment order referred to the craftsmanship of the construction team, but he did not expect that the high-level in the high-level construction recruitment order actually referred to the strength of the construction team.

In this regard, Caesar just wanted to complain to the super auxiliary system.

'Hey! Hey! Hey! Isn't this a bit outrageous? Whose construction workers are high-level strength people, and there are many noble magicians among them. '

Although the construction team is not very good at fighting, six master-level (great knight, great magician level) strongmen and thirty high-level professionals are enough to greatly enhance the foundation of Caesar's territory.

After all, before this, there were only two master-level masters in Caesar's territory (the captain and deputy captain of the elite warrior brigade), and only ten high-level professionals (four squadron leaders of the elite warrior brigade, four squadron leaders of the light armored cavalry brigade (formerly the peak of intermediate knights, reaching the advanced level after breaking through), and two captains of the peak of advanced knights of the light armored cavalry brigade).

After seeing the surprise brought by the high-level building recruitment order, Caesar couldn't wait to use the high-level maid recruitment order.

Then, twelve beautiful maids wearing black and white maid uniforms and thighs wrapped in black silk appeared in front of Caesar.

Looking at the twelve beautiful maids who appeared in front of him, Caesar's previous dislike for the high-level maid recruitment order has now turned into "really fragrant".

What's more, these twelve beautiful maids are not only beautiful, but also strong. The two beautiful maid leaders have the strength of a great magician, and the remaining ten beautiful maids also have the strength of a high-level magician.

Compared with these powerful and beautiful maids, he, who was only a late intermediate knight and a mid-level primary magician, seemed too useless.

After using the high-level maid recruitment order to obtain twelve powerful and beautiful maids, Caesar then used the three hero recruitment orders from the lord's gift pack.

As Caesar used the hero recruitment order, three black whirlpools suddenly appeared in front of Caesar, and then, two men and one woman walked out of them.

"Dulus (Cage, Savier) greets the lord."

[Name: Dulus

Occupation: Holy Light Knight

Strength: Extraordinary Peak

Breathing method: Holy Light Breathing

Skills: Holy Light Blessing, Holy Light Guardian, Holy Light Shock, Holy Light Punishment

Equipment: Holy Light Spear (Legendary, Upgradable), Holy Light Armor (Legendary, Upgradable)]

[Name: Cage

Occupation: Phantom Shooter

Strength: Late Extraordinary

Breathing method: Phantom Breathing

Skills: Phantom Arrow, Phantom Combo, Phantom Ten Thousand Heavy Hit

Equipment: Phantom Bow (Legendary, Upgradable), Phantom Amulet (Legendary, Upgradable)]

[Name: Savior

Occupation: Bear Beast Summoner

Strength: Late Extraordinary

(Peak Extraordinary)

Breathing method: Explosive Bear Breathing

, Explosive Bear Meditation

Skills: Explosive Bear Heavy Hit, Explosive Bear Summon

Equipment: Explosive Bear Heavy Halberd (Legendary, Upgradable), Explosive Bear Guardian (Legendary, Upgradable)]

Dulus, a sunny young man with a late Extraordinary mount, Holy Dragon Horse. Cage, a melancholy green-haired young man dressed as a ranger.

Caesar had nothing to say about the two of them. After all, Caesar was not interested in men. Instead of looking at them, he might as well appreciate Severin, who had wild beauty.

Unlike Dulus, Cage, and even Safrina and Barros Oken, who Caesar had recruited before, Severin was not a human. According to the Orlan plane, Severin, who was wearing a bear fur coat, holding a red heavy halberd, had red hair, and two bear ears on her head, should be an orc with very few animal characteristics.

Moreover, she was a bearman, a relatively rare orc.

After recruiting the three heroes Dulus, Cage, and Severin with the hero recruitment order, Caesar did not immediately use the primary soldier symbol (large).

After all, the space in the lord's mansion was not enough to accommodate five battalions of soldiers.

Leaving behind twelve maids to clean the lord's mansion, Caesar took the three recruited heroes and the personnel of the three construction teams and left the lord's mansion and came to the outside of the territory.

Then, the last item in the Lord's Gift Pack was used, which was five primary soldier symbols (large).

As the five primary soldier symbols (large) were used by Caesar, five primary soldier battalions suddenly appeared in front of Caesar.

These five primary soldier battalions were also different, namely the Elite Heavy Cavalry Battalion, the Elite Archer Battalion, the Elite Heavy Armored Shield Battalion, the Elite Warrior Battalion, and the Primary Magician Battalion.

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