Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 872: Missed?

"Yu Shidi, did you find something? How do you always stare at the lake?" The heart of the heart saw Cheng Yu’s absent-mindedness, staring at the lake from time to time, so he also swept the lake, but it was Did not see anything, asked doubts.

"I don't know. I just think that there are some weird lakes. It seems that there are countless pairs of eyes staring at us. It makes me feel dangerous!" Cheng Yu shook his head and once again put his gaze in the lake in front of him.

On this road, Cheng Yu’s perception has almost never been missed. When he heard Cheng Yu’s words, everyone turned his attention to the lake. Could it be that there are people in this lake?

The nightmare was curious and looked at Cheng Yu, and his eyes flashed a little surprised. I just learned that Cheng Yu is the younger brother of Xin Yun.

But what puzzles her is that this little teacher who is only in the late Yuan Ying seems to be the main heart of their team. Whether it is before they want to stay, or now Cheng Yu said casually, these people actually said this, Everyone's expression has become so thick.

Especially Cheng Yu’s words are even more curious about Cheng Yu. Did he really find out?

"Is the younger brother thinking that this is hiding people? Let me go to see it?" Xinluo always pays attention to the nightmare, seeing her watching Cheng Yu, the dark passage is not good, and she is willing to show her in front of her, saying that she is facing the lake. Going by.

"Brother! Don't!" Cheng Yu felt in his heart, not sure if there was another mystery in this lake, and he was not sure how dangerous it was. Naturally, he wanted to let Xinluo take risks.

But late, Xinluo was afraid that Cheng Yu would take the nightmare away, and rushed to the performance, and then he got into the water.

"Teacher, do you want me to go down and see?" Seeing that Cheng Yu was so nervous, he was afraid that his heart was dangerous and he went to the lake.

"Don't! Let's wait!" This time Cheng Yu stopped the heart of the river.

Before I figured out whether this feeling was true or not, Cheng Yu did not dare to make people into the water. Now I can only wait for the news of Xinluo.

Everyone is nervously watching the lake. As long as there is something wrong, they will definitely take it out for the first time. But after waiting for a while, the lake was very calm, and there was no situation that Cheng Yu was worried about.

Suddenly the lake swayed round and round, and everyone suddenly became nervous. Is there really someone underwater?

Hey! Just when everyone was nervous, a familiar head came out, it was the heart that dive into the water, and everyone suddenly relaxed.

"Haha! Everyone sees what I caught?" I saw my heart laughing and laughing. I still had a huge squid in my arms. I had two hundred pounds.

"A big fish, it seems that we have to eat a whole fish dinner today!" Several women saw that Xinluo was fine, and also brought such a big fish, said happily.

"Teacher, it seems that you really want more, this time fighting constantly, you should take a good rest!" Xinhe also breathed a sigh of relief, took a shot of Cheng Yu's shoulder, followed the crowd to prepare a whole fish feast. .

"Is it really that I think more?" Cheng Yu thought in his heart, thinking again about the lake, shaking his head, maybe it was really too tired.

Just as Cheng Yu turned around and was ready to go back to make a whole fish dinner with everyone, he just saw the nightmare smiling at the strange, then turned and left, so that Cheng Yu’s heart could not help.

Looking at the back of the nightmare, Cheng Yu once again fell into meditation.

"Cheng Yu! What are you doing? Don't you come to help?" Seeing that Cheng Yu was there again, Lanya shouted dissatisfied.

Cheng Yu responded with a sigh of relief, and stunned the strange smile in his mind, and then walked toward the crowd.

As a group of pure food, come out and practice, pots and pans are essential equipment, just like the magic weapon they carry with weapons.

Cheng Yu, a self-cultivator who has traveled for so long in the world, can say that he has an extraordinary understanding of secular cuisine. Therefore, after everyone has prepared the ingredients, Cheng Yu once again worked as a chef. I have done all the fish dishes I have eaten in the world.

Looking at the delicious taste of one after another, smelling the tempting taste, everyone is already a big move of the index finger, can't wait for Cheng Yu to go to the table, and they have started to move.

"Dream girl, don't be polite, my chef is not a chef, but it is specially made back from the world! You must eat more, this opportunity is not much." On the table, the heart of the sea Can't wait to clip two pieces of fish into the bowl of the nightmare, the smug expression is like this dish is what he did.

"Thank you!" The nightmare smiled at the heart of the sea, and the smile suddenly made the heart feel like a spring breeze.

"Yu Shidi's cooking is naturally admirable, but the cooking is no better. If there is no fish I am fishing, it is difficult for a good woman to be without rice. Come, nightmare girl, this fish soup is a big supplement, you have The injury should be replenished!" Xinluo saw the fish in his heart holding the fish he had brought in the face of the nightmare, and he hated it in the heart. How can he let him specialize in the front and quickly bring a bowl of fish soup to the nightmare? .

"Thank you!" Nightmare thanked again.

"Hey, I said you two, I have been your sister for so many years, and I haven't seen you waiting for me like this!" Xinmei saw these two guys so pleased with their dreams, great courtesy, and anger at heart.

"Hey, my heart is a sister, isn't we not willing, this is not, isn't there a brother of heart? If we wait for you every day, then the brother of Xinhe will not kill us!" said Xinhai.

"You two don't push the blame on me. If you wait for your sisters every day, I don't have any opinions at all!" Xinhe didn't have a good look at the two, and then he took a bowl of fish soup and put it. In front of the heart, then smiled at the heart and said: "Sister, these two guys are very rude, if you really let them wait for you every day, horror you have to be annoying, then I will wait for you every day." !"

"You think about it!" The heart smacked at the heart of the river, took a sip of the fish soup, and the mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Come here! Beautiful ladies, this last dish is a female high-grade dish specially prepared for you - caviar." I saw Cheng Yu finally carrying a plate of bright red fish eggs and put it on the table.

"What female high-class cuisine, isn't it a fish egg?" Xin Luo said disdainfully.

"Brother, do you know? If you don't have a culture, you must open less!" Cheng Yu said with a glance.

"What do you mean?"

"This will not let others know that they have no culture!" Cheng Yu laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha..." When I heard Cheng Yu's words, everyone laughed.

"Cut, the teacher, you said that this is not what the fish eggs are?" Xinluo still does not care.

“In the world, this authentic squid caviar is a very luxurious dish, and only squid over 60 years old can make caviar. Of course, in the secular, a squid over 60 years old is very It's not easy, especially for a squid like ours, at least hundreds of years old. This is unique in the world. Most importantly, this caviar is a supplement to nourish yin and beauty, so it is called a female. High-end cuisine must not be overemphasized." Cheng Yu talked and said everything he knew in the world.

For what Cheng Yu said, several of his women are worldly people, and naturally they have some understanding of these. Hundreds of years old squid are really unlikely to be seen in the world. This caviar is definitely a treasure.

Looking at this caviar, not only let Cheng Yu think of Su Muyun who once pursued Han Xue, the guy who was pitted by himself, I don’t know how this guy is now? Was there any vomiting blood at the beginning? It is not my fault to sin.

Seeing Cheng Yu’s look at his own eyes, Han Xue smiled and seemed to remember what happened that day. In fact, there were some apologies for Su Muyun and Han Xue. After all, there is nothing wrong with the other party's pursuit of self, but Cheng Yu is actually a big blow to the other side.

"It's still a good younger brother. Not only is the strength extraordinary, but even the cooking is so superb. What's more important is that it is so dedicated. It has done such a treasure for us. Unlike some people, they only know that they are holding others. The results are everywhere!" Looking at the bright red caviar, I was very happy, and at the same time despised several other men.

Next, everyone is to open their stomachs and put food into their stomachs.

The nightmare looked at the group of people who were full of food and drink. There was a illusion that these people were not looking for treasures at all, more like vacationing, and she was more curious about this group of people.

Since there is a tree demon in front, Cheng Yu and others are not planning to hurry at night, and are ready to start the next day.

As night fell, Cheng Yu did not put everyone into the picture of the mountain river because of the nightmare, so he took out the tent and entered it to rest. At night, Cheng Yu woke up from meditation and remembered the lake. There was always a kind of uneasiness in his heart.

Looked at the several brothers around me still meditating ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ themselves light out of the tent.

However, when I got out of the tent, I was shocked. The tents of several women were gone.

"Brother! Brother! You wake up!" Cheng Yu quickly shouted out everyone.

"Teacher, what happened? I don't have a good rest at night. Would you still have to fight against the tree demon tomorrow?" Xinluo walked out of the tent and said with a lazy waist.

"They are gone!" Cheng Yu hurried.

"Is it gone? Who is missing?" said the sea.

"Look!" Cheng Yu pointed to the tents of several women, but now they have nothing but their own tents.

"What happened? What about them?" The heart was shocked, so many people disappeared in an instant, how this is not shocking.

"It won't be to let the tree demon take it away!" This time, the exhaustion of their faces was swept away, and suddenly they panicked.

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