Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 871: Found?

"Yes, when this kind of thing is still shrinking among women, is it still a man? It must be thundered by the sky!" The heart is not willing to show weakness, and I am a real man.

"Cough!" The voice of Xinhai fell, Cheng Yu couldn't help but cough twice. Isn't this guy talking about himself?

"Oh, my brother, I am not saying you!" Xinhai looked back and smiled. He just saw Xinhe and Xinluo grabbed a first time, so he was anxious to say in front of the beauty, but he did not expect that he just did not Cheng Yu, who took the shot, went in.

"Giggle!" The words of the heart made the stunning woman laugh.

This laugh is really a hundred Meisheng, Ming fangs, clever smiles, beautiful, not to mention a few men, and even a few women have been shocked by her beauty.

"Cough! This girl who dreams, I don't know where you are from the teacher? Why is there a person here?" The four men who saw the idiots in the heart, coughed two times and broke the ambiguous atmosphere. .

"The little girl was a fairy-tale man, and she broke into the dangerous land with the master Shi Bo, but we met a group of tree demon in front of me, my master Shi Bo... They are saving me. ... all... Hey!" The nightmare said and said that it was tears, and the tears could not be heard.

"Dream girl, don't cry, people can't resurrect, please mourn. But you can rest assured, we must help your master Shibo revenge, get rid of this group of tree demon!" Xinluo sees the dream of crying pear flower belt Rain, hurry up and comfort.

"Yes, nightmare girl, we will certainly help you revenge!" Xinhai can not let Xinluo be beautiful in front, and refused to show weakness, and quickly took out the slap to the nightmare.

Snapped! But just as their voices just fell, the two slaps were shot on their heads!

"Sister, what are you doing?" The two turned back and saw that they were standing behind them and staring at them.

"Are you two very powerful?" asked the heartless.

These two guys are really invisible. People and teachers can get here to show that those people will not be simple, and they are all killed by the tree demon. They are the two guys who want to avenge others. Didn't you drag them together?

"This sister said yes, thank you for your kindness, those tree demon are very powerful, I don't want to hurt you. Thank you again for your help, I have to go back to the uncles to give them revenge for the master!" When you hear the words of the heart, you know that the other party does not want to get into trouble. You are going to give a slight gift to everyone, and you will leave when you turn around. Your face is full of sorrow, don’t mention more pity.

"Hey, girl, girl, are you still hurting?" Now that you are in deep danger, how can you go out in your current situation?" Xinluo quickly stepped forward to stop the nightmare.

"Yeah, nightmare girl, I have some healing potions here. You should drink it first. As for revenge, we can take a long-term plan. I think you should follow us first. With your current state and strength, It is absolutely impossible to get out of this dangerous place!" Xinhai quickly stepped forward and took out a bottle of Shenshui to hand it to the nightmare.

"But..." The nightmare hesitantly glanced at the heart, and then looked at Cheng Yu everyone on the side. Obviously, she was somewhat motivated, but she was afraid that others would not agree.

"Sister, the nightmare girl is alone, let her stay with us?" Xinluo looked at the rhyme. After all, among the people, the rhyme is their sister, and it is up to her to decide.

"Yu Shidi, what do you think?" The rhyme is also somewhat uncertain.

Obviously it is not appropriate to let such a lonely woman go back alone, but if you want to stay, the secret of Cheng Yu will inevitably leak, so she can only let Cheng Yu decide for himself.

"......." But Cheng Yu looked at the nightmare in a stupid way, and the soul did not know where to go.

"Hey!" Several women who reacted suddenly twisted around the circle of Cheng Yu, and Cheng Yu’s handsome facial features were crowded together.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Cheng Yu took a breath of cold air and looked at several women inexplicably.

"What do you think?" Xin Yao told Cheng Yu.

"I didn't see anything!" This time, several women did misunderstand Cheng Yu. Now Cheng Yu is not the first brother who just came to this world.

Now, the woman around him is not a fairy, even if this nightmare girl is really beautiful, even more than a woman in the field is better than a point, and there is no way to let Cheng Yu move to the eye.

The reason why I was a little distracted just now was that I had just had a trace of doubt in the lake, which made him very puzzled.

"Let you still see?" Xin Yao yelled at Cheng Yu.

"This doesn't blame me! Didn't you just look at it?" Cheng Yu said wrongly. He did not explain the doubts in his mind to others. Perhaps it was simply too suspicious.

"We can see, you can't see it!" Several women said very unitedly.

“Why?” Cheng Yu felt that this was too unreasonable.

"There is no reason, and you are already a wife, so look at the little girl, what is it like?" Yang Ruoxue said.

"I just looked at my eyes and didn't think about it? What is the relationship with my wife?" Cheng Yu said depressedly. Is it impossible for a wife to even see a woman?

"Then what do you want? Don't think that we don't know the flowers in your stomach!" Several women have expressed dissatisfaction with Cheng Yu.

"Okay! I can't do it when I close my eyes?" Cheng Yu said with a closed eye.

"Yu Shidi, that nightmare girl..." Xinyun saw them with their mouths and asked Cheng Yu again.

"I didn't see anything at the moment." Cheng Yu still closed his eyes and said, when he was thinking about things, he didn't hear their conversation at all, and thought that his heart was also looking for trouble.

"I mean that the nightmare girl is now alone in this dangerous place. It is too dangerous. It is better to let her join us, but also have a care." The rhyme did not say good.

"Hey, this...sister, you decide this kind of thing, I don't dare to be the master!" Cheng Yu looked at a few women and said weakly, he didn't want to let a few women think that he was hitting others' ideas. It is.

"Cheng Yu, what are you saying? We seem to be so unreasonable." Seeing Cheng Yu's careful look, even Yao Na, who has always been gentle, is not willing.

"That is, what kind of person are we as? Heart rhythm sister, this nightmare girl has been so pitiful. Now she is injured again. If she is alone, in this dangerous place, I still don't know. What will happen to us? Although we will be noisy in some small things, in the face of such a big deal, we are not ignorant of the general, everything is done by the teacher and sister." Yang Ruoxue stood up and represented several The sisters stated.

The beauty of this nightmare girl really makes all the women present feel embarrassed, plus Cheng Yu has a lot of criminal records, and it is normal for them to have these defenses for Cheng Yu.

Similarly, women are also the most emotional, although the nightmare is beautiful, but her experience makes these emotional women sympathize. The nightmare is like a beautiful peony flower, and they don't want such beautiful flowers to fade here.

The most important thing is that Cheng Yu, these women are all kind-hearted people, and they can't get down to such a heart, throwing a girl here.

The heart rhyme walked over and gently told everyone's decision to the nightmare, and the nightmare girl looked at Cheng Yu and then gave a gift to each of them.

"Cheng Yu, I can warn you, this nightmare girl, you can't talk about it!" Seeing the nightmare girl laughing towards this side, the smile makes the scenery that everyone originally called beautiful. Lost color, Han Xue quickly warned Cheng Yu.

"Can you have a little bit of self-confidence for your husband? I am not a hungry ghost. You have so many daughters who have fallen in love with the country. I don't know that I have been blessed in my life. Where else do I have? Thinking about other women!" Cheng Yu said seriously.

Although Cheng Yu’s words are somewhat suspected of being flattering, it is indeed Cheng Yu’s current thinking. When he first came to the world, Cheng Yu was only an entertaining world. When he saw a beautiful woman, it was natural to see his eyes.

But later found that it is simple to find a woman, but it is not an easy task to allow so many women to live in harmony. And he must also consider the feelings of these women, so at least Cheng Yu is not thinking about finding a woman anymore, even if she is really beautiful.

"It’s good to say, we are trusting you again!" Although several women know that Cheng Yu’s words are not true, but listening to him praises, my heart is still very beautiful, and I will spare him once.

call! Seeing a few women finally no longer entangled this topic ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Cheng Yu heart is also a relief.

Because of the appearance of the nightmare, everyone knows that there is a powerful tree demon in front, so there is no idea of ​​rushing to the road, but once again back to the beautiful lake, everyone also took the opportunity to understand the situation in front of the nightmare.

The good mood that faced the picturesque scenery was also gone. Everyone was surrounded by nightmares, listening to her telling the situation ahead, and there was some faint worry. No one knows whether these tree demons will catch up here.

"Yu Shidi! Yu Shidi! What are you looking at?" I learned from the mouth of the night that the situation in front of me didn't seem very good. Xinhe wanted to hear Cheng Yu's opinion, but found that Cheng Yu had been staring at the lake. Bun, I didn’t even respond when I called a few times. I don’t know what I’m looking at?

"Oh! Nothing? Brother, what have you just said?" Cheng Yu returned to God, took back his gaze and watched the crowd say.

"Yu Shidi, did you find something? How do you always stare at the lake?" The heart of the heart saw Cheng Yu’s absent-mindedness, staring at the lake from time to time, so he also swept the lake, but it was Did not see anything, asked doubts.

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