“Sun Batian…oh!”

“It’s the Jianghe City giant!”

Su Hao was bloody, a Ferocious Beast wave, completely disturbing the battle between the two, both of them were injured, he also successfully escaped from Sun Batian, but the battle, is it really over?


Su Hao opens the Communication Device.


Ming Zhi was shocked to see Su Hao’s appearance. “What happened?”


Su Hao leaned on a big tree, and some tough said, “Sun Batian was led to the depths of the Ferocious Beast Domain. You immediately attacked Sun Family’s industry, took their resources away, and quickly left. Go! I guess Sun Batian will go back in an hour!”

“Boss, what do you do?”

Ming Zhi looked at Su Hao and his face was very pale.

“Do not bother me.”

Su Hao said, “Remember, after the grab, immediately disband the Hunter Organization, divide everything, and let them take refuge in Jinhua City, otherwise Sun Batian will go back, no one can go!”

“Origin Energy Association over there…”

“The internal contradiction of Jianghe City, the Origin Energy Association will not intervene!”

Su Hao coldly said, “I will give you all the authority of the Hunter Organization, leave me a resource, and leave the rest to you.”

“Remember, you only have one hour!”


Su Hao has closed the newsletter!

He said that he said, with Mingzhi’s cleverness, he will know how to do it.


A bottle of Body Repair Potion was poured, and the precious Origin Energy flowed through the body, stimulating Su Hao’s body. However, for a few minutes, the recovery effect was negligible, even the 0,1% effect in normal did not reach!

The seriousness of the injury is beyond the imagination of Su Hao.

“This injury…”

Su Hao smiled. “It seems that I can’t leave here in a short time.”

“Who makes you so daring. Even Sun Batian can count!”

The voice of agile came, Blue Dream Butterfly appeared leisurely, once again showing the girl’s body, holding Su Hao’s crumbling body, very helplessly said, “Don’t do such a dangerous thing next time.”


Su Hao smiled, regardless of his injuries. Pull out the box and gently open it, a bottle of crystal-clear Origin Energy feature Potion, lying there quietly.

Beautiful and beautiful!

“so beautiful.”

Blue Dream Butterfly is watching.

“This is Guru Potion!”

Su Hao exclaimed, took it up and flashed his eyes. “First recover the injury on your body and then impact on the Specialization! This Potion has only one bottle for a success.”


Jianghe City, a big war broke out!

This midnight, Jianger City’s Hunter, seems to be suddenly insane! Everyone madly attacked Sun Family’s business, in a combination of twos and threes. Take all Star Dollars and Potion away. In just half an hour, the Sun Family was damaged more than 50%!


Everyone was shocked!

At this time, Hunter, what exactly do you want to do?

Sun Family asks for help from the superior. However, sadly, the entire Sun Family does not have a talented Expert. Steward Zhang rushed to Sun Batian for help, and was also depressed. Sun Batian, even in the field, can’t catch up! They can only watch the sneak attack after the Hunter show off one’s military strength.

An hour later, when Sun Batian returned, the Hunter Organization seemed to have retired.

“Give me chase!”

Sun Batian was furious after understanding the situation and immediately led the Sun Family to the vast Hunter Organization, this time. What kind of face is all nonsense, he hates to smash the Hunter Organization!

However, when they flooded into the Hunter Organization, they saw it. It is an empty building.

It seems that before they came, everyone had already withdrawn!

What shocked them even more…

The news from a certain Units of the government: Hunter Organization, actually disbanded!


Did they win?

The Sun Family is awesome.

Obviously they won, why do they feel that they are the hardest? Obviously, the Hunter Organization lost, and all of them were forced to disband. How do you feel so wrong?

“If you want to escape, you want to escape? Give me back!”

Sun Batian is angry.

However, soon, he got a more fucking news – all members of the Hunter Organization, dragging their family to Jinhua City, spending in the most expensive Jinhua Hotel, squandering, to Sun Family Strength, I dare not pass!

In front of Jin Family, Sun Family is a scum.


This is the idea of ​​all Sun Family people.

Because of their depressed discovery, all the funds consumed by these people were just robbed in the Sun Family… They watched them, and these people used their money to squander and consume, and they could only helplessly watch!


Sun Batian stepped out of a big pit, like ice frost. His painstakingly purchased characteristics, Potion, were ruined. When chasing Scar, the Sun Family industry was also ruined, and even under the attack of Ferocious Beast, it was slightly injured. It can be said that it was a bad day. . Perhaps the only gain is…

Scar is dead!

“That thing?”

Steward Zhang asked cautiously.


Sun Batian’s face is a bit ugly. “Give him a Sun Family’s best Origin Energy feature, Potion, and it’s almost a fusion.”


Steward Zhang didn’t ask why, but from Sun Batian’s actions, one can infer. It seems that this Origin Energy feature Potion is still destroyed.

It’s a pity… that’s Guru Potion!

“If the industry is gone, you can come back. As long as I am alive with Sun Batian, no one will dare to move me to Sun Family!”

Sun Batian quickly recovered the domineering spirit of the past. “Integrating the remaining resources of the Hunter Organization, they can’t take them all away. As for the people who go to Jinhua City, hey, there is a kind of they don’t come back for a lifetime. Just dare to step into the land of Jianghe City, Kill without mercy !”


Countless news releases, one night time passed.

The next day, when the sun rose, everyone found out that one night’s time. How many things happened! The Hunter Organization, which was awkward with Sun Family, disappeared silently, from the weakest Hunter to the leader of the Hunter, Scar, all disappeared without a trace.

Sun Family, however, opened and aboveboard to accept some of the properties of the Hunter Organization.

Numerous rumors have flown.

Some people say that the Hunter Organization was killed by Sun Family! Overnight, Sun Family’s hidden strength broke out with a thunder. Kill this small company that dares to provoke them!

It is also said that the Hunter Organization collectively went to Jinhua City to avoid the Sun Family attack, and never again entered Jianghe City and became an exile.

Others say that the leader of the Hunter Organization, Scar. Killed by Sun Batian, throwing a corpse field. The Hunter Organization, which lost its leader, completely lost its strength against the Sun Family, so the Hunter Organization will be disbanded.

A variety of news emerges endlessly, no one knows the truth.

The message passed a full month’s time, until the Hunter Organization, and even after Scar has not emerged, the news faded. With the emergence of a new piece of news. The Hunter Organization seems to have officially become a thing of the past.

There is no longer a place where it exists.

Because of the previous raid on the Hunter Organization, Sun Family suffered a lot. At this time of the month, Sun Batian took the thunder and shot to the small forces of Jianghe City!

Under such superpowers, do other people have room for resistance?

Soon, all the small forces were gathered by Sun Family. All the strengths lost before the Sun Family are back. Even at this time, Sun Family’s strength is better than ever!

Of course, this combination of discipline, loyalty is a problem. Just, for Sun Batian, do you need loyalty? Just stay and do it well. If you can’t stay, just kill it on the spot! As long as you create value for Sun Family, you will be eligible to survive! Because of these policies, Sun Family strength has skyrocketed!

There was no one in the limelight.

At this time, Jianghe City outside the city is among the deep forests. A beautiful landscape where mountains and rivers depend, the green waters and green hills depend on each other, and the streams flow in the stream. Numerous stones are located above the stream, but the water is so high that the water is so clear and beautiful.

A teenager, sitting cross-legged on one of the stones, as the old man is generally set.

Light golden’s rays of light wandering around, a trace of entanglement around him, seemingly nothing, faintly discernible, looks wonderful.


The teenager opened his eyes.


The young Aura of Origin Energy was shocked, and the stream around the rapids burst into a one-meter-high wave. The spray leaped high and fell again.

The teenager’s clothes are still clean and tidy.

There is no doubt that this boy is Su Hao!

“The injury is finally good!”

Su Hao has a long sigh of relief.

He used to know that the difference between Specialized Level 5 and Specialized Level 6 is very large, but I never thought that the gap is so big! Sun Batian’s fatal blow made him take a full month’s time to heal! At the time of the month, the Body Repair Potion is constantly changing, and Origin Energy is constantly tempering, and it is only recoverable.

Of course, the benefits are not without.

After a month of healing, Su Hao’s mastery of Origin Energy is even more in-depth, and all of his own cards are integrated, and the knowledge of Five Stars Divine Skill Illusionary Reality is further improved. Although strength does not seem to change, his real combat power is once again improved!

The body recovery, the next step is the impact of the Specialization.

But Su Hao knows that this comes from Potion Guru’s mysterious Origin Energy feature Potion has only one, if it fails, he will never have any chance.

So, this time, he must be successful!

The stronger the strength, the higher the chance of success in the breakdown! Since the Origin Energy feature Potion is ready, for Su Hao, there is a Perfect boost in front of us.

Silently open the Wandering Organization system, and the familiar picture appears again.

Medium-level Origin Energy Star Attracting Technique : 6000Slaughtering Value .

High-level Origin Energy Star Attracting Technique : 8000Slaughtering Value .

High-level Origin Energy Refinement: 8000Slaughtering Value. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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