
Weird quiet!

Su Hao stood there faintly, letting the surrounding thunder and lightning, Sun Batian stood in front of him, like a general who mastered the power of killing, powerful and full of Killing intent!

“Now, where are you going to escape?”

Sun Batian points to Su Hao. “Let’s give you a chance to hand over the Origin Energy feature Potion. I will spare you! Otherwise, I will destroy the Origin Energy feature Potion and kill you!”

The tone of Sun Batian is unquestionable.

Say kill, he will certainly kill!

Compared to the two Mimesis Origin Tool, the Origin Energy feature Potion seems to be less important.

“Is it? You may wish to give it a try!”

Su Hao smiled lightly, with a look of embarrassment, in any case, looked a bit awkward.

Sun Batian’s eyes flashed coldly, and Su Hao showed a strange expression. “You are like Su Hao, the same believe oneself infallible, the same irritability, the same ignorance, the same daring! Even Even the tone of speech is so similar!”

“Who is Su Hao?”

Su Hao has a brow and looks very calm.

“you do not need to know.”

Sun Batian sneered, “But, soon, you will see him! He is already waiting for you in hell, let me, send you a ride!”


The strength of thunder and lightning condenses and converges toward the middle, like a densely packed power grid, moving from the periphery toward the center and stalking Su Hao. It can be clearly seen that the sweat on the Sun Batian’s forehead, such overloaded use ability, is no small burden for him.

“Do you really think you can kill me?”

Su Hao smiled very happy.

“What do you mean?”

Sun Batian brows slightly wrinkle, this time, this Scar is so ignorant? Could it be that he also has the Mimesis Origin Tool? This idea, even he himself feels ridiculous!

“Here is the field, the domain of Ferocious Beast.”

Su Hao smiled and shared the basic common sense for the four giants of Jianghe City. “At the beginning, I made a lot of noise on the periphery of the Ferocious Beast Domain, which triggered the Ferocious Beast. Now, we are at the core Domain of Ferocious Beast, With such a large Origin Energy fluctuation, when you are sleeping, what do you think will happen?”


Sun Batian complexion changed.

Su Hao’s words seem to remind him of the original Era that was scared by Origin Energy more than a decade ago. Only in an instant, he woke up and looked at Su Hao like a smile yet not a smile expression sneered , “dressing up as God, playing the devil ! Do you think I will let you easily leave a shadow in your heart?”

“This, you are as hateful as that of Su Hao, you should kill!”

Su Hao smiled and touched his nose.

Rub, brother, is this considered to be lying down and shot?


Sun Batian sneered, the thunderbolt in the hand was shrunk, and Su Hao could be killed with just one click. The only thing that surprised him was that Su Hao was so faintly watching him in the process of collecting the net, and he was really arrogant, and he really did not have any resistance.

Scar, what are you going to do?

What are you doing?

“Let you have any trump card!”

“First kill you and say it!”

Sun Batian Killing intent The savagely flooded Heil, which is covered by Su Hao, is completely tilted toward Su Hao. It seems that the next moment, Su Hao can be wiped out!

However, it is at this time.


There were countless voices in the sound of the sound, followed by a burst of barbecue-like aroma, and a strange burning smell.


Sun Batian looked up, and this shocked discovery, I don’t know when, countless black monkeys are attacking on the net of thunder and hell, one is being charged, the other is replaced, and the electric is burned. There will be another black monkey rushing up.

In an instant, the Thunderbolt Domain, which he worked so hard, was so gone!

“What a ghost thing!”

Sun Batian was completely shocked.

“This is just the beginning.”

Su Hao glanced at the Flat model Map, indifferently said.

If someone looks at Su Hao’s vision, it will be clear that countless densely packed red dots are coming here, and countless black monkeys die and roast, stimulating the surrounding Ferocious Beast. The Ferocious Beast at night was violent, a little irritating, vicious abnormal.

“Do you think that you will escape?”

Sun Batian sneered and screamed again.

“If you don’t leave now, wait for them to be more and more, and no one can go anywhere!”

Su Hao sneer, Shadow Cloak flashes, Illusionary Reality opens again, evading Sun Batian’s repeated attacks. Among the two, countless black monkeys rushed to the chaos, with the left eye Synchronize Replay, Su Hao 360 degree without dead angle observation and analysis, these black monkeys did not affect him at all!

Instead, Sun Batian, battered and exhausted under the inexplicable attack of the black monkey.

Even under the deliberate guidance of Su Hao, Sun Batian’s attack, repeated bombings on top of the black monkey, instantly left countless dead black monkeys.

At this time, the huge Ferocious Beast Legion finally arrived!

“bang bang bang bang!”

Ground vibration!

There are countless grotesque Ferocious Beasts coming, most of which are comparable to the strength of Foundation, but some of the leader-level Ferocious Beast already has the strength of Specialization. Even the first few strange Ferocious Beasts have a strength of Specialized Level 5! More terrifying is the number of these Ferocious Beast…

I can’t see it at a glance!

Under such a power, the faces of the initiators Su Hao and Sun Batian are somewhat whitish! However, the two people who are facing each other, but not the slightest step backwards!



Ferocious Beast Legion didn’t lose speed and rolled over to the two.

Thousands of Ferocious Beast finally made Sun Batian discolored!



Sun Batian finally couldn’t help it, looked at Scar, still calm, and quickly retreated. At this time, Ferocious Beast Legion without the slightest hesitation smashed toward Su Hao, the sound of the bang was endless, almost the whole forest was stirred, and the place that passed, was a mess, not even a blade of grass grows!

“This crazy man…”

Sun Batian looked at Scar, still indifferent, and couldn’t help but define the leader of this Hunter Organization. This guy is a madman!


Ferocious Beast Legion is coming!

However, what shocked Sun Batian was that those Ferocious Beast, when they met Scar, were surprised to dodge!

Yes, that’s right!


“How can this be?!”

Sun Batian was dumbfounded, and he was calmed down at this time.

Focusing on Su Hao, Ferocious Beast automatically avoided this position within one meter of the circle, without causing any harm to Su Hao, let alone attack!

Among the Ferocious Beast Legion.

Su Hao himself is also relaxed, “little guy…you have finally gotten better this time!”

Blue Dream Butterfly’s murderer Aura, let these guys recognize him as a person, naturally will not cause any harm to him. Su Hao is never willing to use this extremely dangerous technique if it is not necessary. Because Blue Dream Butterfly students can say that they are savvy…

Fortunately, this time it was successful!

“Good one Scar!”

Sun Batian expression recovery Calm, faint opening, but full of endless domineering, “You are enough! But no one can fool me Sun Batian! Since you want to play, I will accompany you to play thoroughly!”


The thunder and lightning gathered in the sky, before the Ferocious Beast Legion, Sun Batian without the slightest hesitation pointed to the front. a path of compound lightning combination method, carrying endless Killing intent drops from the sky!

“Thunder Domain, get up!”


Countless thunders washed away in front of us.


Su Hao pupil shrink, the rapid retreat, Sun Batian, dare to shock the entire Ferocious Beast Legion?

Taking the risk, you have to kill him!

How much hatred?

If Sun Batian didn’t call him Scar, he almost thought that Sun Batian already knew his true identity! This is so crazy, if you know that he is Su Hao, isn’t Sun Batian going crazy?



Thunder and Ferocious Beast Legion are intertwined!

At this moment, Heaven and Earth seem to have changed color.

Night is no longer the night.

The forest was dyed white at this moment, and almost all the rest of the Ferocious Beast was alarmed. Looking at this direction, it seemed to feel extremely troublesome and embarrassing. In front of us Countless Ferocious Beast fell to the ground, Specialized Level 6’s Expert formidable power! Nature is beyond doubt!

Even in the face of Ferocious Beast Legion, you can still have a strong strength!

The endless Ferocious Beast Military was completely wiped out, and after a few deaths, a group of people came up. A very powerful Origin Energy Technique, without the influence of Ferocious Beast Legion, but countless Ferocious Beast’s roaring counterattack, let Sun Batian vomit blood, heart and soul, almost fainted on the spot.

However, at this time, Sun Batian was sneered before leaving.


Su Hao has no hesitation!

Unsurprisingly, the Thunder Domain is just an illusion. In the thunder of the sky, a sharp Thunder sword is shot like a lightning bolt. It passes through numerous obstacles and even directly kills Su Hao!


Shadow Cloak floats, Su Hao’s figure retreats, disappears into the dark night, and the naked eye is almost impossible to find! However, the sharp Thunder sword, but still chasing after the past, seems to have not received any impact!


Su Hao without the slightest hesitation puts on Bai Yi and then quickly hides behind a seemingly very rough, Ferocious Beast with specialization strength.


Thunder Xiaojian actually shot this Ferocious Beast!



Su Hao flicked sideways, and the Thunder Sword directly blasted over his left rib, straight through, and nailed him to the big tree behind him.


The one-meter-thick, thick tree fell silently. Su Hao was almost pierced by the whole person. His body was bloody. If the body was smeared with the Ferocious Beast Aura that Blue Dream Butterfly mimicked, I am afraid I was eaten on the spot!

“pu ——”

Su Hao pulled out the Thunder sword, and his mouth smirked.

“I am still alive!”

Ps:gorgeous ask for a monthly ticket~

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