
Su Hao looks at Chen Yiran. .

In general, Tasks are collected in the school Task system. But this Task, which allows Su Wan to use the permissions directly intercepted, it must be a very good Task! However, the two have just arrived in the sweet period, and the progress is rapid. It is a bit reluctant to leave at this time.

“how long?”

Asked Chen Yiran.

“Less a month, a few more months!”


Chen Yiran looked up at Su Hao.

Su Hao hugged her, said with a smile, “Don’t worry about my opinion, focus on your own development. After all, this is The Era of Origin Energy.”


Chen Yiran, nod, “I want to go!”

What happened last time gave her the feeling that she was a vase. Although her strength is already very strong, although her Innate Talent is one of the very best, but I don’t know why, in front of Su Hao, she always feels that she is the weakest – especially, Su Hao recently fighting skill and physical fitness all out!

Such progress is really incredible.

Even let her have a feeling of becoming cumbersome.

In this Era, strength is always the first criterion! Although Su Hao will never dislike her, she definitely does not allow herself to be a vase!

Feelings need two people to pay.

Whether it is for the relationship between the two, or her own pride, she absolutely does not allow this to happen!


Su Hao took her little hand. “Be careful, there is Teacher Su Wan with you, and I am relieved.”

“Well, two little guys.”

Su Wan said with a smile, “In this case, then we are so happy to decide. However, before leaving, Su Hao, as the master of your girlfriend, can be regarded as your half mother-in-law…”

Su Hao has a few black lines on his forehead.

Half a mother-in-law?

Is there such a calculation?

“So, the mother-in-law decided to open a small stove for you, and finally explained to Origin Energy Innate Talent for you.” Su Wan said, smile gently here, “About Model Analysis.”


Su Hao in front of us.

“Model Class Origin Energy Innate Talent, I think you already know it, I won’t say much. It’s mainly for your Origin Energy Innate Talent.”

After several people sat down, Su Wan slowly said.

“Model Analysis, I have seen. When I was in school, I met a student who also had Model Analysis. I also learned about the ability of Model Analysis. He also took the same route as you, starting with Combat. But in the end – he failed. After the failure, he knew that he had gone the wrong way, regretted for a long time, and therefore, completely abandoned the Origin Energy Innate Talent. This is why I suggested that you give up the Combat route.”

Su Hao is deeply convinced that nod is.

When he came over for theability index guidance, Su Wan did say that he was recommended to major in Origin Energy. On the Combat side, just assist. However, because of his special circumstances, when the Fighting Technique Cultivation progressed rapidly, it was many times faster than Origin Energy, and Su Wan did not intervene.

“To be honest, I feel a little weird.”

Su Wan this time, his face showed some strange expression, “Your Model Analysis is completely different from the Model Analysis in my memory, although the function is basically the same, but – I always have a strange feeling, that is, your Model Analysis seems to be different from others.”

“For example – the second boundary of the Model Analysis Domain, the real model. I have seen it in other people, basically able to achieve 99% similarity, just like real person. But the model after all is model, as long as it is a glance, It can also be found that this is a model, an item.”

“But your Model Analysis is completely different. The same is really the model. When you showed it to me last time, I seem to feel that it is not just an item, a deadly model prop. Even at that moment, It has a bit of anger, like it is alive. So I think that your model, after being influenced by Origin Energy, has a little Variation, so there have been some minor changes.”

Speaking of this, Su Wan shook his head. “Of course, it’s possible, but your level of modeling is higher than the people I know before, so it’s more realistic.”

“Maybe, I just started researching.”

Su Hao smiled a little, but her heart was startled.

I am second time!

Can this be seen? !

It is a teacher of the Natural Selection Class!

Su Hao has been subconsciously hiding the ability to mutate, but Su Wan, his director, has been easily analyzed through an observation. This almost metamorphosis of the ability to identify, so that he can not help but be amazed.

“Oh, it doesn’t matter. In fact, the Variation is not Variation, and the difference will not be over big.” Su Wan said indifferently, “E-level Model Analysis, even if it is a Variation, it is dead to the D level, where can I go?” ”

Su Hao: “…”

“If you have seen the explanation of Model Analysis, you should know that this ability has a wide range and the theoretical potential is unlimited, but its development is very slow. Therefore, it has become a trash Innate Talent. However, in you On the body, it seems to be different, your own strength, can well support this Innate Talent, maybe, can shine a different glory.”

Su Wan continued.

“If you really want to learn about Model Analysis, I suggest you start from the most basic. Origin Energy is similar to Combat. Only when the foundation is solid, can you improve Divine Speed! And want to understand the basics, I suggest you go to Origin. The Energy Association takes a trip.”

“Origin Energy Association ?”

Su Hao has a heart.

Origin Energy Association is a great place!

In today’s The Era of Origin Energy, it seems to form a very subtle situation.

That is, the government is mainly responsible for the lives of the people, some of the daily necessities, the basic maintenance of law and order, are governed by the Government. The Origin Energy Association is responsible for the transaction of all Origin Energy Innate Talents. Similar to saving World and maintaining city peace, this kind of thing that sounds awkward is governed by the Origin Energy Association.

The Government and the Origin Energy Association complement each other to form the Era of Origin Energy!

Origin Energy Association, in everyone’s mind, has an extraordinary status, not only because of his own identity, but also because it has a peculiar system.

Similar to the talent market before the war!

Here, you only need to rank your Origin Energy Innate Talent, the current situation, and the work you want. Soon, someone will come over to screen, or invite an interview. Of course, you can also choose those jobs that meet the requirements, apply your resume, and work on the choice of surname.

All in all, this is the only official online job search channel!

Massive work needs, basically, as long as you have a certain level, you can always find the right job for you.

This place, Su Hao is not not considered.

However, the so-called job search channel is only a small part of the functions of the Origin Energy Association members. The threshold of the Origin Energy Association itself is very high!

The most important one is recommended!

A recommendation from a member of the Origin Energy Association High-level is eligible to become a member of the Origin Energy Association. For Su Hao, a poor and white student, this recommendation is naturally not going to happen.

But at this time Su Wan mentioned, is it…

Su Hao in front of us suddenly shines.

“Ghost Spirit Essence.”

Su Wan saw his eyes and knew that he had already guessed it. He looked at him without any anger and took out a white envelope and gave it to him. “No, the Origin Energy Association’s recommendation letter. This is the face of my baby disciple.” Give it to you. If you dare to do something sorry for her, hehe…”

Su Wan gestured a pair of scissors against Su Hao’s lower body.

Su Hao suddenly came to a chill.


This witch Teacher.

Su Hao’s classmates fled and fled. Before leaving, they seemed to be able to hear the laughter of Su Dawitch’s extreme arrogant.

The next day, Su Wan left with Chen Yiran.

In her opinion, this is called going back early, and someone in the province is always reluctant, and finally the thoughts become sick…

Su Hao hearing this sweat.

After pinching the recommendation letter in his hand, Su Hao decided to go to the Origin Energy Association in Jianghe City to see – this is the most powerful special force in the name of Jianghe City.

Su Hao walked out of school and the Natural Selection Class’s Repeater was a tiger.

These days, the sudden emergence of Su Hao has spread throughout the Natural Selection Campus. One move Insta-kill Guan Yuanzhong, this is already a strong strength! Even Zhou Wang, who is now full of 16’s Origin Energy Force, can’t say that he can make a move to Insta-kill. And Su Hao, done it!

Doesn’t this mean that Su Hao’s Origin Energy Force has been 16?

Origin Energy Evaluation software, not everyone can afford it. Expensive prices make countless people sway, and the only few people who can afford it are the leaders who will not reveal others’ strength.

Think of Su Hao’s last Battle of Glory, Origin Energy Force is still 12 point, this is only a month, it rushed to the 16 point!

One month 4 point, this speed of progress is really amazing!

This first Freshmen first, after the first month of crouching, once again created a new miracle!

At this time, the things about the Chen Yiran birthday party were also scattered, the mysterious background, the romance of the Legendary version, the piano interpretation of Su Hao, plus the recent intimacy of the two, and the end of the lover. Cheng Yu is a good story of the campus.

Su Hao, this seemingly simple student, was once again covered by a layer of mysterious aura.

This person, they can’t see through!

Su Hao, who looked away from school and looked away from each other in dismay, no one dared to go to provocation. Everyone is not an idiot. The consequences of Guan Yuanzhong are vivid.

In the face of absolute strength, no one wants to go up as a stepping stone.

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