The resources needed for Cultivation are hard to come by. .

This is especially true for Model Analysis owners who have low combat capability and low living ability.

The initial Model Analysis basically requires unlimited resources and zero return!

For Ordinary people, who can afford it?

After all, not everyone, there is the opportunity of the building Grandmaster, when you have a certain ability, to catch up with the city reconstruction, sufficient funds, abundant resources, since then a carp leaping through the Dragon Gate!

So, the end result is that these people have given up their own Origin Energy, and then to Cultivation physical fitness, doing some work that requires physical effort to make money.


Su Hao saw some feelings here.

He is deeply aware of the consumption of Origin Energy. For a long time, his Origin Energy is in a state of no left, even if you don’t read the Card, and occasionally a Terrain Modeling, it will consume exactly! Later, after learning Origin Energy Refinement and Origin Energy Control, this consumption was slightly relieved.

He is still like this, what about other people?

What about those who work with the Model Structure?

No wonder they will give up their ability to each and everyone and be an Ordinary person who survives physically. Because, for the people of Ordinary, what human glory, human contribution is fucking is nonsense, they have to do, only – to live! In this confusing world, live!

Continue to look down, no accidents.

Su Hao saw the Senior’s final decision on Model Analysis.

Origin Energy Innate Talent: Class E Model Analysis.

Final evaluation: Innate Talent, a tasteless chicken, it’s a pity to eat it! The most extensive and practical of all Model Class Innate Talent!


Su Hao suddenly closed the book. In this hour, the information he absorbed was a bit more, and it was all fierce. He needed to calm down and digest it.

To be honest, before he came, he was somewhat prepared for the state of Model Analysis.

After all, the Origin Energy Association rated it as E-class, naturally there are his reasons, but Su Hao never thought about it – Model Analysis, in the E-class, it is also the bottom of the bottom!

If you don’t consider the extension and scope of Model Analysis, you may be taken directly to the F level.

Such an Innate Talent that has been rated as a chicken rib… Is it really his own Model Analysis?

Thinking for a moment, Su Hao got the answer.


The cliff is!

After the description of this Senior, he also had a good understanding of Model Analysis itself. Even without Variation, Model Analysis can play many roles in combat.

Such an Innate Talent, really only E-class?

“Terrain Modeling…Character Model…Card Modeling…Experiment Model…Life Detection…Prediction Model…” Su Hao calculates some of his current capabilities.

This is a few small abilities that he has developed himself. Among them, according to his calculations, if Card does not have Variation, it seems to be able to master Terrain Modeling, Character Model and Prediction Model!

Even the Experience Model, if the Culture is late, you can master it!

Innate Talent’s Variation is just ahead of this step.

He is very clear about how much help these small abilities have brought him. No matter which one is comparable to the E-class ability, when these several combinations, it definitely exceeds the E-class, plus its potential, the correct Model Analysis, the standard judgement should definitely not be E-class!

But why is it so low?

After Su Hao thought about it, I already understood it.

The reason is nothing more than two words, insist!

Starting with The Era of Origin Energy, how many people are there to master Model Analysis? More than a hundred people. Among these people, there are few estimates of Origin Energy Force over 10 points!

Only one after another has the prestigious, only the building Grandmaster!

And his success was superimposed with endless resources when the city was rebuilt! It is impossible to succeed in Duplication! No matter which architect, in that case, it seems to be able to rise.

Whenever a capability occurs, the assessment of the Origin Energy Association is always based on actual conditions.

Even if you blow in the sky, the actual survival and the situation in the battle is the best evaluation standard. Those hundred people who also have Model Analysis but gave up, with their own, a good proof, this Innate Talent – indeed trash! The Institute of Architects also gave this Innate Talent a comment.

So in the end, under the multi-party data reference, the Origin Energy Association only evaluated the E-class standard.

But at this time, Su Hao’s mind flashed back the Model Analysis data, the heart is like a mirror – this assessment is definitely low!

Model Class Origin Energy Innate Talent is a life class.

Therefore, the emergence of the new capability of Model Analysis is automatically planned to the life class, but Su Hao is very clear that this ability is still very helpful in combat.

An accurate assessment should be like this.

The assessment of life is E-class, and the assessment of combat is D-level!

If you can improve the Model Analysis’s Culture system in the future, the Origin Energy Innate Talent can sprint to the C level at the lowest level, and even higher, maybe!

“I think, I will look forward to this day.”

Su Hao smiled lightly.

Thoughts in the mind are like electricity, in front of us. For a moment, Model Analysis brings more than just the ability. For him, there is also the invisible improvement of thinking!

The whole person is more intelligent.

This is unmatched by any Origin Energy. Although it can’t be proved, Su Hao has this feeling. His thinking is running faster and the reaction is more sensitive.

I don’t know if it is because of the improvement of ability.

After reading Part of Model Analysis, Su Hao continued to flip through the Model Class Innate Talent Statistics Manual.

In addition to Model Analysis, this Senior has evaluated almost all of the remaining 18 Origin Energy, the highest of which is just C-level!

However, this level is already very powerful for non-combat Origin Energy Innate Talent!

Su Hao quickly flip through and keep all the information in mind.

Although Model Analysis is a bit weak, it’s interesting to note that the goal of all Model Class Innate Talent struggles seems to be the same, which makes Su Hao faintly see a path – it seems, from other Model Class Innate Talents On the body, find out the direction of the future sprint?

Regardless of how this Innate Talent is Variation, it is based on Model Analysis, so to improve Origin Energy Innate Talent, the most fundamental thing is to improve Model Analysis itself!

“It seems to be a good note.”

Su Hao in front of us flashed a glimmer of light, since they are more prominent than Model Analysis in every special direction, then they are combined, isn’t it the Model Analysis of Enhanced Version? So what can they do with Cultivation, and Model Analysis is not all Cultivation?

Is Origin Energy expensive?

It’s ok!

He has completed Primary Level Origin Energy Refinement and Medium-level Origin Energy Control, and the consumption rate has dropped dramatically, and it will never be much more than others.

Resource consumption?

It’s ok!

As a two-time deputy of the pianist and the Potion Master, coupled with their own good fighting power, Su Hao feels that he is still able to support himself.

As a result, everything will go well.

Study clearly that Model Analysis itself…

Then strip the basic Model Analysis…

Looking for the real difference between Variation Innate Talent and the underlying Innate Talent…

Su Hao quietly analyzed, his mind was running fast, and for a moment, he had already made his short-term route planning clear.

“Below, it should be looking for users of Model Class Origin Energy…”

Putting the book back in place, Su Hao left the library after deducting the Task Points number.

In just one day, he had a new understanding of Model Analysis and even entered another level. But for a real qualitative improvement, it takes a long time to work.

In this regard, Su Hao never fears anyone!




Within the school dojo, the silhouette flashes, a man and a woman, two people are in a lightning-like battle. Every time there is a confrontation, there is a heavy impact, and the thick echoes symbolize how powerful this strength is!


Suddenly, an Origin Energy Force broke out from both hands!

The impact of two pieces of Origin Energy instantly spread to the surroundings, and the powerful Origin Energy broke out, and a shock wave swept away around.

The two were each stepped back by the earthquake, and this was a stop.

Next, a girl hurried over and rubbed the sweat on her face for the teenager. The woman opposite saw it and showed a helpless expression. “I said Yiran, Master, I am so tired, you are just taking care of you.” Little lover?”

Chen Yiran gave her a blank look: “Master elder sister, do you have a sense of accomplishment in bullying your own students? Su Hao fighting skill is just a perfect score, and you can’t stop bullying.”

“pu 嗤-“

Su Wan smiled. “It’s just full. When you watched him fight, where is it like a student who has just got a perfect score? It’s a complete old fritter! It’s so sophisticated, it’s decisive. Well… honestly, Su Hao, you are Where do you learn these Fighting Technique?”


Su Hao touched his head and didn’t say anything.

Two girls talk, he is best not to interject.

In these two days, Chen Yiran who fell in love is completely a spoiled little girlfriend. The vinegar is very strong, and Su Wan… This witch seems to always be happy with the molested Su Hao. If you are not careful, you will be ruined by the pit. . For her problems, it is best to be silent.

“hmph! ”

Su Wan looked at his appearance and immediately twitched his lips and said to Chen Yiran, “Yiran Disciple, the tutor is very strict.”


Chen Yiran laughs and says nothing.

“Well, you guys.”

Su Wan was helpless and looked at them both with a smile.

“I have a Task here, which is related to Yiran’s Origin Energy Innate Talent. I was intercepted before the school was released. It may take a long time. Originally, I took Yiran directly. But given the two recent This is a grudge that people are not paying attention. So, I still want to ask, are you going or not?”

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