"My clothes?" Xiao Wanrou showed a seemingly innocent and suspicious expression. She groped her body with her hands and massaged her body without hesitation. A certain part of her proud figure shook and deformed, causing Gu. The captain's eyes all went round.

The perfect combination of innocence and charm reminds Li Yun of Yishanshan, who is wearing a cheongsam, white silk gloves, and has a pure and beautiful appearance...


Li Yun vaguely noticed the abnormal fluctuations emanating from Xiao Wanrou, and turned his head to look at Xiao Jiayu in surprise, and found that she was also bewildered. He looked at Xiao Wanrou with fiery eyes, breathing quickly and exhaling like blue, like It was the fascinating appearance of kissing Li Yun on his own initiative just now.

It is impossible for Xiao Jiayu to show such a feminine expression to a woman. Li Yun was so shocked that Xiao Wanrou had a problem now!

"Return to mind!"

Li Yun yelled, and at the same time stimulated them with a small amount of mental energy. The few people were as if they were awakening from a big dream, and only after a shock did they react. Just now they were bewildered by Xiao Wanrou.

"I...?" Xiao Jiayu covered her small mouth in disbelief. She usually wouldn't make this kind of little girl's action, but now she can't do it because she is too frightened.

Captain Gu was even more horrified. Xiao Wanrou didn't make a single move, but she defeated them all with her mental power.

Just now, if Xiao Wanrou attacked, they would be killed before they could resist!

"It's okay, I'm here."

Li Yun held Xiao Jiayu's hand and comforted her, which comforted her fearful heart, and the love for Li Yun in her heart became deeper and deeper.

Xiao Wanrou put her finger on her cheek, and said thoughtfully: "What a lovely couple, really nice, hehe~"

"To shut up!"

Li Yun shouted indifferently, "Xiao Wanrou, if you use your mental power to cast charm skills at will, then our conversation will end immediately!"

"No need, no need~" Xiao Wanrou blinked innocently, and said: "I just saw you, son of a genius, who can manifest in one day, so I am a little curious~"

Li Yun didn't answer. He didn't know the speed at which normal people practiced this "Spiritual Power Cultivation Method". He thought it was quite easy. Maybe he was really a genius.

"Go on." Li Yun said lightly: "My question is, what does the innovation world refer to in your slogan? Please answer as much as possible."

"Oh, this...hey, wait."

Xiao Wanrou smiled again: "I was interrupted by you so I didn't even come to ask, what happened to my clothes?"

As she said, she turned her body coquettishly, her clothes fluttering, her skirt flying, her hair flying with the night breeze, and her beauty seemed to dazzle the world.

Li Yun didn't have time to appreciate it, he had already affirmed that Xiao Wanrou's actions were deliberately made!

Raising the sword of love in his hand, Li Yun said: "I don't believe you can't see it. This is a sword made of specific active cells, including your and my clothes."

Xiao Jiayu's clothes that were cut apart by the golden bird man's paws have now recovered. She has always been wearing the active clothes that Li Yun gave her when she came to Xiaojiacun.

"And then?" Xiao Wanrou blinked, "How did you tell?"

"Because a normal and rich woman will not wear the same clothes for two consecutive days!" Xiao Jiayu couldn't help but say.

It’s fine if you don’t have money. If you have money, girls will definitely wear one piece of clothing a day, and they won’t bring the same clothes for months.

Li Yun's high school English teacher is, one set per day, never repeating the same.

"Oh~~~," Xiao Wanrou stretched her voice, "In other words, I am not a normal woman? Hahaha, really, I was exposed here."

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