Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 996: The purpose of the religion

Ignoring Xiao Wanrou's words, Li Yun asked calmly: "Now, it's time for me to ask you questions."

"Master, please~" Xiao Wanrou laughed and said indifferently.

Captain Gu felt that the confrontation between the two sides was a bit strange.

Surrounded by a group of weird golden soldiers, their expressions are gloomy and savage, and in the distance is the collapsed old house of the Xiao family with fireworks.

On the island and the surroundings, the corpses of the golden soldiers killed by them were full. Thousands of corpses filled the road, and the blood flowing out stained the entire lake red.

Not to mention, three huge wing monsters and a larger sea monster surround both sides, adding a bit of magic to this strange scene.

"What is your purpose?" Li Yun asked the first question in a deep voice.

Xiao Wanrou didn't hesitate, and faintly replied: "The world is dull. My **** is the savior who saves all people from fire and water and creates a new world under the leadership of my god!"

"The world is dull, my **** descends to the world, saves the people, innovates the world!"

"The world is dull, my **** descends to the world, saves the people, innovates the world!"

"The world is dull, my **** descends to the world, saves the people, innovates the world!"

All the golden soldiers shouted frantically, frightening Xiao Jiayu.

It is difficult for outsiders to communicate with such fanatics.

Li Yun frowned. The gods had a program of action, a grand slogan, spiritual leaders, skills, personnel, and a clear purpose.

It can be said that it is already a very meticulous force organization, if it weren't for the selfless fanaticism of the Golden Soldiers, it would be enough to attract many ambitious people to join.

Captain Gu was also shocked by the fanatical Golden Soldiers. This group of people is too weird. Where did the gods find so many fanatics?

Li Yun smiled and said, "You haven't answered my question yet. What I am asking is what is your purpose for coming to Xiao's house this time?"

Everyone was stunned, Xiao Wanrou reacted, laughing loudly, her slender fingers tremblingly pointed at Li Yun, tears were about to burst out, and she said, "Master Li, you...really smart, hahaha~"

She laughed, but Li Yun's heart sank to the bottom.

This daughter is not in her anger, anger, and she is not angry when she is slapped. It can be seen that she is by no means an incompetent person as a high-level spiritualist.

"Am I wrong?"

"Okay, okay, my fault, you didn't realize that you were playing word games, son."

Xiao Wanrou said with a smile, her beautiful eyes full of terrible killing intent, and said: "But only this time, otherwise..."

Li Yun remained silent and squeezed the long sword in his hand.

Although she appeared to be very close to people, she was a high-level religious sect after all, and she was definitely not a rebel. This action must have been planned by her!

"My purpose in coming to the Xiao family is also very simple. I heard that you found some gadgets I taught, so I personally came to see who you are." Xiao Wanrou's face was restored to that of a young woman. She is soft and charming, with a frown and a smile.

"It's that simple?" Li Yun didn't waver in his heart. She, maybe not a woman, because...the gods are so perverted!

"I am only responsible for answering, not for verifying." Xiao Wanrou showed a mischievous smile on her face and said, "Or, this is your second question, son?"

Yes, Li Yun was also put on by her.

In the previous agreement, there was no requirement that Xiao Wanrou must answer the correct content.

This question and answer was originally random, and there was no time to consider too many constraints.

Moreover, Li Yun estimated that even if restricted, Xiao Wanrou would not necessarily comply.

"The second thing that's wrong is your clothes."

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