Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 900: Shining singing

Everyone started chanting, Li Yun stopped the staff from trying to check the speakers again, and said with a smile: "We can hear it on stage, but you can't hear it off stage. It's really strange. Let's do this. ,"

Li Yun turned his head to look at Shanshan, "When Shanshan you sing, everyone in the room, except Shanshan, only raises their hands when they hear the song, and vice versa, how about putting them down? "

"Okay...huh?" Seeing the narrow smile on Li Yun's face, Yi Shanshan immediately reacted. He is absolutely weird, and there is definitely something to hide from her! !

Everyone agreed, Yi Shanshan's eyes rolled around, thinking strangely, and finally agreed with a smile, ready to sing again to see what Li Yun's gourd sells. What is it.

"Our tomorrow~ is a colorful tomorrow~, where we are young girls, where we are..."

At the beginning of the singing, Li Yun took the lead to raise his hands, and then Lu Ming, Wu Enguo, Liu Yang and others also raised their hands.

Then, the staff standing by the front desk also raised their hands.

Liao Xianhua sits in the middle as a reporter for the entertainment newspaper. He deeply despises what happened before.

A company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars actually made such a big basket at the product launch event, and even the speakers were not ready.

In other words, a chairman with a market value of hundreds of billions actually fiddled with those speakers at will. The speakers placed by the staff were brought to the stage and arranged in a row, like a second fool.

Regardless of what product will be released by Super Technology, Liao Xianhua has decided that in response to the previous press conference accident, he must write a good article to satirize it!

He had thought about the title, and imitated the title of the previous Super Energy Company's preview meeting, "A company with a market value of hundreds of billions, and a product launch event attended by a well-known international singer is actually like this!"

Such a headline was able to ridicule the young chairman who knows no height.

Liao Xianhua saw the young chairman on stage and started to raise his hands. In other words, did he hear Yishanshan's singing?

However, he couldn't hear it at all here, and there was no sound from the stage!

Immediately afterwards, the staff in the audience also raised their hands?

Wait, the people in the front row also raised their hands?

But why did they all turn their heads and look around? Why is there a surprised expression on his face?

Liao Xianhua and the people around him were confused. They couldn't hear the sound at all. The people in the front row seemed to move their mouths, but no sound came.

The first row, the second row, the third row, the fourth row...

Row after row of people raised their hands, about three or four seconds apart, and after they raised their hands, they all turned their heads and looked at the people in the back row in surprise, as if there was a monster behind them. same.

Liao Xianhua looked back, and many people also looked back, but there was nothing in the back. What did the people in the front row look at?

But why did everyone in the front row raise their hands?

Is the speaker volume of the speaker gradually increased?

Liao Xianhua felt slanderous in his heart, this super technology person is too good at playing, he also brought such a.

Finally, the person raising his hand came to the row in front of him, but Liao Xianhua tried hard to listen, but still didn't hear anything.

"What's the matter? Amplify the sound a little bit...huh?"

The next second he complained, Ishanshan's singing blasted into his ears like thunder.

"Tomorrow is a hopeful tomorrow, a bright future~~~"

Sure enough, it was shocking.

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