Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 899: Embarrassing flash

Yishanshan was a little strange. Why did she ask the people in the audience what song they wanted to listen to, but everyone didn't respond, and there was a little disturbance.

Isn't anyone in the audience like her song, or has never heard of her song?

This is a bit embarrassing. Didn't Li Yun invite reporters from the entertainment circle to come?

Yishanshan felt a little wronged. She had never encountered such a situation since she became famous, but she said, "Then I will sing "Tomorrow's Us"."

She turned to look at Li Yun, and saw him nodding before turning to face the audience, clearing her throat and saying a word, preparing to sing a song.

But why are the people in the audience still not quiet?

This is too rude!

Ishanshan exclaimed in her heart, what is going on with these people, why is she starting to sing, and they don't listen quietly?

Could it be that her song is no longer popular?

Oh my God, she just retired for a semester, no, it’s not retired, she also made a movie and made a few announcements, even if she was going to die, she wouldn’t be so fast!

The entertainment industry is really a place that is changing with each passing day. Ishanshan lamented in her heart that a new generation of newcomers were replaced by old ones. No one likes her at all...


Yi Shanshan seemed to hear Li Yun's laugh, and looked at him from the corner of her eye. Sure enough, it was Li Yun who was laughing!

Are you laughing at her?

But why did he laugh so treacherously, like a conspiracy?

There is a situation!

Ishanshan wakes up all at once, there must be something weird in this!

"No sound!"

"Sparkling, the microphone is broken, change it!"

"Shan, don't sing, we can't hear it!"

That's it.

Yishanshan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not that she was overwhelmed, but that the people below could not hear her. She said that she was going to sing. Why didn't these people stop.

"Ahem, do you hear it?"

"Can't hear!"

The people in the audience shouted loudly, but the people on the stage looked dumbfounded.

Ten huge speakers are placed on the stage, the sound is amazing, how can you not hear it?

Ishanshan said strangely: "It's very loud, the microphone is not broken, I listened well."

Li Yun laughed again and said: "It's probably not bad, you can continue singing."

"Oh, good~"

Yishanshan turned to look at the audience again, and asked, "Can you hear me?"

"I heard it!" everyone shouted in unison.

Finally it's ok.

Yishanshan breathed a sigh of relief, closed her eyes and brewed her emotions, then opened her eyes and sang affectionately: "...@#¥……@#~"

People in the audience: "..."

Are they deaf? Why do all the people on the stage show an intoxicated expression? !

"I can't hear you!"

"Shan, we still can't hear your singing!!"

The people in the audience yelled again, making Yishanshan had to stop, her beautiful and innocent face showed a very puzzled expression, and said: "The voice is very loud, why can't you hear?"

"Just can't hear it, can't hear it at all!"

"Loud? No, there is no sound at all!"

The people in the audience were very irritable. Ishanshan did not believe in evil and tried several times, but they still couldn't hear it.

"Well, I will let the staff look at it."

Several staff members came to the stage and checked with the microphones. After trying the sound several times, the people under the stage heard the sound from the speakers again.

It can finally start.

This time Yishanshan didn’t have any emotions brewing anymore, and she sang directly: "Our tomorrow~, it is a colorful tomorrow~, where, we..."

She sang and looked at the people below. This time, they were finally immersed in her singing, even though it was not her perfect state.

"Will be invincible, tomorrow, we will have all the good...! @!@......"

The singing is generally dumb again.

Everyone in the audience: "I can't hear anymore, kill us!"

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