Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 871: Miss Visit (Part 1)

When Li Yun took the three young ladies back to their hometown, Caiwei and the others were shocked by the situation.

They didn't expect Li Yun to go out and bring back the eldest lady, her father, and even a strange little girl with a blank expression.

Li Yun didn't elaborate on the origin of Li Xiaoai, only that it was the sister he recognized, who was special when she was born.

Then they introduced each other. When Li Yun's parents heard that the middle-aged man was the father of the eldest lady, the cups in their hands almost fell to the ground. They complained Li Yun and said that they would not notify them sooner when they brought the guests.

After all, meeting the eldest lady's parents is equivalent to a formal meeting of the two families, and it takes a very grandfather.

As for Xiao Ai, because the title of elder sister has been taken up by the eldest, Li Yun had to call her sister Caiwei and sister Caixia, and for Xiao Jiayu, probably only sister Jiayu.

I don’t know if Xiao Jiayu will be jealous, saying that the eldest lady is occupying the title of elder sister without authorization, which is really hateful!

It's just that Li Yun didn't let Xiao Ai call his parents Mom and Dad, but called Dad Li and Mom Zhou. After all, Xiao Ai is not an ordinary child. His parents can't treat her like an ordinary goddaughter. Li Yun still doesn't know whether to let Xiao Ai go to school. Maybe he has to wait.

Because three guests came, Li Yun's parents went to the village to temporarily buy some vegetables and chickens and ducks. Li Yun and them were responsible for cooking.

Murong Nantian was sitting and talking on the phone. The eldest lady became a little restless. When she was cooking, she wanted to follow Li Yun. She was so scared that Murong Nantian's hand with the phone trembled three times.

His daughter Murong Qingyue actually wanted to work in the kitchen, which he had never seen before.

"Okay, Miss, you just sit down. It's not like Dingwei Building. The kitchen fumes in my hometown are too big."

Li Yun forcibly took the eldest lady out, put her next to Xiao Ai, and let her play with Xiao Ai.

It's just that the two of them are the masters of others who do not speak, so naturally there will be no topics.

At dinner, the two families did not mention Li Yun and the eldest in a tacit understanding. They talked about short topics in the parents, but the gap between the two is too big. One is a wealthy family with thousands of years of heritage, and the other is a ravine. For the farmers in the ditch, there is no single topic.

So in the end, only Li Yun's topic was familiar to both families, and his parents also talked a lot about Li Yun's childhood, which made Li Yun on the side embarrassed.

After eating, Murong Nantian left. He still has a lot of work to do.

The parents didn't hold back too much. From before, it can be seen that this eldest lady's father has an extraordinary background, and his bearing and demeanor are only those of the leaders on TV.

Li Yun hugged Xiao Ai and sat with Missy for a while, and found that Missy was really not interested in these parents, and even picked up the phone to read the book, embarrassing Li Yun's parents, thinking they did something wrong. .

Li Yun calmly explained that this is the style of the eldest, so they don't worry about it.

But this is not easy to chat, the eldest does not want to talk more, and Li Yun does not force her, so she got up and took her and Xiao Ai to the base.

Caixia and Caiwei really wanted to go to the base for the night, but in this way, only their parents were left at home. They were afraid they would be deserted, so they didn't follow.

After Li Yun left, Caixia said with a pouting mouth, "When the eldest lady came, my brother's heart was completely lost, sister!"


Caiwei's expression is complicated. Not only can her brother only vote for them a little bit of love, but now there is also a'sister' to compete with them.

Compared to the eldest lady, Li Xiaoai is the biggest threat...

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