Li Yun and Murong Nantian talked for a while, and they decided what was going on.

A-5 and some specific active cells will be taken away, and the rest will remain the same as they were. Someone will protect this base from the outside.

Li Yun, the big man A-5, was still worried about his luck, but Murong Nantian waved his hand and said that an extra-large carriage would be built and taken away from the freight train.

The A-5 can be transformed into a snake form, which just happens to be installed on a train.

However, Li Yun felt that the code name A-5 was not easy to remember, so he named it the experimental body of the deformable excavator A-5, referred to as the variable excavator A-5.

Anyway, the main attack of this product is digging, which is easy to remember.

This thing has a battery in the body like the S-1. The battery has a high energy density and can work for several days on a single charge. Of course, the power consumption is also scary.

It's a pity that high-energy-density batteries are not available. Otherwise, this will immediately change the current life of mankind.

For example, a mobile phone can be used continuously for one month on a single charge. This scene should not be too beautiful.

There is such a thing in Li Yun's system store, ultra-density XR material batteries, but the points are also expensive and scary, two million yuan.

In addition, Li Xiaoai of course also left with everyone. She is the most important person in this trip..."person".

Li Yun still couldn't help but regard it as an intelligent life body rather than a cold artificial intelligence, or artificial intelligence that generates human emotions.

After Xiao Ai leaves here, she will leave a backup system here to maintain operation. The backup system's intelligence is much worse. It basically does not judge according to the situation. It will be put in if it has permission, and it will attack if there is no permission. The words of love are: very stupid.

Li Yun saw that it was too early, and turned around and said to them, "Uncle, Captain Gu, are you going to come to my house for dinner?"

Murong Nantian glanced at his daughter, and said slowly: "Why do you invite me instead of my Qingyue?"

"Ahem...I just decided on the eldest lady, she naturally followed me."

The eldest lady has just arrived, it is impossible to leave tonight, but Li Yun is a little embarrassed to say these words, but the eldest lady does not blush, and stands calmly beside Li Yun, as if taking it for granted. .


Murong Nantian snorted coldly, and his expression felt like an old father whose daughter was abducted by a stinky boy. He walked forward first, "Lead the way, I'll go to your house for dinner tonight!"

Captain Gu did not go with him, saying that he was spending the night with his brothers by the lake outside, where there was also a holiday resort where he could live.

As for this base, they didn't dare to come in, it would be miserable if the things here were damaged.

Li Yun took the eldest lady's hand, turned around and took the hand of Li Xiaoai who was standing aside, and said, "Xiao Ai, come with us."

"Yeah..." There was a gleam in Xiao Ai's eyes, and she was no longer as dispassionate as when Li Yun was discussing where to eat with them just now. She had a place to go.

It's just that Li Yun is holding two hands, one big and one small.

The eldest lady noticed this situation, so she threw away Li Yun's hand. Just when Li Yun wanted to ask her why, she walked to the other side and took Xiao Ai's other hand.

Li Yun and she are holding Xiao Ai's hand alone, like a parent with his own child.

"From now on, call my sister."

Hearing the beautiful voice of the eldest lady, Xiao Ai looked at Li Yun in confusion, her thinking could not cope with the current situation.

Li Yun smiled and scraped off Xiao Ai's little nose, and said: "Be obedient, Xiao Ai will call her sister."

Xiao Ai nodded, raised her head and shouted at the lady: "Sister."


Li Yun was taken aback for a moment. It seemed that Xiao Ai's voice didn't resemble electronic sound anymore, but it was more and more human.

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