When he returned home on Friday night, Li Yun was caught by Caixia and Caiwei and asked about tomorrow. They also complained that their brother would not tell them, and they had to wait for them to see the news of Yishanshan in the news. Only then did I know about Li Yun's company.

"Brother, are you going to develop a conference with Jiayu's company?"

"And I also invited Yi Shanshan, it's amazing!"

"Xiaoyun, is it expensive to start a company? Wouldn't it cost millions?"

During the meal, Li Yun answered the questions of the sisters and their parents one by one, which satisfied their curiosity.

Hearing about them about Yishanshan, Li Yun took a look on the Internet and was surprised to find that he still underestimated Yishanshan's influence. The news that had been spread in the morning had already spread in the evening.

A lot of entertainment news headlines are that Yishanshan will be attending the launch of the Super Technology Company, and it is also quite ridiculous and catching up with the photos of Li Yun and the three having dinner together on Thursday, eloquently writing a few words. A thousand-character analysis paper to analyze the relationship between these three people.

However, Li Yun also saw a few articles with different opinions, and after a cursory glance, it was roughly mocking Yi Shanshan to attend the press conference of such a small company.

Li Yun has never paid much attention to things on the Internet, and can't make much noise.

In the evening, the three brothers and sisters sat in the study again and chatted.

After Caixia asked a lot of things, she said with emotion: "Brother, you have started a company now and you know so many people. The gap with us is getting bigger and bigger."

"What's the gap?" Li Yun touched their heads, "No matter how rich I am, am I still your brother? Besides, starting a company and earning money can make your sisters happier. Isn't that great? "

"Although so..."

Caixia struggled for a long time, but she didn't know how to explain, so she threw herself into her brother's arms and acted like a baby.

Li Yun understood her thoughts somewhat, and comforted: "A person's excellence is not determined by how much money you make. As long as you have good grades and enter a good university, you can become an outstanding talent in the future."

"Yes~, I know~!"

Caiwei didn't feel that way. She only wanted her brother to be with her. This was also related to her character.

Don't like to compete with others, introverted and shy.

When she was about to go back to sleep, Caixia smiled and said, "Brother, my sister and I will give you a surprise tomorrow, how about?"

"What surprise?"

"It's not a surprise to say it, hum, brother wait!"

After speaking, the sisters left with a smile. Li Yun didn't know what they thought, so he had to give up.

The next day, Li Yun changed into a more formal outfit, a white shirt with black trousers, and bright leather shoes. He dressed as if he was going to a banquet.

However, Li Yun's figure is always good-looking in everything she wears. This formal dress can also hold up. It looks really handsome than usual. He can't fascinate the two sisters. He keeps saying that his brother is the most handsome and the best. It's like two little fans.

Li Yun smiled and asked the sisters and their parents if they wanted to go to the press conference. They could go to the outside to watch. Seeing that they all shook their heads, they couldn't force it, so they went out.

After he left, Caixia dialed someone's phone.

"Xiao Xi, are you coming?"

"Come on, come on, Caixia, wait, mom and dad and I will pick you up soon!"

"Well, wait for you."

Putting down the phone, Caixia secretly laughed, turned her head and said to Cai Wei: "Sister, would you be surprised to see us and Xiao Xi appear when your brother comes?"

"Probably, I will be surprised."

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