Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 546: Preparation for the conference (below)

After listening to Li Yun's explanation, Yi Shanshan was a little bit dumbfounded, "Li Yun, you don't believe me."

"Sorry again, Shanshan."

"Well, forgive you, we just met after all, you don't know who I am."

Yi Shanshan solemnly said: "Li Yun, listen well, I am a person who says what I say, and I will do my best when I promise my friends, so please trust me!"

If she can be like Xiao Jiayu in the future, it will be enough to convince Li Yun.

"Well, I remember, I'm like that too. So let's do this first, see you tomorrow?"

"great, see you tomorrow."

Yishanshan reluctantly put down the phone when she heard the other side hang up the phone.

Although he wasn't talking about pursuing her, he also made Ishanshan very happy.

It can also be seen from this very small incident that Li Yun is really gentle and considerate. For fear of her being wronged because of this small incident, he called to explain.

This moved Yi Shanshan very much. He was indeed a rare and excellent boy who deserved her to like. It would be better if her idol Xiao Jiayu didn't like him.

Li Yun knew about his bet with Jing Xiucheng and the trouble yesterday, but he didn't expect that after class, his C language teacher heard about it.

"Li Yun, your company is about to produce products?"

"Yes, it will be tomorrow."

"Oh, that's not bad. I have taught for so many years. It is your earliest start-up." The teacher said with a smile: "If it is someone else, I will tell him to focus on his studies and do not worry about starting a business. Xiao Jiayu’s support should be sufficient in terms of funding, so I won’t say anything!"

"This... thank you teacher!"

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu were sitting together, and he was a little embarrassed to tease them, which was tantamount to breaking the relationship between the two.

"Please come to me if you need my help, such as technical problems, etc.. Okay, let's start the class!"

The teacher also generously gave Li Yun a guarantee of help, which I have to say is an advantage of the famous school.

Not only are the classmates excellent, but the teachers are also extraordinary. Many of them are industry leaders. They are experts and professors in their respective fields, and they are worthy of countless resources.

At noon, Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu were called by the school leaders, saying that the school’s entrepreneurial incubation base can provide support, as long as they are willing to ask, they can apply for entrepreneurial funds, as well as other support.

For example, you can ask for a little more leave. According to the regulations, the attendance time is not less than two-thirds, and the test is guaranteed to be passed.

Li Yun was very excited about this. Recently, he often asked for leave due to religious affairs, so he happily stated that he would apply for this benefit.

In other respects, the original business incubation base can also provide office space and many other help, but Li Yun's company has been opened, so there is no need.

Entrepreneurship incubation bases are probably something that every university has, and it is used to promote college students’ entrepreneurship. It is not surprising that these benefits exist.

After school in the afternoon, Chen Bofan finally couldn't help it. He walked up to them, looked at Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu with complicated eyes, and said: "Li Yun, if you can really make a hundred million, Jiayu, I will... Li Yun You are worthy of you."

Li Yun was a little embarrassed. Chen Bofan was the only person in the class who chased Xiao Jiayu, but as Xiao Jiayu's favored object, he could not promise her.

Xiao Jiayu looked at Chen Bofan with a smile, and said, "I believe Li Yun, you will meet a girl who is no worse than me in the future."

Chen Bofan was her elementary and junior high school classmate, Xiao Jiayu didn't want to see him keep doing this, after all, she really had no feelings for Chen Bofan.

"hope so."

Chen Bofan said this, feeling a little empty in his heart, but he also felt that he really seemed to let go.

"Tomorrow I will also go to your game conference, and cheer for your products!"


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