Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 239: life goals

Originally, Li Yun planned to go back in the afternoon, but Caixia could not withstand Xiao Mingxi's pleading. Everyone decided to spend the night here and leave tomorrow morning.

Xiao Mingxi is not happy. Today, not only has her body been cured and strengthened, but she has also made several friends, and more importantly, she has another brother who can be trusted!

Li Yun was almost tossed insane by her, this little girl is really annoying when she is in good health, it is almost comparable to Caixia when she was a child!

While the little maid and Miss Murong went back to Murong's house, which was the moment when Xiangshan Castle No. 1 took a bath and changed clothes, Li Yun finally got out and let the little girls stay in the living room to play. He and Xiao Jiayu sat on the balcony. Look at the sunset.

Seeing Li Yun's relief, Xiao Jiayu said dissatisfied: "I always think you don't like Xiao Xi!"

"Nonsense, she is too nasty!"

"Hehe~, forgive her for the nonsense today."

Xiao Jiayu said with emotion: "I've never seen her so happy, Li Yun, am I dreaming now? I dreamt that you took out a gift from a fairy and healed Xiao Xi's body all at once!"

Li Yun smiled and said, "Jiayu, you were concerned about gains and losses before, but now you still say this kind of thing. This is really nothing like you!"

"I am still me, this is the real me!"

Xiao Jiayu looked at him with a smile, "Li Yun, I'm afraid it's really hard for you to imagine how happy I am now. Just like my mother said, I am willing to die now!"

Li Yun was silent for a moment, "It can be seen that your family's relationship is very good!"

"I'm afraid that others think I am strong and confident, but you know what, I have to be strong and optimistic!"

Xiao Jiayu looked blurred and recalled what happened when she was a child, "Because I am Xiao Xi's sister, I have to show her a strong look. Don't you think Xiao Xi is very cheerful and optimistic today, as if he is indifferent to life and death. But you don’t know how desperate she was when she was a child. When she woke up almost every day, she slept in bed blankly, begging to die, not letting us continue to save her!"

Li Yun was silent for a while, and every family had hard-to-read sutras, "Sorry, I remind you of this."

"What are you talking about, no need to apologize!"

Xiao Jiayu smiled and said, "Listen."

Xiao Mingxi and Caixia laughed and laughed in the living room.

"Recalling the painful past and comparing the happy present with it will make people happier!"


Li Yun looked at the sunset glow in the sky. He had thought about it countless times as to what he was going to do with the system.

When he was young, his dream was simple: to make money and make big money to make his parents and sister happy.

Now that this goal can be easily achieved, Li Yun began to think about what the system can bring him!

Inexhaustible wealth?

This is easy. Even if you don't directly sell your Physique Pills, you can help a wealthy family like the Xiao family in Zhonghai City, and you can expand Li Yun's contacts terribly, and making money in the future will not be a problem.


Li Yun's own character is not suitable for this.

Listening to Xiao Mingxi's happy laughter in the living room, Li Yun felt that he had found another target.

To help more other people and make them all happy.

From the point of view of the system points acquisition setting, this is probably the mission of this god-level exchange system.

"Li Yun, what are you thinking?"

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