Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 238: Heart communication

Miss Murong's words made Li Yun very ashamed. Her request was very simple, but Li Yun still couldn't satisfy her.

She wants Li Yun to explain everything, but her request is also very pure, that is, he wants him to face her undefended and put everything about himself in front of her completely.

Just like when Ms. Murong got along with him, she just said what she wanted, crying if she wanted to cry, or laughing if she wanted to laugh, there was nothing to hide.

For example, the eldest lady asked Li Yun directly when she wanted a rose flower, but he still hasn't remembered the flower delivery...

"Li Yun."

Missy began to call his name again.

"I'm here, Miss!"

Miss Murong asked: "I was just making trouble with no reason, did I not consider you at all?"

"It's a little bit."

She asked very directly, and Li Yun answered very directly.

However, Miss Murong was very satisfied with this answer. She wanted Li Yun to confess unconditionally, without any kind or malicious concealment or deception.

"Then how do I change it in the future?"

"No, I don't hate such a big lady."

Murong Qingyue stared into his eyes, "Really?"


No hate, in terms of the relationship between the two, it is just like.

Miss Murong was very happy, although there was still no expression on her face, "Li Yun, tell me what you need, and I will help you. But I don't want you to hide things from me anymore, so I will be sad."

Li Yun was very moved by her frank and blunt words, "I know, Miss."

It was getting late, and Li Yun worried that the little maid would come back. If she saw the lady crying, she really didn't know how to end it.

"Miss, let's go for a walk."


Miss Murong stood up, but Li Yun stopped and pointed to her beautiful face, with some tears remaining on it.

"help me."

She did not wipe away the tears by herself, and closed her eyes and moved her head closer to Li Yun, as if she was asking for a kiss.

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. He didn't expect the eldest lady to make such an unconscious ambiguous move.

But he wouldn't use his lips to kiss her tears, their relationship is not that way.

He stretched out his fingers and gently touched her white and smooth face, the warm touch made the hearts of both of them become subtle.

Li Yun's fingers ran across her cheeks and chin, as well as beautiful eyelashes that were slightly shaking. He felt the whole beautiful face of the eldest lady with his fingers.

Finally, Li Yun squeezed her small nose and chuckled softly: "Okay, Missy has become a beautiful fairy again~!"

Today is the second time he has spoken compliments to beauties, and they are all peerless beauties.

Miss Murong's face was slightly hot, but she was not blushing, much better than she was always shy and hard to behave when she first saw Li Yun.

She has now taken Li Yun's existence as a matter of course, and naturally won't feel too shy.

"Li Yun, am I beautiful?"

"Of course, Miss, you are very beautiful."


The two were talking, but the little maid didn't know when she would be back. After hearing their conversation, she immediately yelled.

"Less, let go of my lady!"

She rushed over with a gorgeous maid skirt, grabbed Miss Murong and hugged it, staring at Li Yun angrily!

Xiao Jiayu helped Xiao Mingxi with a happy face. They didn't know how long they had been wandering in the garden. Anyway, they had a great time.

"Big Brother Yun, what is Seguizi?"


The little maid was ashamed, and whispered to Xiao Mingxi: "Xiao Xi, don't ask so much, good boy!"


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