Xiao Mingxi asked again: "Then do you have a good relationship with your sister?"

Li Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Your sister and I are good friends and classmates. Of course we have a good relationship!"


Xiao Mingxi was unhappy, her pale face flushed slightly, "Then will you be with your sister in the future?"

"Yes, of course!"

Li Yun couldn't figure out what she meant, but according to her previous concept of the relationship between men and women, it probably meant to be a lifelong good friend.

Xiao Jiayu glanced at Li Yun. If it were normal, she would be very happy to hear this.

It's just that now her heart is completely occupied by her sister's condition, and she is no longer in the mood to take care of it.

"Like my father and mother, are they together for the rest of their lives?"

Xiao Mingxi's words made everyone around him look at Xiao Jiayu and Li Yun.

This time Xiao Jiayu was not calm, rubbing her sister's little head lightly, and said in a slightly shy tone: "Xiao Xi, what are you talking about, you can't say such things~!"

Li Yun smiled slightly, and did not accept this sentence, lest everyone wants to crooked elsewhere.

Xiao Mingxi looked at her sister, "Xiao Xi thought..."

"For why?"

"I thought I could see someone with my sister in the future, so I would be very happy."

Xiao Jiayu looked at her in shock, and said aloud: "Xiao Xi, you...!!!"

Xiao Mingxi lowered her head sadly, her long silver-white hair hanging down in front, blocking her pale face.

Her voice became weaker and weaker, "Recently, I feel more and more tired. I always sleep and don’t get enough sleep. I can’t see clearly when I open my eyes hard. Sister, I’m afraid I will leave you soon Going far, far away."

Xiao Jiayu's tears couldn't stop anymore, far, far away, when Xiao Mingxi asked them where their grandparents were dead, Xiao Jiayu told her.

She wanted to hug her sister, but she was worried that she would be too excited and hurt Xiao Mingxi's fragile body.

Everyone is silent. It is really sad that a young child has to face death in the beautiful season of life in the bud.

Caixia, Caiwei, and the three girls, the little maid, were already moved by tears, but they didn't know how to comfort Xiao Mingxi.

Li Yun held Xiao Jiayu’s hand and said softly, “Xiao Xi, no matter what, you should stick to the end. Perhaps in the last moment, a miracle will happen, just like a fairy’s magic. It can make you healthy all at once!"

"The magic of fairies..."

Xiao Mingxi stared at him with widened eyes, with a hint of joy in her tired eyes, and said happily, "Well! As for the fairy, there must be a magic that can cure me!"

She thought, but if there are no fairies here, she can only find them far, far away...

Xiao Jiayu was held by Li Yun, and the sadness in her heart slowly melted. If Li Yun said the same before, she would definitely not blame him.

Chen Jingyi wiped away the tears on her face, came to Xiao Mingxi, tried to squeeze a smile and said: "Xi'er, are you tired recently? Let Grandpa Xue show you, maybe it's because of too little food."

Now she can't manage that much, even if Xiao Mingxi is sad, she just wants to cure her daughter!

Because Xiao Mingxi herself has already felt the passing of life, Chen Jingyi's previous practice of covering her ears and stealing the bell is useless!

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