Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 220: Relationship between men and women

Xiao Mingxi slowly looked at a group of people in the living room, her movements could not be too big, otherwise she would be easily tired.

"Sister, many people came today."

Her voice was the same as hers, small and soft, or rather weak and feeble, as if it were seriously ill in bed.

Xiao Jiayu said softly, "Yes, everyone came to see Xiao Xi, are you happy?"


Li Yun touched his nose. Xiao Mingxi seemed to have stayed at home for a long time. Until now, he still has the innocence and cuteness of a child. He is not like a 14-year-old girl.

Xiao Mingxi wanted to find the man her sister had been caring about all this time, but found two strange young men here, "Sister, which one is Brother Li Yun?"


Caixia immediately raised her hand, pointed at Li Yun and said happily, "Li Yun is my brother."

Xiao Mingxi blinked. It was the first time she saw a girl of the same age, and she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Xiao Jiayu smiled and said, "Xiao Xi, let me introduce you."

When she finished introducing the people again, Xiao Mingxi wrinkled her face and said distressedly: "Suddenly many people came, I can't remember so many brothers and sisters~!"

Caixia walked to her and said with a grin: "Remember me, my name is Caixia, this is my sister Caiwei~"

"Well, remember!"

The two quickly talked together happily. Caixia had a good impression of Xiao Mingxi, who was like Lin Daiyu, while Xiao Mingxi was so happy because he had made the first friend of the same age. Xiao Jiayu had to watch her. So she won't pant again because of too much excitement.

Caiwei didn't dare to walk over, but protested in a low voice: "I am my sister~"

Xue Lao and Chen Jingyi's wife looked at Xiao Mingxi and understood her condition by observing her expression.

"Are you Brother Li Yun?"

Xiao Mingxi turned her head to look at Li Yun, Caixia smiled and beckoned to her brother.

Li Yun stood up, brought Cai Wei to them, smiled and said, "Yes, I am Li Yun."

The little maid and Murong Qingyue also followed. They stood aside, watching Xiao Mingxi whispering from time to time.

Xiao Mingxi looked at Li Yun carefully, blinked and said, "Are you having a good relationship with my sister? Is it a relationship between a man and a woman?"


Li Yun was almost frightened, looking at Xiao Jiayu with a weird expression.

What did she say to her sister? !

The little maid gnashed her teeth and cursed in a low voice: "Lookie, this bad guy is too bad! Miss, we must not be fooled by him!"

Never let him step on two boats!

Miss Murong didn't know what she was thinking, she stared at Li Yun closely, as if she wanted to see his inner thoughts.

Xiao Jiayu hurriedly explained: "The relationship between men and women mentioned by Xiao Xi is a very pure relationship between men and women..."


"No, no, no, I mean, it’s a pure friendship. In Xiao Xi’s concept, it’s like you and your sister, and Qingyue are between men and women, and Qingyue and I are between girls and women. that's it!"

Li Yun's mind turned dizzy about the relationship between men and women, but he finally understood.

In Xiao Mingxi's concept, the so-called relationship between men and women... is simply a relationship between men and women!

Similar to friendship without any impurities.

After everyone at the scene understood, their faces were calm. Only Cai Wei’s face was blushing. She still wanted to get crooked, and it was not about the relationship between men and women, but another special kind of relationship between women and women. What she saw in the comics...

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