Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1594: Heavenly spirit

Li Yun said softly: "Death is not a good thing. If it can, I think most people want to live."

"Really, I don't want to die either, but... it seems that there is not much worth doing. Life and death seem to be the same to me... Ouch."

Li Yun stretched out her hand and flicked her smooth forehead, and said: "You say that, and the mother-in-law Quanxia knows that she will hit you like this!"

"She won't, she will only scold me, I am most afraid of her scolding me."

Yu Mei'er retorted, and then asked curiously: "Li Yun, do underworlds really exist?"

"Perhaps not, but after death, there will be a spirit, and the spirit is in the sky, silently watching the people she cared about during her lifetime."

"Spirit? Does the mother-in-law have spirit?"

"Of course there is."

What Li Yun didn't say is that the so-called spirit is the fear of death in people's hearts and the nostalgia for their loved ones.

After chatting for a long time, Yu Meier's spirit finally calmed down, and she began to yawn, sleepy eyes, and forced her to chat with Li Yun.

"Go back to sleep, you didn't sleep last night."

"Not tired, I'm afraid you will die too."

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Li Yun couldn't laugh or cry. She probably remembered last night, but fortunately, she was able to deal with it more calmly.

She stood up and pulled her up and said, "I will take you back, go to bed, and tomorrow we will go to pack up."


Entering Yu Mei'er's room, next door is the place where her mother-in-law lived, Yu Mei'er suddenly became scared again, clutching Li Yun's arm, and said: "I don't want to sleep anymore, okay?"

Li Yun sighed, but he didn't expect it to work.

"Well, what else do you want to talk about?"

The two sat on the bed, Yu Mei'er suddenly lowered her head and covered her and Li Yun with a quilt, "Are you cold?"

There was a slight tremor in the voice, soft, as if expecting something.

"It's okay." Li Yun paused, "Don't worry, we are downstairs, if you shout out, we will all come up soon."

Yu Mei'er lowered her head and said nothing, feeling a little bit sorrowful inexplicably.

For a long time, without seeing her talking, Li Yun asked again: "What's wrong?"

She shook her head, struggled for a long time, and then asked in a low voice, "Li Yun, who can be the one who can accompany one person for the whole life?"

Before Li Yun could answer, Yu Mei'er bit her lip again and said: "Last night, my mother-in-law told me that only husband and wife would go through the whole life together. I knew you were comforting me before, so I said to take care of me for the rest of my life."

She has answered the question she raised.

"Is that so?" Yu Mei'er asked.

"Yes. It's just that I don't know how to tell you."

"Say what?" Yu Meier's face flushed, and said: "Then you sleep with me tonight, and we can become husband and wife. In this way, we will be together forever."


Li Yun sternly said: "Mei'er, do you know what you are talking about?"

"of course I know!"

Yu Meier immediately replied: "This is what my mother-in-law taught me last night. If you don’t want you to go, sleep with you so that we will become a husband and wife. Her mother-in-law said, you will definitely stay with me for the rest of your life. Mother-in-law left me like that..."

What exactly did Granny Mietian teach her! !

Li Yun took a deep breath and said, "My mother-in-law will definitely say that you should recognize the person before you can choose him as your husband, right?"

"But, that's what you want to do with other talents, and the mother-in-law says you can."


The two chatted for a long time. Finally, Yu Meier was persuaded by Li Yun and fell asleep deeply.

Walking out of her room, Li Yun looked back at her, this naive guy really didn't understand anything like Su Tanmeng.

She thought that simply sleeping together is a husband and wife...

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