Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1593: The meaning of being alive

Yu Mei'er calmed down, voluntarily left her mother-in-law's room, and went to the balcony outside the door, half lying on the recliner, fixedly watching the moonlight.

Li Yun sat next to her, and although what Yu Meier said was very imaginative, Li Yun was not the one who took advantage of the fire and would not bind Yu Meier to him.

Yu Mei'er should have made her own decision. She is still too immature now. After stepping out of this sad past and knowing many people, she can truly see her heart.

"Li Yun, what do people live for?" Yu Mei'er asked suddenly looking at the moon.

Li Yun looked at her, the moonlight shining on her, Yu Meier's skin was already very fair, now with the moonlight, it looks even more white and dazzling, like a piece of jade, making people unable to remove their eyes .

"Why ask this suddenly?"

Li Yun wouldn't think she had the thought of committing suicide, she

After waiting for a long while, Yu Mei'er didn't speak, and Li Yun replied: "I think it is meaningless to live."

"Huh? Why?" Yu Mei'er thought he would talk about the principles and explain the variety of life, but she didn't expect this answer.

"Because, for everyone, they will have all kinds of things they want to do while they are alive. Everyone is the same when they are alive. No one is more meaningful than anyone else. Everyone lives in their own way. ."

"For example, if you live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, you are also alive when others live in the city or feasting."

"Some people are noble, and some are humble. I'm afraid no one can judge whether his life is meaningful or not. It's just a conclusion based on universal values."

Yu Mei'er thought for a long time, shook her head and said, "I don't understand."

Li Yun smiled and said: "It is meaningless for people to live, because to the universe, the earth is just a humble piece of dust. From life to death, it has no effect on the universe. But,"

"Human being alive is a very meaningful thing, in other words, man is a miracle."


"Soil and metal make up our bodies and give us the ability to think about life. Isn't this a miracle?"

Considering that Yu Mei'er may not have gone to school, Li Yun did not use his profound biological knowledge to answer.

"The universe was originally empty, but it was'discovered' because there were people. If no one sees the universe, then the universe has no meaning. The existence of life is to witness the existence of things that cannot think. Traces of the past."

"Still don't understand."

"Of course I don't understand, because I made the nonsense."


Listening to her tone finally slowly returning to normal, Li Yun secretly relieved, saying: "However, a person, from the past to the future, can only appear in this world only once. After he disappears, he will never be like this in future generations Everyone is special and a miracle exists.

Therefore, although life is meaningless, we should not give up our lives easily. "

"Because we disappeared, will we never return to this world again?"


"But, why do people die?" Yu Meier complained, "I asked her mother-in-law, she said that life is the law of nature, and no one can escape. But according to you, human life It doesn’t conform to the universe or the laws of nature."

After everyone sees the death of their loved ones, they will have similar life thinking, about life, about death, these thinking, will bring people a better life hope.

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