Godly Master’s System Plug-in

Chapter 1564: Primordial spirit

"True identity?"

Li Yun was a little dazed, and her mother-in-law said: "I don't think that a person in the middle congenital stage can reach the realm of the primordial spirit leaving the body casually."

She took a deep look at Li Yun, "The primordial spirit has come out of the body. This is a realm that is unknown to many outstanding geniuses in ancient and modern times. Whether in the late innate or inborn consummation, they can only look up. No matter how genius they are, they are It is beyond expectation. Only some patriarchs who truly established a sect, such as Bodhidharma Patriarch, Wang Chongyang and others, have the honor to break through."

All of Le Zhiyin looked at Li Yun in shock, something that is not necessarily in innate consummation, Li Yun actually achieved it in the mid-innate period!

Yu Mei'er took the initiative and said, "It's really wonderful that the primordial spirit comes out of the body."

She talked about the weapon shot down by Li Yun, and said: "I can't defend against this kind of attack at all, but the second time, you guy attacked me again, as if opening a door for me. My spirit trembled for a while, and my soul came out through the air and floated into the air. I looked down and immediately knew that I had broken through. Now that I think about it, I still feel curious."

Granny Mietian smiled and said: "After a fight with Li Yun, you not only achieved the perfect spiritual perfection of Jianxin, but you also accidentally reached the realm of primordial spirit coming out of the body... No, it is because of your Jianxin. When the light is bright, Li Yun forcibly attacked the spirit, so the soul can get out of the body."

The sword heart was transparent enough to resist mental attacks. At that time, Yu Meier's mental power must be as stable as a golden soup. After being forcibly shaken by Li Yun, she broke through.

That is to say, without the opportunity of Li Yun, Yu Mei'er would not be able to get out of her body even if she cultivated to death.

"Hmph, this is the reason why I practice well on weekdays!"

Yu Meier didn't want to attribute the credit to Li Yun.

"The primordial spirit is out of the body..." Ren Tianhao looked at these two unique masters with extreme envy, and said, "Is it so magical?"

Granny Mietian also looked at Yu Mei'er, who smiled triumphantly: "I have doubled my strength now. I can beat 10 without a problem, and I can easily win!"

One dozen ten, and innate consummation with a clear sword heart!

Everyone was shocked, it was terrible.

Li Yun said lightly: "It's not so exaggerated, even if it's a mental attack, it can't shake a person who has a spiritual consummation similar to that of a sword."

"You're not me, how do you know?"

Yu Mei'er said unconvincedly: "Furthermore, after the primordial spirit came out of the body, my ability to observe small things has increased several times, and it is more convenient to use the sword. You say, what is happening in the rivers and lakes now? I am out of the mountain. Go, just hang them!"

She glanced at Granny Mietian. She knew that her mother-in-law had always kept the mission handed down from ancient times in mind, including coming out to meet these people because of this.

"Do you think you are now the first person in the world?" Li Yun asked rhetorically.

"Why not?" Yu Mei'er said unconvincedly: "I am strong in swordsmanship, able to get out of my body, and I am still congenial. As long as there is no legendary grandmaster level in the rivers and lakes, I will be the first!

Ren Tianhao took the initiative to agree: "The Grand Master is just a legend, not really true."

"Look? Even your companions say there is no grandmaster!"

Yu Meier's approval made Ren Tianhao quite happy. For this beauty with snow-white skin and black cloud temples, there must be no man who can resist not being fond of him.

"It's a pity." Li Yun glanced at Yu Mei'er, "Even if you don't count as a master, you can't beat someone who is innately consummate, and you will lose in three moves."


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